Mike and Borz return to discuss Hanania and Destiny's gayrace physiognomy, examine Dr. Avi's accusation of Hamas having a feeder-fetish, update on the absolute non-state of Occupied Syria, and deconstruct how Musk and Batya "The Whore of Babylon" Ungar-Sargon are controlling the discourse around the Rotherham discussion.
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TDS1283: H-1Heebs
By Seventh Son
The Death Panel need the best and brightest.
Third Rail #347: So Long And Thanks for All The Fisting
By Spectre
Shane and Spectre say goodbye to 2024 and start the new year off with a cozy discussion of narrative and character in games and pop culture, and Spectre finally talks about the Massa Effect trilogy and its idea of racial conflict, enmity and cooperation, as well as a whole bunch of other stuff just for you. Come and try it. First one is free. (All are).
Mike Check Episode 33: CyberCheck
By Mike P
Mike and Louis discuss the various New Years day violent events, alog Musk for a bit, analyze the current situation in the Middle East and do another installment of "Meet Hamas."
Just Jesse #209
By Seventh Son
Thermianoids, Take Two.
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
TYH Episode 128: “Moderating the Goon Forum”
The crew’s latest guest is none other than Louis from NIGR. Topics: mournful vanta black, the Twilight of Teen Idols, libraries as hybrid goon caves/homeless shelters, the Librarian as a subversive, Jemima’s Procession of Simulacra, Gullah Gullah Africanisms, Lil Bill on O Block, the devolution of whippets, TYH stands behind big seed oil, hyperforeignafricanisms, foundational…
The Racer’s War on Everything 234: Salmon Standoff
By Fenian
Divisions are made of forests and salmon. In our last episode for 2024, we cover: * Being associated with Nazis gets you 300k * Muslim vote handing Dutton keys to the lodge * The Coalition dumps “plans” to reverse net migration * Labor tears itself up over Tasmanian salmon * Cheap nuclear and cost blow-outs…