Jazznds and James give the over-under on America Fist Cuckus mortality before digging into the domestic terror background of former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and his "private sector" connections to Michael Chertoff in light of apparent coordination with the Pentagon to initiate a domestic terror "Pearl Harbor" at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th. Then the nnnguys go down the rabbit hole on the latest Afghanistan withdrawal strokejob, the now decades-old focus on China in the run-up to 9/11, and Afghani diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad and his Jewish wife Cheryl Benard at the nexus of 40 years of Jewish terrorism in the Middle East. After the break, it's America's 2 do 37 crime boom, the non-white shooter paradigm shift, and Floyd trial predictions. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN Memeology 2019-2020 NOW AVAILABLE from Antelope Hill Publishing
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Jewish Trick Singularity
00:20:00 - Domestic Terror Pearl Harbor
00:45:00 - Project for the New Jewish Century
01:05:00 - The Rape of Beijing
01:35:00 - Zalmay Khalilzaberg
01:57:00 - BREAK
02:00:00 - America's Non-White Crime Boom
02:20:00 - 2DO37
02:40:00 - La Atrocidad Shooter Paradigm Shift
02:50:00 - Floyd Predicts
03:00:00 - Legion - Dzieje Najnowsze
Audio overlap issue from 1:15 to the break is fixed.
Customer service ticket complete.
Close ticket show booba
Jazznds pleased to be servicing gustomer promptly
Oh dear god thank you! I thought i was experiencing one of them there uhhh…strokes. Using number 2 of my 20 unique downloads. Thanks nnguy!
Maybe Strike and Mike don’t talk over each other so much as we think. It could be the audio hmmm? Sven rn: nope don’t fix it Jazz; you can’t get them expecting good content! The contempt must reign!
Next Day Gang wins again!
Lol I downloaded it around 10am CST, have to wait until I’m back home to redownload.
Out with the kids enjoying the beautiful day before it becomes typical Minnesota “spring” weather again tomorrow and is all shitty and cold.
Great news- I though maybe Unit 8200 hacked you to make you look like m-m-Midwitz!
Failure of the parents of Cannon Hinnant who take money in exchange for thier silence on black violence on whites is part of the problem. Also when white people take the black on white violence perpetrated on them and rightfully pay it forward in kind to shlomo. And that becomes the trend things will change
NJP leader, Mike Peinovich, just posted this comment:
More and more Jews, including Abe Foxman, are coming out against Jonathan Greenblatt. They are trying to contain the damage that they see coming from Greenblatt’s picking a fight with Tucker Carlson and Fox News, thereby risking setting Jews up as opposing half the country and the majority of Whites.
Fox News has always been an important platform for Jews. Abe Foxman presented Rupert Murdoch with some kind of Jewish medal when he was CEO of the ADL.
More than a medal. Fox News was created by Jews at the CIA, Richard Mellon Scaife, and Rupert Murdoch to manage conservative public opinion: https://therightstuff.biz/2021/01/02/ftn-370-rubys-nasal-nexus/
So glad you guys finally are getting around to covering the Israel/China issue. Next step is tying it in with Russia. You guys are at the absolute pinnacle of podcasts
Lmao whoever downvoted Wickstrom’s comment is probably still suckling on the finkelswitch tit of cONsERvAtIvE sAy cHiNa bAd tHeReFOrE cHInA gOOd
Lmao.. hoes mad
Lol they un-downvoted
I always assumed you had privileged access to who downvoted/upvoted what. I still think that.
I downvoted because I disagree with approaching Russia from the position of already assuming something in particular if we don’t know. In other words, building a narrative first, then presenting information to fit said narrative.
I downvoted because it seemed he was suggesting you do that.
I’m not suggesting they do anything but continue telling everyone the truth abt what’s going on.. even if that means going back and repositioning ourselves from our past stances on issues. When there are connections btwn the three countries it doesn’t make sense to continue to act like there’s not just because 4/5 years ago we were all chanting “RUSSIA. IS. OUR FRIEND!!!” & being pro China doesn’t mean we shouldn’t re-evaluate our stance when we get more information. The New Silk Road/Belt & Road Initiative is real, The Greater Israel Project is real. They are working together to make… Read more »
“I downvoted because I disagree with approaching Russia from the position of already assuming something in particular if we don’t know”
If YOU don’t know then these episodes should help you to understand how Russia fits into all this. In the meantime you should look into it, maybe you won’t like what you see but at least you’ll know what’s going on
At least you are man enough to show yourself, no hard feelings buddy
Lol of course it’s the guy who refuses to drop the rock on Russia
I figured it would be an issue with Russia rather than “CHY-NA”
You’re saying I’m carrying around a rock that I’ve painted Putin’s face on like Wilson in Castaway and i refuse to drop it? That’s a good analogy. That’s funny.
And who has “Must Be Like Putin” as his default ringtone
More like – Little Dark Age
Lil Homicide Toledo with a gun:
Shiiieeeettt ese el is uno bueno boi eh din du nuffin mayng he wuz just going to church and picking up tacos for his abuelita and pueblo mayng
Law and Order is eternally popular. In 1970 the uber-neocon Ben Wattenberg published a book about it. The Real Majority was directed at liberal Democratic politicians. It’s message was that you could be as liberal as you wanted to be as long as you supported Law and Order. Granted that was before gay marriage and tranny shit. Funny thing is that Eric Striker is fond of saying that being right wing on cultural issues and left wing on economic issues is very popular amongst voters which is very close to the argument of the book: The Real Majority – Wikipedia
Huey Long was so popular with that platform he had to be killed by the jew tyrant Frank Rosenfeld.
At around 1:18:10, James makes one of the greatest international or unintentional mispronunciations in the history of TRS, calling Peking University “Pecking University.”
Once again, today’s FTN took me all the way through my Sunday hike (with an assist from a call from my sister), but when I was home I had to go back and hear about Pecking University one more time…
Well, it was about a foreign country so I think it was indeed international.
Shit, I thought it was funny!
The talk of 9/11, PNAC, and (((Michael Chertoff))) brought me back to my early redpill days. (If you want to see a demonic looking Jew, do an image search on him.) He put David Duke in prison allegedly for tax evasion—the real reason was that he was trying to rally worldwide opposition to ZOG’s war on Iraq. Tax crimes are the system’s favorite method for locking up peaceful political dissidents. They can nail anyone with that crap.
Taxes, and gun charges. The feds have over 2,500 laws on the books regulating firearms.
That ain’t to keep the goot bois in line.
One quick note about american homicide statistics. In america we actually record suicide specifically by guns to be a homicide. We do not count other forms of suicide. Not talking about killing yourself in the process of comiting a crime either, simply being suicidal and ending it with a firearm, completely alone and isolated from anything else, is counted as gun crime. No other country, european or otherwise counts suicides in this way. That was obviously set up to artificially inflate homicide numbers, and they are very often intentionally mistermed as murders as well. People use murder and homicide interchangeably.… Read more »
How do you spell Mrs. Khalilzad’s name?
Never mind. I found it through the RAND Corp.
Oh look. He has a book out:
The Envoy: From Kabul to the White House, My Journey Through a Turbulent World: Khalilzad, Zalmay: 9781250083005: Amazon.com: Books
Not sure if I ever left a comment on your podcast before, but you are arguably the best, despite how infuriating it is listening to your deep dives.
Kudos to you both, especially James as he is how I found this network.
Was YT follower of his from the big bang cat lady smelling like piss and being single episode.
Thank you for the upcooms sir
This guy needs to get on BANG and see my “dep dive diagrams”…they make complicated deep drives intelligible…at least for spregs like me…
After this episode, I understand that our own white traitors and traitors against other indigenous peoples like traitors against Persians and traitors against Arabs are as evil and necessary for Jewish control as Jews themselves. I am abandoning the stance that “all we have to do is name the Jew”. All races of men must also use wood chipper on those who collaborate with Jews against the people (their people), whether the target of treason is whites, Arabs, Persians, Asians, etc… Jews cannot function without race traitors, and only 7-12% of any given population are low enough to become race… Read more »
There’s nothing more contemptible than a traitor.
If I had but two bullets with a traitor, and an enemy in front of me I’d shoot the traitor twice just to be sure.
Capitalize White.
Chauvin will be acquitted of all charges (or just mistrial with more than one finding not guilty) on 21 April.
I think that date is a little early.
Well the jury is outright being intimidated right now I mean it’s just right out in the open they’re not even pretending. There was an attack on the home of what they thought was one of the defense witnesses. Of course law enforcement and the feds have absolutely no interest in pursuing it.
And if there was going to be a mistrial they would have done it already with all the shit show that the prosecution has been pulling.
Nope they’re going to hang this dude and then they’re going to call it a victory against white supremacy
The problem for (((them))) is a shit load of White people are going to get red pilled in the process. All the better for us. But we’ll see.
How long before this Floyd shenanigans finishes?…
If not Floyd, then the next ‘groid.
The ride never ends.
“The ride never ends.”
Until White people are exterminated.
Do I give this a thumbs-up or down?
All thumbs down to Spam Houston are the result of unmitigated faggotry. So make your choice.
I’ve only made it through the first half, and I need to get a blood pressure script now.
You have arrived!
TRS programming is rage-inducing, but I’d rather rage than feel like I’m going insane.
The past several years of listening to content has been a extremely eye-opening, and it’s hard to see people I know still stuck between the challah slices. Especially following the events of the past ~12 months.
I wish my brother felt the same way. He sticks with qtard shit despite being a raysis counter-semite because he can’t handle the overload of truth.
My brother is still on the Trump Train.
Denial is an amazing thing.
It least your brother has the boomer excuse, we’re on the late X early Millennial cusp. The jews did 9-11 meme wasn’t even questioned.
I guess qtard shit is just a comfortable place to bury your head and hope the anti-White faggot/tranny/bantu military comes to save us. 😑
“From the voice impressions to the RLM elevator music, this Sunday’s Memology advertisement is the best product promotion in nationalist radio.”
— Prince Albert
The Capitol Hill…
FBI entrapment operation.
“Yeah look at my gun cracka I keep that thang on me, ready to kill whitey and burn some shit down.” Hey guess what faggots? Eventually justice will find you fucking NIGGERS
“Spoiler alert.”
Again, LOL!
“Great Moments in Black Cinema”
The documentary “Bitter Lake” by Adam Curtis provides an excellent nnnndeeep nnnndive into 20th century Afghan history.
https://youtu.be/84P4dzow1Bw?t=6492 the looks of disgust
Jeezus Kryst!
No wonder everybody hates (((the West))).
MC was 2nd DHS Sec
But he authorized the Patriot Act with ADL and Mossad goons in Israel.
Authored* not authorized.
Hate typing with touch screen
That’s right Tom Ridge was first. Another insufferable faggot.
Aren’t they all?
Yeah that police shooting in the Columbus hospital basically summarizes how patient cops are with violent armed niggers yet for some reason nigs still gonna nog n sheeeiit. The homo doctor/nurse that attempted to “help” the suspook should know that the guy was basically dead and had no chance for survival. He was shot 11 times at close range and even if an emergency thoracotomy was done immediately following the shooting the chance of survival would be dismal due to the amount of damage done. Plus it would be a waste of medical resources on a nigger which we already… Read more »
F5 lives matter
The ultimate, inarguable message is
I want to live, work, and raise my family in an area made up of other families that
look like me, talk like me, and have morals like me.
I will respect any group that respects my group and will be a vigorous adversary to those that disrespect and seek to harm my group.
“look like me, talk like me…”
…with the same intellectual and behavioral norms as me!
“I will respect any group that respects my group…”
…and respect the right of different groups to their own living spaces.
I want views on muh own youtub channel. where do I get bodycam footages sent directly to me magically
We must secure the existence of our buildings and a future for European architecture.
It’s heartbreaking that he never got to entertain guests in those rooms as the elder statesman of a peacetime Reich.
But the pre-war entertaining was special:
i aint waiting till no 2027 to find out martin luther wasnt no kang
It began with the forging of the great pantheons. Twelve gods were given to the Greeks: philosophers, poets, and most civilised of all folk. Fourteen to the Norsemen, great warriors and sailors of the frozen seas. And three – three gods were gifted to the race of Romans, who above all else desire power. For within these gods was bound the strength and will to govern each race. But they were all of them deceived, for another god was made. In the land of Canaan, in the clouds of Mount Sinai, the Dark Lord Moses forged in secret a Master… Read more »
Holy SHIT!
BREAKING: Mass shooting in Kenosha, WI. 8 shot 2 DOA https://twitter.com/zerosum24/status/1383668391118999558?s=21
“Suspect is reportedly male black 6’2 20s with dreads wearing red or orange jumpsuit, per scanner. Still at large.”
Oh wow funny how the media left that little part out even though that was already known.
They gave no description and it just said the shooter is at large police are looking for them.
Fucking jewish media!
I applied the heuristic and figured it was a black by the “8 shot 2 dead” bit😂
If crime was really up so much in 2020 then how come I only got carjacked at gunpoint by a feral negro one time?
Checkmate, bigots.
We don’t miss. RIP America Fist 4/16-4/17:
Predictable as sunrise in the east.
Comfy Sundy reporting in
Oh fugg… the audio overlap continues😞 I hope this doesn’t last the entire 2 hrs post 1 hr mark
White Nationalists must be able to endure ALL hardships! Three hours of audio overlap should be a piece of cake to Aryan Supermen such as we! Thank you Jazzbo and Jimhands for giving us this obstacle to test ourselves with! HAIL VICTORY!
Shit, I thought it was funny.
ralph never – YouTube
The second segment of the show starts about two hours in, and sounds fine. So, it’s the second half of the first segment that’s out of wack.
🔴Time stamp 1:15
👉🏻Audio Editing Error – multi tracks overlap.
I thought my bluetooth headphones were going haywire.
They look like Beats headphones but they’re called BANGs.
I’m picturing like the beer can hat, except it’s BANG energy drink and it’s with headphones.
One hour in, there’s a recording error, where James’ response starts playing too early, so the two of you sound like you’re talking over each other, then, when he would have actually started talking it’s just dead air.
You’re right, it’s on mine too. Over the past few months there’s been 2 or 3 times when they were supposed to be playing audio clips of politicians/journalist etc where the audio didn’t play and there was just dead air for 30 secs or so then the guys gave their response to said missing audio
In this case, the recordings of the two hosts are out of sync. They’re talking at the same time, and then they both wait. It destroys the whole thing.
Fortunately Jazz’nds usually checks the comments to notice and fix these kinds of things promptly. Small annoyance to get the hottest of hot takes right out of the oven.
I just hit that spot, too.
This mis sync of Jazzhands and James just continues on. I’m now one hour and forty five minutes in and it’s still happening.
I’ll keep a copy safe, McFeels. Someday, maybe never, I may ask you for a little favor, however, until I do so, discretion shall be my gift to you.
*hums godfather theme*
You guys *HAVE TO* get active on telegram.. I’m getting thousands of views on my channel shilling your podcasts
I second this. Huge potential audience on telegram, good platform for dissident mag stuff.
I’ll get on there this week and create a channel for the show. Also need to do a write-up for D-Mag on Steven Sund as an update to the original Pentagon shot piece.
How about a little video teaser every now and then.
Like : https://www.bitchute.com/video/JJYLpvmRvMYu/
(intro + first couple minutes of content + outro)
I have been wishing there were videos here and there for this show as well.. obviously that will be tough to do with Jazz being the archetypal Anon
Does anyone know the episode of FTN where Blackrock was first mentioned? I need it for an interested friend.
FTN Three Hunnid: https://therightstuff.biz/2020/03/29/ftn-300-i-am-the-line-thy-god/
Other great episodes involving Blackrock include: FTN 302, 315, 333, *341*& bonus episode (not abt blackrock but one of my go to shares for new listeners) 3 part Deep Dive, FTN: Israeli Panopticon https://therightstuff.biz/search/Israeli+panopticon+/
Much appreciated fam!
Do you have anything special planned for episode 400?
We will reveal the secret behind the Skyline 6-way
Maybe a deep dive on the introduction of “Extreme” habanero cheese? A once seasonal and initially controversial option, is now an established menu item.
They really can normalize anything.
Hoo Boy! I click on TRS and am confronted by an illustration of Martin Lucifer Coon. Just like a kick in the balls! Good job Kyle!
Here before Pat Little 😂
I have been dealing with a busted trailer situation, could not f5 gang tonight
U da man Pat!! I’m still lobbying on your behalf for the guys to have you on as special guest some time
I fucking love you guys, thanks for all your hard work.
The best part of my week
The extra G is for good boy
People are going to love this
I found this and thought of the mall deep dive.
I think this is footage from the latest TRS event.