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The Death Panel watch bodycam films, not Hollywood films.
- Space Niggers
- A Funny Thing Happened At The WEF
- EuroFetterman
- Mechanized Machinations
- Nu-Migs
- The Merchant Minute
- Premeditated Negro Counseling
- Dr. Deadin'
- Mask Murder
- Alec Baldwin In Real Life
- It Never Ends With The Jews
- Crowder v. Dice
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Greeley, PA 18425
Hey where did the Dreamweavers podcast go? Did they change sites?
You should have read cnn coverage of Wells Fargo. It’s a bad market goy, that’s why boa and chase have moved on from mortgages to credit cards.
They probably didn’t want to lift him because he’s a heavy nigger. It’s common in health care to throw out your back by lifting someone. Even if you do it correctly and have enough people to help. Just my experience though.
If this thread continues to talk about TV and films I will divert it back to star trek. There, I said it..
They have been making the Avatar sequels at the same time, that’s why it’s taking so long. They’re gonna bang out a looot of money on those but only Cameron could get a time investment like that
Loved the deep dive into “green technology”. Didn’t get to hear the actual episode because I was not paywall then. It would be cool to get the gang on one well written and researched page about our actual place in the cosmic history of our planet. The Paranormies cannot be the only ones doing this content!… or we’re in trouble.
One thing keeps bothering me. National Socialism is supposed to be based on science. Global warming is Fucking real! They have gotten out ahead of the actual causes, land use, mono cropriculture, urbanism, and desertification; by making it about carbon dioxide. Warming causes drying… drying shrinks the atmosphere… a thin atmosphere causes a Ice Age. Due to our degenerative, orbit and tectonic activity, every Ice Age might be our last. Greta is there to make you feel smart retards!
“Global Warming” and your pop-science version of climate science is junk. A warming climate and atmospheric condition contradicts with “desertification” and does not cause “drying of the atmosphere”. Warmer air holds MORE moisture and a warmer climate would lead to greater rates of precipitation and a higher atmospheric moisture content. This is very basic science.
As far as the rest of your unrelated points; urbanism, monoculture crops, land use policy, etc., I agree. The problem is that all of these are value issues and are incapable of changing under the current degenerate liberal system.
Not sure what you mean by “pop science version of climate science”, but while many ideas widely held by the public are extremely superficial or outright wrong, “Global Warming” is absolutely real. You are correct that warming leads to an overall moister climate, not a dryer one. There is still an issue with desertification in certain regions like northern California or southern Europe, because a warmer climate leads to an expansion of the Hadley Cells, which shifts the desert regions further towards the poles. Deforestation is another issue. I agree the main culprit is with vermin in charge of politics… Read more »
Woah wait a minute, who was the dude with a champagne bottle lodged in his ass? Do we know him?
It’s from an old bit
Did the show ever begin? I flagged out at just over an hour…
about 1:07:00 is where it gets better
Making $3 billion on new IP is worth a lot more than making $2 billion on a Star Wars movie, where any director could have made that on the first mainline Star Wars movie since the prequels. That’s why James Cameron gets free rein because he brings in cash without burning IP.
I can’t speak to the quality of these films since I haven’t watched either Avatar or The Force Awakens, because unlike Mike, I *actually* don’t watch movies.
Right about now
Drunk , stoned nigga
Pick him up now
Drunk, stoned nigga
Strap him down now
Drunk, stoned nigga
Go to jail now
For a drunk stoned nigga
They can derail to their heart’s content if I’m getting 3 hours out of it
I care about Star Trek
I’m not a Jesse fan but you were the one who derailed for an hour
Star Wars: The Clone Wars > Every single piece of Star Trek media ever
Clone Wars is pretty good. Not gonna lie, it’s a solid show.
There is a campaign that I saw to make the Bad batch (a clone wars cartoon spin off) more diverse the usual suspects where complaining about the clone wars and Bad Batch being to white and Male, despite the fact that all the clones are clones off that mixed race Marwari Ulster scots actor who played Jango Fett.
I do not care about james cameron and I do not wish to hear twenty minutes of arguing about minute details related to him
Oh my god it is the entire hour
Just you wait, there are full weeks of Star Trek content in your future. Unfortunately
Sven erupting at mike over Star Trek content is probably the funniest shit ever.
More Star Trek gontent please
“You don’t even really hold a piece of shit like that” – NJP chairman
The virgin western pozzed media versus the chad tokusatsu media. Kamen Rider Black, Sentai Liveman, and Mobile Cop Jiban among many others are incredibly based.
The original Sentai series is so much better than (((Hiam Saban’s))) Power Rangers!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but so far as I understood it, when Alec Baldwin pointed his gun at those people and pulled the trigger, it wasn’t part of a scene that he was performing, he just did it as kind of a joke.
You’re never supposed to do that and if that is true, then he is at fault in no small part.
Okay, Moike basically confirmed.
Correct. Also I believe he hired the wahmen “armorer” so he can’t entirely lay the blame on her either without indicting himself. It’s a shit sandwich of his own making.
This is wrong and easily Googled. He was aiming at the camera as part of the scene.
Sorry, but you can not fix all our energy problems or the CO2 emission problem by building nuclear power plants. The only thing that nuclear power plants are good for is to generate electricity. Electricity is only roughly one quarter of the total energy requirement of an industrialized society. Unless all or almost all your cars and trucks are electric, in which case it would be maybe half. Petrochemicals and energy from fossil fuels are used widely in construction, manufacturing, steel production, the chemical and medical industry, agriculture (fertilizers) and for heating homes and businesses. Also, nuclear energy is not… Read more »
It’s true and downboating my comment doesn’t change anything.
The people that want to convict the EMTs should be tied to the back of a truck and dragged to their death
It’s well established that there’s really only 2 withdrawals you can die from. Alcohol and benzos. Delirium Tremens are not fun. I’ve been though it and it’s extremely fucked up. Fuels me every day to not go down that path in life again.
I liked hour one. I agree Titanic was junk. Putting on a podcast like this is alot of pressure and tensions get high sometimes. As a high functioning psychopath I just dispassionatly enjoy the drama of the Death Panel infights.
I’d rather listen to Mike read “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” verbatim than listen to another minute of movie analysis.
Mein Kampf Ultra programming with a slice of clockwork orange please.
Hell no. Movie/video game content is good.
it is contentless garbage
You’re lucky you missed the time we had a mutiny over them constantly, endlessly talking about fucking Star Trek
Mike and especially Jazzhands would make amazing audiobooks tbh. I would legit pay for that
Mike went full Ross Perot. “ALEX CAN I FINISH? CAN I FINISH?”
Okay I’m finished
Gary Oldman did the hard R because he’s English trying to do an American wigger accent. And because that’s how English people end their vowels when it’s followed by another word. Like in Champagne Supernova by Oasis, they say “supernover” at the end of the verse.
The Abyss is great except for the dumb alien stuff. It feels like 2 movies smashed into one and the last 15 minutes are pants on head retarded.
The last of us Game was directed by an Israeli Jew called Neil Druckmann and in the TV series they recast the little white girl as a nigger.
They recast Joel as a mexican, the brother as a mexican, the daughter as a nigger mix. The main girl Ellie is white still, but she is “non-binary” IRL so its all faggot nigger trash.
Wow I totally had no idea I was just trying to get Mike to watch a wholesome show, honest guys.
lol Sorry I think I had an autism moment the Irony went right over my head I thought you where being serious.
Also have to disagree with Moike and agree with The Duran on the new tanks being sent: there are too few of them to matter (when they eventually show up). Sure maybe they will help Ukraine launch yet another doomed offensive which the Russians beat back with an 8-1 kill ratio in their favor, as has been happening for a year now but that’s a game Russia will win. The tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, artillery that Ukraine started the war with are gone. The ex-Soviet era tanks the West sent Ukraine are gone. Now they are scraping the bottom of… Read more »
This episode was at risk of being fun until thankfully Mike put up the “No Fun Allowed” sign and stubbornly refused to talk about anything except the two topics he’s personally interested in (jewish power and Star Trek).
Anyone else remember when this show was entertaining and not just a vehicle for Chairman Mike to deliver “The Narrative” ad infinitum?
Premium ca content indeed.
Oof that McNabb derail
What time does the TDS content start?
something like 1:06:00
Have you seen this Ken Scarlette. He looks exactly like the pup play luggage thief CSam Brinton
I work at a hospital and both receive and send patients via ambulance. They’re always strapped in regardless. Even when the patient tells them “no I don’t really want those straps on” they say “it’s just policy, it’s for your safety.”
I have gone into this elsewhere
“Securing” is different than “restraining”. Technically speaking, you could refuse to be strapped and the Attending In Charge could just document it.
Sven is right, movies are great. Jews use them because they work, not because they’re evil. I can’t watch anything made in the last 15 years, either but I like hearing you guys talk about them.
Mike is right about James Cameron though. He’s proven to be enough to a cash cow that he can afford to be eccentric and take a decade making a shitty movie. Obviously jewish producers would prefer if he cranked out something every 3 years but he has enough clout to say “it’s this or nothing”
The movie industry could be great if every product wasn’t some nigger fag edification ceremony. I love historical movies. There are so many historical story lines that could be made into interesting product if kikes didn’t run the show.
I like when the Death Panel talk about Star Trek/media, particularly Mike because he’s especially critical. My favorite episode of the Poz Button is when Mike and Borzoi shit on Gangs of Jew York, since that movie is implicitly anti-white. I think it’s also fine to not have to be super serious 24-7.
An autopsy is usually performed fairly quickly after death. I treated a police officer back in December 2020 who had been shot in the head and abdomen responding to a robbery call at 2am. We arrived on scene at 2:06am and transported him to a level I trauma center which was 17 minutes away. He went into cardiac arrest upon admission to the emergency department and an emergency laparotomy was performed in an attempt to save his life. He went into surgery at 2:39am and was pronounced dead by the surgeon at 4:10am due to exsanguination from gunshot wounds to… Read more »
We can’t coexist with the type of people who will go out of thier way and conspire to blame the nearest white person everytime a black dies for whatever reason. That level of evil cannot be allowed to exist. None of us or are children are safe along as that level of sociopathic evil exist. You want to talk about demon’s. That group of people are straight up demon’s and must be exposed and exercised from this plain of existence as soon as possible by any means necessary. I would gladly martyr myself to rid of these individuals. Nothing is… Read more »
How was he withdrawing from alcohol. Too weak, no gun to hold up a liquor store.alcohal is so cheap it’s almost impossible to withdraw from unless he was trying to deliberately sober up at home. I take it this is a normal thing for him to withdraw from Alcohol. Usually people that bad tend to be homeless. I’m sure the wife enabled his drinking habit constantly. Also alcohol is very dangerous to withdraw from. Unlike opiates you can die from the withdrawal by seizing up
haha that would suck if I got hit by a train and the last thing I heard on TDS was movie content haha
Wow Mike they guy who says he knows nothing about movies turns out to know nothing about movies, and yet will demand to have the final say about movies for 20 minutes in spite of being obviously wrong.
zelesky is like if adam sandler tried to be mr bean but couldnt cause of what a typical 93iq ghetto ass jew he is
I like it. Happy Friday
It is of the upmost important that this Cadre of people who manipulate the system to railroad white people for every untimely black death be widely known to the public. If only to protect innocent white people a thorough deep dive must be done with every intimate detail about them be made 2nd nature knowledge. I’m going to listen to this episode again and take notes to make an infographic. And I will be having my brother use Lexus nexus to publish everything about them. Every white person who did jail time due to them has the right to know… Read more »
Moike’s hostility to movies is most un-NS. Hitler, Goebbels and others were cinema appreciators. The point is to get Jews out of the business of controlling and shaping our artistic life, not to single out one particular art form (movies) as inherently corrupt just because the Jews have been in control of it for so long.
I’m sure he has that opinion and it goes with out saying. I think he’s more remarking on how current Jew run Hollywood and where they are on the timeline of goyim manipulation makes every movie totally unwatchable
It only has made movies unwatchable in the past 10-15 years. The further back in time you go the more Hollywood catered to goyish tastes. I think it was Alex but it might have been someone else remarking on possibly one of the Borzoi podcasts that Mike lacks appreciation for visual artistry in films. Mike’s brain just doesn’t work the way it does for many of us. I mean he keeps falling asleep in movie theaters—I’ve never done that and I don’t know anyone who does, even for crappy movies. There’s plenty of classic movies to watch, you don’t have… Read more »
It is undeniably shit content talking about them on the show though
Im not sure that many people agree. I like the culture discussions. Nigger of the week gets kinda old. Star Trek is always interesting. Movies in general almost as interesting.
I interrupted Mike vicariously through sven.