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Tonight, a special report on one of the most fascinating mysteries of this century:
The case of a bucolic New England town that is one day beset by a broadcast of horror and hilarity utterly beyond the comprehension of the profane. When the transmissions suddenly ceased, experts claim that the residents of Candle Cove were inflicted with a collective chronic epididymal hypertension.
Will they ever find release?
This special report is the tale of...
i loved this
This podcast gave me GRIDs.
We await the the fulfillment of the prophecy that will return our people to Oven Law and lead us to victory.
Honestly, one episode per year is still probably than we deserve.
Never listened to this series before, someone mind giving me a rundown?
Go go Episode 1 of Tales from the Trough and listen to every episode. You won’t be sorry
episodes 1 and 2 are down for me
Check their speaker page.
I would say “uncomfortable avant-garde comedy from a right wing perspective” but that doesnt do it justice.
It’s a unique show you only understand by listening to it. If you go back to previous episodes you have to keep in mind that they are lampooning events/people/topics that were in vogue at the time of release.
If you dont get it upon listening, you wont get it. Just listen.
This was some good shit
After one whole year of blueballs, sweet release
where can i find an article about Trump pardoning that jew fentanyl smuggler? tryna red pill a worthwhile trumpian, when i google for it i find nothing, so i will also mention that to my friend that google is in league with the people who make trump pardon drug smuggling jews.
What is this?
Where’s my TDS? Oh, just grade school toilet humor today? That’s fine! I’ll just watch 1998 South Park clips instead.
Keep talking shit and we’ll take down today’s TDS and just post the entire Ovenmen library instead.
Where is the Ovenmen library?
Id probably want to stay away from that place.
Don’t threaten me with a good time, Mr McNabb
RAND! \0/
Ok j3w
I am 12 and what is this
This really makes me wistful for those days when we could still just have fun and shitpost.
Are you still on fb man I miss your shitposts
yeah, this is reminiscent of the aughts before the internet became corporate run. this show is like… what. the . actual.fuck.?
TDS Today?
The ovenmen produce the best content ever posted on this site. I am ready for next product.
How have I been a paychad for a year and not heard of this show
Their last episode was the 2018 Christmas special
I’ve been waiting for this moment…
oh yes daddy
Took ya guys a year, but welcome back
The long drawn out cold open was great. I hated it. Thank you.
It’s about time ya lazy cunts!
Oh God oh fuck
Thank god
“Jesus fucking christ”
“Holy fucking shit”
“What in the dad gum blazes”
All these phrases come to mind when, like a revenant from the tomb, Schmoolie B. Troughman arises from the pissouir once a decade to tell us another tale.
Life is good!
Shat Groyper
We lost Kulturkampf for this. I still mourn the loss of that great content.
Lol okay nerd
Is there a list of former programs on the network? I know for a while rebel yell was here but i know other stuff was here before me
There may be archived snapshots of the site. TRS used to have a much larger roster of shows before increased pressure from the system, the splintering of “the movement”, and various IRL commitments made hosts retire. Most of the old episodes are scrubbed from archives for privacy reasons (especially any show hosted by non-americans or shitposts that could be misconstrued). This is true for other sites like Social Matter, which used to host Myth of the 20th Century (a great show), and rightwingentertainmentsquads which still has a good movie podcast. Here are some I remember: Tales From the Trough (back)… Read more »
thank you!
Tales from The Trough!
Thank God!