Get those epi pens on hot standby, Tucker has joined the chorus of all 8 lady bugs, one Chuck, one pear-shaped huuuuuulatino, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and a cacophony of Jews in demanding an immediate moratorium on "extra" unemployment benefits and government stimulus because wage slaves dared to thumb their nose at an $8/hr gig making 6-ways at Skyline. Jazznds and James dole out the shots based on multiple studies on that confirm that, well, everyone is fucking lying, as the GOP strives to become even more anti-racist to own the libs. After the break, the nnnguys rehash the TDS with Bruce Jenner audino cutting up with Sean Hannity as the two revel in the GOP finally coming out of the closet. Meanwhile, Steph Banan Hammock instigates a finkelfight between Bush 43 alum Liz Cheney aaaand Bush 43 alum Elise Stefanik. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!