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Borzoi and Nike have a raucous four hour discussion with Curtis "Moldbug" Yarvin about Carlyle, what it means to have the high ground, the Bayesian sexuality of Hitler, the GayQ vs. the JQ, World War II spergery, whether to affirm or deny the socially constructed Holocaust, WASPs and Puritans, and debate how to be a proper dissident.
Intro Song: Culture Terror
Outro Song: //LOAD_VR: nostalgia2_1986.exp
Art by Leitis
Oy veeeey
This guy was absolutely insufferable. In love with an inflated sense of his own intellect. Constantly needing to remind us of all these obscure books he has read. Passive aggressive. Completely selfish as a conversationalist. You could hear his terror whenever Borzoi would interject to correct him On something and he would spazz out if Borzoi managed to get more than 2 sentences in a row out. All while he fillibustered endlessly. I’ve always thought he was overrated as a writer and thinker from his blog days, but he’s just painfully exposed now in 2020. He’s a relic of ten… Read more »
I’m still debating whether I’m going to be able to stomach this or not.
After listening to the UK equivalent of charlie kirk debate OUR-GIRL Laura Towler, on youtube, I am ready for this! I will sip on this PINA COLADA BANG and try to keep my head focused during the crossfire. Hitler blesses your work.
The first conversation he started with was somewhat relatable, literally a conversation, at least the first 20 minutes..
35 minutes in and he literally starts throwing up stupid nonsense, “…this oligarchic system where no one trusts each other..” NO, IT IS THE JEWS.
Around 48-52 minutes in he’s like “don’t do anything with the outside world goy” “don’t change anything goy”…
Nazi Germany rightly classified homosexuality as a “degenerate form of behaviour”, used a pink triangle to identify fags, and sent thousands to concentration camps before even the Jews. Yet this kike slanders AH without providing one piece of evidence. Um um projection!
So sick of jews.
Holy shit, what an insufferable feg. Have you read X? Have you read Y?
Was waiting for Borzoi to just “stfu you ghey nerd” the whole time.
Admittedly, I wrote this comment only about an hour into listening…. holy fuck.
Moldbug: Hitler was gay.
Borzoi: stfu you Jew nerd