A speech, addressed to the Hellenic people, commemorating 200 years of Greek Independence.
Intro: Τη Υπερμάχω Στρατηγώ
Outro: Θούριος
by TYH
A speech, addressed to the Hellenic people, commemorating 200 years of Greek Independence.
Intro: Τη Υπερμάχω Στρατηγώ
Outro: Θούριος
by TYH
In this episode, we spend most of our time replying to your comments and shid posting (as per usual).
by TYH
In this episode, we are glad to welcome Mike from Imperium Press (twitter: @ImperiumPress). While we mostly talk about the genesis and goals of Imperium Press, we also discuss many other HOT topics including: horrible introductions to great works, physiognomy and philosophy, the lost of art of not smiling, and the limits of reason. To save the based for last, NULL joins us again, hopefully as a regular. Link to Imperium Presss: https://www.imperiumpress.org/
by TYH
In this episode, Anglo and Nike examine the depths of anarchist hypocrisy. Press F for Babbitt.
by TYH
You won't get the hard-hitting facts, logic and Michael Shermeresque attention to detail on the 2020 Presidential Election anywhere else. :^)
by TYH
In this coronacast, we go over the race imposters of George Warshington University.
by TYH
In this episode, we catch up on listener comments and for some reason talk about f*cking Reddit.
by TYH
After a few months of intense self-cultivation (Bildung), TYH is back with an episode discussing a variety of topics including: Louis Ferdinand Celine, Big Coom, CHINA THREAT ... and bear shifters?
by TYH
Anglo & Nikephoros dip into the well of dumb people complaining about Zoom call micro-etiquette, Bob Dylan getting even older, the possible original "Zoomers", and Doja Thot's /pol/ folder.
by TYH
In this episode, we bring on Thamster, leader of the EBL podcast on Radix, to discuss the value of philosophy, political transformation, and ... animal crossing. Check out his twitter: @Thamster2.