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The Death Panel watch bodycam films, not Hollywood films.
- Space Niggers
- A Funny Thing Happened At The WEF
- EuroFetterman
- Mechanized Machinations
- Nu-Migs
- The Merchant Minute
- Premeditated Negro Counseling
- Dr. Deadin'
- Mask Murder
- Alec Baldwin In Real Life
- It Never Ends With The Jews
- Crowder v. Dice
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Greeley, PA 18425
Avatar. Never has a movie made so much money and left so little cultural imprint/impact. Over a billion dollars made, and the movie is forgotten within an hour of seeing it. If bandwagoning were a movie, it’d be Avatar. Some people say special effects are what makes it good, but almost everything has good special effects now, and in fact there are many movies and TV shows that are much cheaper and even have bad special effects that left more of a cultural imprint than Avatar did. Previously all of the biggest movies of all time have left some sort… Read more »
The Chicago school hard at work
That woman singing at the WEF is a turbo jew by the way. An Israeli dual citizen who was in the IDF. Noa (Achinoam Nini) or some bullshit like that
The nose never lies. Jewish women are strange looking, even the “hot” ones
Hour One was fantastic
Show starts at second hour
I’d say that they would have done better to use a stair chair with a blanket and then lift him onto the stretcher using the blanket. They don’t realize they are dealing with a political bomb that could explode if handled roughly.
They’re turning the nigger school to prison pipeline into the social services to prison pipeline…
HOLY SHIT. Did Mike just complain about people not letting him talk?!
Mike cries out in pain as he interrupts you
I know a person who thinks the vaccine is black goo that has metal in it that can be controlled with 5G cell frequencies. And also the black goo alters babies phenotypes and makes their eyes entirely black like alien depictions.
He’s making it sound cool, IMO.
Avatar 2 watch party beenus gondent when?
Hey Jesse, I guess James Cameron shot both Avatar 2 and 3 at the same time which basically extended the process a lot. I think your point still stands, but yeah he filmed both movies at the same time.
I can’t stress how much I don’t care ab Avatar or Cameron, I just wanted to Google it because I was curious.
Watch how quickly Crowder gets booted off youtube after losing his josh protection. The chosen aren’t fans of the independent worker.
My prediction is that the next avatar movie will have darker grittier aliens that are TOO racist against humans (Malcom X aliens vs MLK aliens). But they are still portrayed as somewhat justified.
Now I’m imagining John Fetterman as the president of Ukraine. We need $10 billion in Carhartt hoodies now.
Show starts at 1:06:28
At this point for EMT training is probably best (for whites) for self improvement. A very advanced first aid course.
I hate when mom and dad fight.
I would rather listen to media commentary then watch the media. Hearing sven talk about White Lotus spoiler made me watch the series though, that was good. I approved.
Still waiting for the memes of nogs holding a massive turd.
I enjoyed the Trek posting. It’s better than Russia or vax posting. The Garak/Bashir being gay narrative was gay though. Garak was just a jew always looking to subvert everything around him to promote his people’s agenda while trying to stay out of the spotlight as being a “simple tailor”. Shocked you guys didn’t pick up on that.
Thanks for the Daily Rake shoutout. Yes, that story with the murdered White Woman is so outrageous that I thought it was fake when I first came across it. And things are the same in Canada, but worse because of fewer people paying attention, and a legal system that is outright dictatorial, and barely bothers with the pretense of democracy.
These stories are only getting worse and more sensational. Thanks for the hard work up there
you will suffer incarceration when the niggers on your patrol overdose like the niggers on my patrol
The jew keys out as he accuses you of greenscreening.
I said i loved hour one but the EMT content was far better, woops
for first degree murder then they would be arguing that the EMTs went there with the plan to kill that nigger and were all in agreement to do that, what a ridiculous thing to claim
Israel is unlikely to get into a ground war requiring huge stockpiles of artillery shells, all they are doing is replacing their old stockpiles with newly manufactured shells paid tor by the American taxpayer. Forcing Israel to pick a side against Russia is indeed the greater revelation.
Russia isn’t going to play hardball with Israel because IMO they are as fundamentally blind to the JQ as The Duran is — and Russia doesn’t have to worry about losing its YouTube account. Both are still operating on fundamentally liberal assumptions.
Haha Sven this is precisely WHY Friday shows are the best.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard The Duran do the “Zelensky is crazy” bit, Moike. The Duran won’t point out the Jewish role in this, but they don’t simply regurgitate the low tier grug style Russian propaganda, either.
I don’t know EMT guys. There is no pension waiting for you at the end. the pay is shit the hours suck I think there are plenty of jobs that pay better without having to deal subhuman where you end up on trial or just ignore niggers tell your employers we need protections and a lot more money. Or when the cops call just tell them to make room in thier drunk. If the cops are going to follow orders and arrest you. Group all cops together because they do it to themselves muh thin blue line. And refuse to… Read more »
Depends on where you work. I’m a Firefighter/paramedic for a county Fire-Rescue department and we get the same if not better benefits than police.
niggers got such big noses and yet they are asphyxiated with minimal effort
Yet when referring to being shot, they call it “being aired out”. But I thought air was good… Hrmm
You claim to want air in your lungs yet you are whining about this sucking chest wound. Curious.
The way for Jews to win against Mike is to distract him with Star Trek.
You guys arguing about James Cameron reminds me of when my best friend and I argue about stupid shit. Sven sounds just like my friend.
After you “wasted” the hour, mike proceeded to waste 12 more minutes of the hour complaining about the hour. I love this so much genuinely lol. Bless you guys.
I haven’t watched TV in years, mostly because nothing really appeals to me.
But I started DS9 on Mike’s recommendation. I watch shows so slowly that it’ll probably take me all of 2023 to finish it.
Where should I go afterwards? Is TNG worth my time?
TNG is good shit, for the most part. First two seasons are a bit rough, as it’s often trying too hard to be like the original series, but it really finds its feet in season 3.
DS9 was a good concept but they ruined it with Captain Crispy the Willy Mays wannabe. I mean you’re gonna bring nigger race politics into 24th century Star Trek, in the 90s? Fuck you. TNG was good for what it was: White, with a touch of libtard. Picard, Data, space nerd Wil Wheaton. Giordi being just a regular guy instead of being a token negro. Worf literally never winning a fight. Voyager was interesting to me because it tried to do the Odysseus thing. One lone ship, 70 years from home, no allies, surviving on their wits, and of course… Read more »
Or you could watch Babylon 5, which DS9 was copying. Contra Moike, B5’s shitlib politics aren’t any worse than Star Trek’s.
Mike is right. A biiiig director like James Cameron gets a lot more flexibility in the biz than all the other schmucks.
Also, when I went to see the 3rd Hobbits movie, I’d completely forgotten there was a 2nd one I’d seen already.
Star Trek literally had the first black/white interracial kiss on TV back in the 1960s. It is known.
what a boring episode of reno 911
my fun breaks cant take any more pumping
youre discussing my product all wrong guy
the glowing box and moving pictures will surely be our downfall.
The first hour made me want to eat a bullet. Talking about Star Trek and James Cameron for 50 minutes, then talking about talking about Star Trek and James Cameron for another 10? Do you actually hate us? The absolute contempt. Smh.
I’m looking forward to the star trek posting actually. Saving the episode for work on Monday.
haven’t heard a conversation like the first hour since I hung around with all those low ambition coffeehouse nerds back in the 90s. Thanks Alex.
Chad is cringe, nerds are based.
In a better world I would tend to agree but they were all smart White guys who turned into either libtards or libertarians and did /nothing/ with lives. No kids, no career, almost neet status. Utterly lost.
TRS Presents MLK Week, in the future is a must as a prep for Black History Month…..?
I don’t mind movie discussions tbh.
Moike’s endless Star Trek coping never fails to amuse.
90% of the people that populate the Earth with an IQ over 150 are White men.
The greatest resource that Whites have is our high intelligence.
Brains are more important than body parts. Brains are more important than babies.
If we want to divide the White Race it must be done due to the organ that is above our shoulders and not the organ that is between our legs.
The greatest trick the destructive low IQ White beta ever pulled was convincing people he did not exist.
Smarties need to increase their fuck rate.
Shut up nerd
Did you pick a quote from Mein Kampf and set out to purposely make the exact opposite point? Hitler said: “The racial state must not adjust its entire educational work primarily to the infusion of mere knowledge, but to the cultivation of absolutely sound bodies. The training of mental abilities is only secondary. “And here, again, first consideration must be assigned to the development of character, especially the promotion of willpower and determination, combined with training and a joyful sense of responsibility, and only lastly academic schooling. “A man of little academic education but physically sound, with good, strong character,… Read more »
“Brains are more important than body parts. Brains are more important than babies.”
Don’t have children, goy. Don’t try to impose your will on the world around you, goy. Just be clever.
“If we want to divide the White Race it must be done due to the organ that is above our shoulders and not the organ that is between our legs.”
We DON’T want to divide the White Race. We want a Grug/Big Brain Alliance, just as National Socialism resolves class conflict to unite the nation.
Yes this is HBD spergery if left unchecked.
High IQ is good but you need an entire civilization to support it.
Basics come first, which is Hitler’s point. Jews twist this quote to claim that Hitler was anti-intellectual, whereas the point is to place intellect in the context of necessarily prior physical and moral education.
I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This country, whatever you want to call it, I can’t stand it any longer. It’s the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your queer/jew stink and every time I do, I fear that I’ve somehow been infected by it. It’s — it’s repulsive! Isn’t it? I must get out of here. I must get free… and in this mind is the key, my key. Once Israel is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the… Read more »
I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your ethnoreligious group and I realized that you’re not actually human beings, not even mammals really. Every mammal & before the spread of industrialization every human being on this planet instinctively developed a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you J€W$ do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on… Read more »
Ah it’s a Friday show and they are artistically complaining about Star Trek. All is right with the world.
No, but it will be!
Was there really alien coom in “The Orville”? Gross, my parents watched that show.