Strike and Mike discuss the rise of absurd figures like Javier Milei, the regression of Jewish elites and the British academic establishment pretending that blacks were the primary victims of the plague.
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“All that comes from actually having a state.”
I long for the day when WE have that!
Gotta love those Negro highjinks!
I wonder if there will be revenge attacks against that cafe?
“heat in the winter time.”
Don’t bring out the wild in the dindu!
Mike, how can you NOT love apple flavored jolly ranchers???
“decline of Egyptian art.”
The Decline and Fall of Civilisations – Black House Publishing
If the Museum of London wanted to find out who these people really were then they would obtain DNA from the skeleton’s teeth. They used to do this all the time with Egyptian mummies until the results kept showing the mummies had European genetics.
The Children of Ra: Evidence for Ancient White Egypt – Ostara Publications
Conservatives aren’t serious about abortion. They always do absolutist legislation or propositions that completely alienate the electorate. Voters object to the fact that conservatives have taken abortion from one extreme to another. Which, of course, is just another case of conservatives acting in such a way that ends up conserving liberalism. I think that an abortion bill/proposition that could easily win would have exceptions for rape, incest, threat to the life of the mother (including mental health issues) and disease/defect of the fetus along with the morning after pill (one version of which is available without a prescription) which can… Read more »
Hezbollah formed separately and independently from Iran. So it’s not just a projection of Iranian power.
Who is his brother, Vin Gasoline?
3:10:16 – netanyahu’s crime in Australia… He was the one who fraudulently reported Randbot’s account and got his paypal shut down.
Hefner is definitely a Jewish name!
STJ had a good video on the supposed pre-modern presence of Blacks in England
Although I haven’t heard it said yet, the blacking of British history before the 20th century could be the prelude to another genocide blood libel. After all, we can verify there were virtually no blacks in Britain in 1900, so if Britain in 1300 was 8% black, according to Totally Credible Academics ™, where did they go between then and 1900? Clearly, the White British must have killed them all.
hurry up you ol’ dogger. I aint got all damned day even though I do.
Nice. It’s palpable when Sven’s not around.
I like the one that says ‘some pulp’
Enough with the chit chat, lets get some prep going
Kikes are fucking up so bad that even Leftists are noticing how physically similar they are to deep sea fish. Bug-eyed, blubber-lipped, teeth going all-directions. Lure their prey with a shiny light in the darkness, etc.
“They’re finding all these dead, short Jewish guys in the middle of Mexico after a deal gone wrong”
King Tut’s DNA is shared by 70% of British men.
And now the webpage of that study is gone. 404 not found. No time to archive search but there’s plenty proof when you google. Also, the mummies of tuts family are all blonde and red haired and very Caucasian
The Semitic and Hamitic populations of the Middle East became genetically more African after the period of the Ottoman African Slave Trade. Male slaves were castrated, but female slaves were used for sexual relations and through female African slaves the Middle East became darker. During the same time period, the European slave trade made the upper classes of the Middle East more White as White women were used for the same purpose but were more expensive.
11/22 Kerk. I learned how nice Jewish thanksgiving traditions are.
Concerning Racism before the modern age: Al Jahiz (868 AD), wrote, “We know that the Zanj [Blacks] are the least intelligent and the least discerning of mankind, and the least capable of understanding the consequences of actions… despite their dimness, their boundless stupidity, their obtuseness, their crude perceptions and their evil dispositions, they make long speeches… like the crow among mankind are the Zanj [Blacks] for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament.” Al-Muqaddasi (966 AD) wrote that “the Africans are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little… Read more »
Where can I learn more about the Boston marathon bombing guys?
Besides stories of crisis actors and fake blood I don’t know.
I’m really sick of seeing that herpes-riddled kike faggot’s face on my timeline.
Serfdom still existed in the middle of the thirteen hundreds in England. There was no shortage of cheap White labor in England aside from periods after plagues and similar pestilences. Slavery ended about two hundred years prior. Both institutions were entirely intra-racial phenomenons. Serfdom was primarily a White inter-ethnic institution after the Norman conquest.
When they talk about Liberal Democracy, they mean that the government is democratic so long as people vote for Liberalism. If the people vote for Authoritarianism, it’s considered populism and anti-democratic because it’s anti-Liberal. That’s why Liberal Democracies will give you the Liberty to be anything but anti-Liberal. You are only allowed the freedom to be Liberal and that is how Liberal Democracies preserve Liberal Democracy. Thus the ban on the NSDAP in Germany and thus the ban on Golden Dawn in Greece. The democratic takeover of Germany by the NSDAP taught Liberals that they cannot have faith that the… Read more »
Didn’t some Islamic coverts move into Europe during the crusades?
I dove into the problematic statement in the dindu nuffin plague article – use of “bio archaeological method and theory”. Lots of problems with this, which uses strontium and oxygen isotope analysis mainly. The idea is that certain regions have unique strontium/oxygen signatures that are absorbed by the body in childhood 1. Overlapping regions making it hard to tie individuals to a specific region 2. You could have been born white overseas and spent your childhood there only to return and die in the plague in London 3. Groundwater contamination can alter greatly the signatures making them difficult to interpret… Read more »
Funniest result would be (((British Academics))) accidentally proving the British Israelism stuff right
That movie striker mentioned is called Snow on the Bluff. It’s actually made by the black guy who stars in it where he basically demonstrates life in the hood being petty thieves, drug dealers, and eventually murderers. It was so realistically done as a found footage movie that the sheriff of the area arrested him for questioning because what happens in the movie so closely mirrored actual crimes they were investigating. John Fashcroft did a movie night for it a while back and it was wild. The guy who made it is now in prison for being exactly the kind… Read more »
Don’t cry for heeb Argentina
Chefs kiss
I saw a clip of Melei removing sticky notes with various government sectors and one he removed was social security. How the fuck do people vote for the guy who is going to remove their social security? Even Republicans know to keep their libertarian retards from advocating ending social security. But apparently that works in Argentina.
Not just the blacks who can’t sit at a desk from 9-5.
Henry Hill : For us to live any other way was nuts. Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. I mean, they were suckers. They had no balls. If we wanted something, we just took it. If anyone complained twice they got hit so bad, believe me, they never complained again.
Bubonic plague isn’t half as bad as the ebonic plague.
As your Spaniard in residence let me tell you what he’s singing… fiscal laws!!! He’s singing a waltz with made up lyrics about libertarian fiscal laws… I have to admit it’s hilariously insane
1.The same deleterious effects of modernity are also effecting jews
2.Regression to the intellectual mean
3.Younger jews that are inheriting the system don’t actually understand the blueprint of the machine that they’re inheriting. They’re high on their own supply of anti-white demoralization propaganda and it has them managing the system they inherited from a bloodthirsty, tilted bolshevik persuasion.
We all like to talk about how high time preference Likud Party jews are in Israel, but the same dynamic is occurring here in the western world with Michael Rapaport/Tim Wise type jews with how they treat the majority White population.
Buenos Aires sounds a lot like California cities. Either rich or poor. Middle and lower middle incomes pushed out. Weird how that happened 🤔
I am not sure Spanish people can have democracies. We are too corrupt… swedes can absolutely have a democracy but south Europeans? Many days I doubt it. I’m not sure Argentinian collapse is all the fault of the Jews and America… I honestly think we south Europeans function better in a military dictatorship.
To be fair, democracies allowed Sweden to be filled with Sub-Saharan monsters, so there’s that. Democracies=Jewish Power
Can you guys please do an entire podcast in Michael Rappaport voice?
The OpenAI thing is about money. It takes insane amounts of computing power to run those models, that’s the reality of recent AI breakthroughs. Now Microsoft and investors want their ROI, but OpenAI is losing money. And yes OpenAI is riddled with jews.
OpenAI is a sad last different effort to replace the white brain. Complete fail.
“Biological determinism is wrong.”
“Black mischief can be funneled into something productive.”
Striker either is going soft or got himself a redbone girlfriend.
Lol, I kid, I kid. We should be able to have discussions about this stuff. Blacks are far more functional in a society when ruled with an iron fist. Ak Nation talks about this is reference to brutal African dictators.
When ruled by Islam, Blacks are rather productive.
So they aren’t productive under Islam?
How were the Argentines dumb enough to vote for that guy.
yeah Americans did so much better in the last election voting for a demented old man right?
Voting is not real, jews decides the outcomes in elections always have.
and electronic voting is only gonna make it easier,
Probably a protest vote with a little kike rigging mixed in.
Wasn’t it something that he won the second round of voting. Meaning that for the other Conservative party voters he was their second round pick (there being just enough of voters like that to put him over the threshold)
Und Strke!
Und Mike!
Und Reich!
Muslims4TRS please say hello so we know you are ok
Right? He popped into my mind the other day. Hope you’re doing well, brother!
Maybe he just forgot to re-up his subscription. It happens to the best of us.
I’m sure he’s doing fine. Hopefully we hear from him soon.
After Shiites declined in power after their original formation, clerics of the Shiites discouraged political activity intensely, believing that political activity could only be engaged in after a “hidden iman” would reveal himself, because only he would be righteous enough to rule. Thank God the Iranian revolution changed this perception on politics by creating an interim government before the “hidden iman” would reveal himself. If not, the Shiite Middle East would be full of Amish like views on resistance.
In contrast to Christianity, Islam may be a power boost for adherents because it still retains a lot of primitive tribal roots, which Christianity shed long ago. I think this tribalism might work to enhance ethnocentrism and thus generate anti-semitism among adherents.
All of the overly-online Christians who say that Christianity built Europe as some dunk on pagans like to overlook how much more ethnocentric earlier European Christians were.
Israel’s war on Gaza is simply a hate crime committed at the national level.
Sara Netanyahu was skimming government money in the most hilariously petty (and Jewish) way. The Israeli government purchased huge amounts of bottled water and soda for official governmental events; she then had her staff return empty soda and water bottles for the bottle deposit refund, and she pocketed the money for herself.
so youre saying that if she had a nickle for every time a jew threw a bottle away, shed have millions of dollars
That’s the classic purchase flights that your company pays for with your credit card so you collect the rewards points / Air Miles scheme
They removed Netanyahu once and the gov fell apart. There’s no one with enough popularity/gravitas to form a long term government.
4 day truce is nothing.
Since all if Gaza’s infrastructure is completely decimated, what’s the use of aid when all of the self-sufficient machinations are destroyed, which was one of the main goals for Yidsrael to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza to the West.
Tuckson Arizona best one yet!
Two San
Cacao was the absolute best, Striker was right and Mike “corrected” him.