Mike and Louis talk about Trump's EOs starting to fall apart, how Jews suppressed anti-Zionism on campus, Moldbug midwittery and the NYT, celebrate Palestinian victory and do our final (for now) episode of Meet Hamas.
by Mike P
Mike and Louis talk about Trump's EOs starting to fall apart, how Jews suppressed anti-Zionism on campus, Moldbug midwittery and the NYT, celebrate Palestinian victory and do our final (for now) episode of Meet Hamas.
Moldbug invited me to lunch. Moldbug asked about Mike at our lunch. That’s who is interested in whom.
Kind of miss the just Mike show
Is there a lot of people that actually watch this as opposed to simply listening?
Because the long stretches of video analysis leaves much to be desired to the audio only gang.
I listen to it 2 times at work now, but gotta watch the video now to see all the Hamas Kino war footage.
I just listened to 38 minutes of P&B episode 35 on accident.
Did y’all bully Louis out of his stutter now??
Where can I see moldbug vs Borzoi?
that was almost 5 years ago… Crazy. I remember listening and thinking this yahoo wouldn’t be more than the dark enlightenment at their heyday. Yet they’re all off in grifting in their respective ghettos, and he has a puff piece in the NYT.
Third worldism was originally basically Maoism
Sleepy right now and I first read that as Mormonism instead of Maoism which is also true since Mormons have been heavily recruiting Pacific Islanders, Niggers and Spics
Aw shit, new political identity just dropped
China numba one
Bayesian analysis isn’t strictly quantitative, you can use it for all kinds of things. You’re open to criticism when you do, but it’s possible. The historicity of Jesus for example has been the subject of Bayesian analysis. The problem I’d immediately go for with mold bug is the source of his data. The Allies put out all kinds of propaganda about Hitler, and I’m sure he used every bit of it. The input has to be verifiable.
I’m obliged to ,well actually, Mike, from previous Peinovich and Boskovich episode. Carbon dioxide is needed by your body. It is needed to in order to release the oxygen from your blood into your body. Here is something quite counter intuitive to ponder: What is hyperventilation? It is a lack of oxygen to your body and brain. You would think you would get more oxygen if you inhale air at a faster rate, right? The reason is that your lungs need a higher concentration of co2 than is in the atmosphere and your body ensures this if you don’t breath… Read more »
You don’t have to do this.
I didn’t have to but I thought it was a good idea.
The art looks like Burt Reynolds as Mike and John Candy as Donald Trump.
Mike: when you said the female Bishop at the DC Episcopal Church was out of touch… She’s not! All the people I know who are glued to CNN, MSNBC, et al. have been sold on menial immigrant labor being indispensable. In the past weeks I’ve been hearing her talking points —word for word— coming out of the mouths of liberal middle-class boomers. The media flipped their support for brown migrants from humanitarian to raw, mercenary capitalism. They got it done over the election season.
Ooosh. I expect that there will be some with this attitude but I think it’s generally unpopular. And Budde wasn’t helping her cause.
It’s both sad and hilarious how the liberals are siding with the republicans on the Indian H1B question. They think that Whites are too dumb / uneducated compared to Jeets (not knowing or ignoring that Jeets cheat in post secondary if they even bother attending and don’t just outright purchase scam credentials)
It’s only some aspects of the dissident right and the Dirtbag left who are Pro Worker (as in Pro White Worker)
The sad part is that rightoids will uncritically interpret the hectoring of this odious libtard as social proof that Trump is somehow on their side.
Reposting this here for Mike’s delectation: This should be good fodder, good material for Mike especially: former PBS Nova producer Paula Apsell combines old-school fantastical victimology with a new focus on fostering that tough butch identity Jews will need going forward if they’re going to go full MurderDeathKill on Amelek in the coming years: Around nine years ago, she was on location, filming a documentary near Vilna in Lithuania. Specifically, she was at the Ponero Forest killing site, where approximately 100,000 people — 70,000 of them Jews — were slaughtered. Toward the end of the war, the Nazis — hoping… Read more »
must have been jews writing the 14th ammendment
all it should have said is Former slaves and their offspring are granted citizenship automatically for 25 years
then you carve out exceptions that require judicial hearings to handle the chinks situation
But then the capitalist class wouldn’t have an endless supply of imported tax cattle they can exploit and use to undercut the native peons and bust up unions.
The US was founded because the wealthy colonists didn’t want to pay taxes or deal with British law/regulation.
It wasn’t some noble endeavour to create a land of freedom and liberty, that was PR.
They should’ve done a lot of things from our perspective but they did what they wanted and left room for interpretation because it benefited them and gave them loopholes to abuse if they needed them in the future.
Oh gawd, finally in when the stream starts but before the show does.
Did BorzAI outsource the job to Ben Garrison
Niggers suck
I concur with this sentiment
I thought you were banned.