Strike and Mike discuss the rise of absurd figures like Javier Milei, the regression of Jewish elites and the British academic establishment pretending that blacks were the primary victims of the plague.
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So that Jewish cafe owner was literally using those baristas as human shields.
Video is embedded
Did the Israeli flag on the ship have gold fringes?
UK cops aren’t afraid of muzzies, they’re told to stand down and allow protests to continue. If 1m whites showed up, cops would bring out the riot gear and crack as many skulls as posible.
Prime example: yellow jacket protests.
Weren’t the yellow jackets in France?
All over Europe
Yes but thats how police throughout europe would act if whites pulled anything similar to the pro palestine protests. Recently the 1m+ protests in spain countless whites are getting pushed around and arrested.
yellow vests. yellow jackets are a disgusting insect that should be eradicated from our planet
Well it’s funny you mention the Carthaginians and the current situation with Israelis depending on foreign gentile labor because the Carthaginians were a mercantile Semitic empire that operated more like a corporation then a civil government. They had a mercenary army made up mainly of nonPunic people like Celts, Iberians, Numidians, and even some imported mahouts from India. It’s why Hannibal was such an amazing general that even Romans were left in awe of how he able to control, lead, and win battles despite having a multicultural mess of an army.
Has regression to the heeb so undermined jews they can no longer manage a multiracial empire like their Bronze Age cousins?
Rome was based af. No apologies. Everyone else in the world got what they deserved.
It’s a third generation trap. Historically common. Grandpa sets up a control system and the son can keep it going but can’t create new ones. Grandson crashes it into a mountain
All the reasons you listed, spoiled, lazy, too distanced from the impetus and sacrifice to create it in the first place
The way white people traditionally avoided it is to have Grandpa train the Grandson and skip the middle generation
Agreed . America is in fourth gen territory.
Jews are the real wiggers (sorry hux)
The Jewish kids need DJ’s and rappers at their bar mitzvah
I believe unadulterated nepotism is behind much of the “regression to the heeb.” Now that Jews have their hands on all the reigns of power, there’s no longer any incentive to breed a meritocratic system when any jew, regardless of ability, can enjoy the spoils of jewish supremacy simply by virtue of being a jew.
I love Strikers deep throated “RIIIIIGHT!” haha. Seriously no offense. Just a quirk I appreciate.
Reagan was shot.
My first job as a teenager was returning shopping carts. Since it was in a red state, I got minimum wage for it, 7.50 an hour. My Dad insisted it was to “build character”, but I couldn’t stand doing it for more than a few months in the Summer. You can’t even live on a job like that. I don’t understand how those people survive.
A note to Striker: That theory of his about Bantu Africans is not novel. It is common and well established. They didn’t have to develop the characteristics that Europeans and Asians did in order to survive, due to their benign environment.
Niggers love Hennessey
nigga looks like seal LOL
I’m surprised it’s Denzel and not Ildris Elba as Hannibal
To answer Striker’s question Shaka Zulu
On HBO’s Rome, Mark Antony always grows a beard when on a campaign
Beards came into fashion with emperor Hadrian, apparently. Emperors after him like Caracalla started having beards, which is how some emperors busts were identified.
I’m always especially grateful for TRS Romeposting. Ave!
Likely the same Arab that played Saladin in Kingdom of Heaven.
acktually, King Tut was George Floyd (saw this book at my kids’ school)
His skin isn’t so dark really, what a weird racial mix up.
They should remake Roots with Ryan Gosling as Kunta Kinte
The Phonecians were like Canaanites, they were lighter skinned Syrians. Btw, many Greeks, especially in the south are also basically the same in apperance to Lebanese. Most of the genetics in the Levant.
Cartaiginians probably looked like Muammer Gaddafi.
Mike pronouncing Phoenician is great.
Phoenicians were like the Lebanese but with no Arab admixture, probably. Arab expansion wasn’t until Islam
hearing Moike say Phoenician annoyed me.
jewish rappers boast about blackwashing britain:
Ancient and medieval genetic studies are clear. There were no black people in ancient Britain and Ireland, and there were almost no non-white people in Britain in the medieval period (some individuals probably numbering in the low hundreds, most of whom were Jewish)
This is why Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss determined you need 720 pictures of somebody’s face to determine their race
They could definitely sequence the DNA from that plague cemetery. They can sequence DNA from Neanderthals, medieval era should be comparatively easy. They probably know they wouldn’t get the results they want.
There are plenty of DNA samples from the period and none of them show African DNA. They are using the skull shit to avoid DNA testing because everyone knows they are not Africans. Yes, not all bones over several hundred years can have useful DNA extracted, but statistically we can determine based on thousands of samples which are available.
It’s not for nothing that Jews promote this Afrocentric /blackwashing/ all Africans are black crap because it erases the actual history and identity of the North Africans who live in North Africa today and are enemies of Israel. Egyptians complain about this all of the time.
To be fair, if there were 2 black women in London and they both died, then black women in London would’ve had a 100% mortality rate, doesn’t make the claim any less retarded though
Gee I guess they found the source vector for the infection eh?
Hey Bari Weiss, since when is circumcision, usury, pilpul, and indiscriminately bombing innocent civilians a Western value? It’s not even a “barbarian” value, you know, our ancestors who you love to dunk on as being “naked savages who wear blue paint” while you claim you were “kangz in Israel”. It’s no wonder Jews feel so much kinship with blacks with them covering their actual history of being primitive desert savages who make up self-aggrandizing bullshit.
Twitch banned Dr Disrespect live on air for promoting a David Ickes book, im pretty positive Shear is a jew,
What is covered with the $45, $80, and $150 via Svenstream?
Milei is another Zelensky.
A lot of Hitler rehabilitation posts going up on Twitter. It’s pretty amazing to see. I think our movement can take some credit for that. Also IDF probably deserve some too for pulling off the mask. Small victory but you would not have seen that 1 year ago.
Need to keep smashing twitter with Mein Kampf quotes.
And speeches (short clips): https://murdoch-murdoch.net/videos/hitler-natsoc/
See also: https://argentbeacon.com/films/the-impartial-truth/
And: https://argentbeacon.com/films/alerta-judiada/
Sweet. I’ve always wanted Moike heavy breathing ASMR.
Furthermore, I consider that Israel must be destroyed.
Gobble Gobble. or should I say Goerble Goerble!
Yeah, do Germans really say it with an ‘R’?
No it’s like an oe
It’s happening!
They’re late.
The west has fallen.
Billions must F5.
Its another didntstreamacaust !
Imagine if they started half a hour early and you showed up at 6; late is okay by me
be on time
it was
begin program early
Begin Pogram early
I always wanted to make a strike n Mike version of the Kim il sung, kim Jong il lapel pin
See here’s the thing..
Looking forward to the hot takes from the leaders of the National Justice Department!
I’m flipping out with the highest-energy excitement that my heart can withstand.
I’m feeling waves of deradicalizing racination sweep through the quantum collapse field in my orchestrated OR already
do what now
Careful! Any more excitement, even just one more, and your heart won’t be able to withstand it.
one more excitement unit will kill me
When we win the Justice Department needs to be renamed to the National Justice Department.