Jazznds and James pledge a program of complete and total amnesty along with an expedited pathway to wignatship for Trump era refugees, dig into white pills embedded in Michael Jensen's sometimes incoherent prescriptions for combating extreeeeemists and fighting accelerating "radicalization", and take a tour of the various Jewish clemency campaigns afoot in the waning days of Trump's presidency. After the break, it's a long-overdue mega nnndeep-nnndive into the Mega Group, a coterie of wealthy and influential Jews who, via an elaborate scheme of weaponized philanthropy, manage and direct an array of Jewish causes to suit their agenda while increasing and consolidating their power. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Jig's Up
00:14:00 - Radical Accelerationism
00:45:00 - Greedy Jaaaash Pardon Schemes
01:03:00 - BREAK
01:07:09 - This is How We MEGA
01:35:00 - Weaponized Jewish Philanthropy
02:00:00 - Taubman's Mall Empire
02:30:00 - Wexner's Iraq War Agitprop
02:40:00 - Holohoax Gang Gang
03:00:00 - Waldheim Gay Op
03:20:00 - Outro
The virgin Caribbean Rhythms episode 61 vs the chad FTN episode 382
For reference: the segment at 27:00->https://m.soundcloud.com/bronze-age-pervert/caribbean-rhythms-with-bap-episode-61-frog-advantage
Amazing episode again, I’ll shill it.
Will we have a return of the schadenfreude suppository?
Tom “Based-Scientologist” Cruise’s last name is akshewly Mapother. Was it his relative who defended Herr Waldheim? Be cool if he did.
I tremble for your Jazznds & James… I hope you don’t end up stuffed in a 55 gal drum somewhere in New Jersey…
Check this out:
Nigga named Israel Epstein (1915-2005) — one of the only non-Chinese members of the Chinese Communist Party. Per his Wikipedia page:
“In 1941, he faked news about his own death as a decoy for the Japanese who were trying to arrest him. The misinformation even found its way into a short item printed in the New York Times.”
I mean, just lmfao, fam.
Yeah we did a whole deep dive on these guys. There were a number of Jews involved. Some of the only “westerners” to ever be given Chinese citizenship. Sooooommmmmbased.
Cognitive psychology studies indicate that showing people consequences of their bad behavior can backfire and put them further into denial if they are not provided immediate guidance as to how to go about breaking the bad habit. If they are provided that guidance they frequently improve. Something similar goes on when people are confronted time after time with violations of common sense and decency by people in power. If you don’t provide them with remedial actions they can take, many will tend eventually to simply turn off and go into denial. This has already happened to a vast population: Normies.… Read more »
I always forget what the Jew’s wife in the Ottoman empire who was the madam for the prostitutes (aka European sex slaves) was called, but that’s essentially what (((Clare Bronfman))) was serving as for Keith Raniere, leader of the NXIVM cult (who seems to be a gentile). It’s almost like she comes from a long line of Jewesses who help exploit Gentile women for sexual abuse.
Kira. I had to specifically search for kira+harem to get this description just typing the name itself obfuscated it with no reference to this function.
Thanks, nnnguy!
No problem mmmmbud.
Two and a half Mega Groups!
“Those documents were falsified.”
“The Iraq war, fiscal conservatism, sexual black mail rings”
Just a few of my favorite things!
“The Last Days”
In case someone on this site hasn’t seen this. LOL!
The Last Days of the Big Lie : Eric Hunt : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This is one of those episodes where Jazz and James just reach out and grab that info no one knew existed
Edgar Bronfman Sr. has the most goyish looking nose… But he is nevertheless an awkward looking man.
Looks like hair dye and nose job
Hello American Patriot Consumers! You probably know that we advertise on this show because no other podcast or radio broadcast uses the word “kosher” more than these hosts, and we are in the kosher business for the non-kosher-keeper, spreading kosher awareness with #LOVE across our nation. But please hear us out! Today, we were attacked from an Israeli Twitter source and its multitude of allies, on Valentines Day no less! How mean of them! As the hosts indicated in their midweek show, The System is going after lower and lower hanging fruit. By gosh, one might actually be accused of… Read more »
As regards the Mega group, (who Hans Schmidt used to call die Oberjuden), one has to wonder if the Iranians are clued in [??] to these conspirators…
Logos is rising
Shit, I thought it was funny.
Proof that it’s all the germans fault!
Just kidding. It amy be my bias but seems to me this doc. would garner sympathy for the german people. The brits sound fairly callous and vengeful.
Thank you for the reading list. The times doesn’t exactly promote an opposing view.
“a jewish conspiracy”
How many congresses are Jewish?
*handed slip of paper*
All of them.
I want people to start bursting into A.A. meeting and redpill them that all thier problems are rooted with malicious jews
Me and my dad were talking politics yesterday. He was praising Hungary and how the government pays off your house if you have kids. My ears perked right up. Coming from a boomer small government conservative, this is a huge leap forward in ideology. Could the boomers be waking up after their long slumber?
My boomercon brother thinks all the demonstrators in DC on 1/6 were AntiFa. So….
Thankfully my almost our guy Qtard hasn’t fallen down that rabbit hole. He’s a bit less delusional than your brother thankfully.
” delusional”
He’s just in denial. All these conspiracy theories are just pathetic copes.
Never ceases to thunderstrike me; the profundity of the crimes of the jew
Awesome episode. You guys just keep getting better.
There’s a fcn institute/foundation/group for every Jew to earn a living.
Whatever it is they’re doing earning it isn’t involved. 😉
If there are any AmNats who are willing to stop siegeposting and join us, this former AmNat welcomes you.
Sure, as long as they don’t post a bunch of bullshit about LIBERTARIANISM!!!
And stop calling Jewish think-tanks “Market Fundamentalists” when we know what’s really going on.
“…a radicalizing message can be broadcast to hundreds of millions of people in a matter of seconds.”
“The only way the problem gets fixed is…”
How do Olympic sized pools, and soccer games help? 🤷🏼♂️
It’s actually the barbed wire AROUND those facilities that provide the assistance.
The more I learn the more I come to realize the wire was enclosing the facility to protect the jews from the local population.
Barbed wire works BOTH ways!
“Alright bro I’ve got enough blood pressure medicine to last me five hours…”
But I understand your time constraints.
“the Mega Group”
I can already feel my BP going up!
Oh and Kyle? That’s a devilishly good piece of art!
Jazzhands to AF movement: “I toadaso! I fuckin’ toadaso!”
But muh optics were perfect! Why is this happening? 😭
Wignats are smarter than AF groypers
Sackler is featured in Ep. 3 of 6 in the new Adam Curtis film Can’t Get You Out of My Head.
edit: original video linked above has been taken down. Try this re-upload and start at about 5:13 if you’re just watching for the Sackler reference.
Speaking of which, I forgot to mention when we brought up Israeli pharmaceutical company Teva; they’ve been sued alongside Sacklers/Purdue Pharma for their role in the opioid crisis.
Teva manufactures generic Adderall. I hate it every time my RX is filled with Teva and some of my dollars get converted to shekels.
Can’t wait for the Andrew Jackson deep dive. I know his birthday is coming in March, you guys planning on putting it out around then?
Ooosh we have a bunch of other stuff in the pipeline, but we’re gonna do it later in the spring.
The Andrew Jackson Deep Dive: FTN’s Winds of Winter
I have never once read the intro. Never once. I thought about reading Jamie’s notes once but thought it would spoil the show.
Same. I trust the nnnnguys to serve me what I need. Let it rip and come what may.
Wait, if I spam the comments on the shows every day will they shout me out as well? See me Goyim!
Not in YOUR case.
I think you have to make up over 20% of the posts on each episode to make the cut.
….and actually have something worthwhile to say.
Katie on Twitter: TRUMP GOT ACQUITTED WHOA!! Everyone’s excited. Would they be as excited if Katie didn’t have the big tits? I wonder.
Don’t know who Katie is, but lol
I like big tits.
Remember she’s Finklethink. Stay away.
She could Fink me anytime. Ahhh-ddeeeesshh!
I’m a simple man. I see tits. I go, “Nice”
Y’all ever hear this podcast Fash the Nation? This show cums.
Lol imagine being a normalfag.
(Not to be confused with a normal fag.)
“normal fag”
No such thing exists.
Protip to people who don’t get it: Subscribe to Borzoi Boskovic on YT and watch The Third Rail. Watch live because they don’t leave them up on the channel (smart).
Philanthropy is jewish.
Philanthropist aka Full on Rapist.
(sorry for the bugman reference)
My jimmies still haven’t come back since that midweek episode.
That speech made me hate.
2nd commandment for National-Socialists:
White people’s enemies are YOUR enemies! Hate them with all your heart!
Librium and Valium were invented by Leo Sternbach. Yup EST. Arthur Sackler was called to market Valium around 1963 which ended up being quite popular among suburban housewives in order to resolve feelings of not belonging into one of well being.
Adam Curtis in Can’t Get You Out of My Head also made a direct association with expanded distribution of oxycodone with the de-industrialization of the United States during the ’70s in order to accommodate that feeling of well being and increase unemployment related income for disabilities during de-industrialization.
Tom Paine is excited to consume new Adam Curtis product. Thanks for the heads-up!
All six parts are up on Bitchute now. Sackler begins @ 5:00 into the third part.
Edit: Old link dead. Here’s a new one for normies who prefer to stream (though I recommend torrenting everything if you’re able).
I hate jews.
The “rolling stones” made a song about it called “mother’s little helpers”. The extremely jaaash punk band NOFX also extols the use of Valium and other benzodiazepines. One of their biggest albums is even called “pump up the Valium”.
Slay King
Oh hey there mmmmmmmbud
Dude, you were hilarious yesterday.
tfw no 5 hour FTN
also tfw I’m trying to listen to FTN and my gf keeps tapping me on the shoulder to show me another dumb thing on facebook.
I know this feel all too well
Happy Valentine’s Day, FTN!
“You take my breath away.” -George Floyd
The coffee table book is going to be glorious
True. But it’ll be COSMIC if they put the “Downvote Spam Houston” picture on the cover!
Spam, you have my full support! But please take your heart meds before hearing the news… it wouldn’t be the same without you in the comments.
Tbh it would truly make my day if my nom de guerre is mentioned in an FTN episode.
Do you think I should effort post more? Or just post often enough to get hazed into changing my handle from Sam to Spam?
I take HBP meds not heart meds. If there is ONE THING that men in my family DON’T have a problem with it’s our hearts! Effort posting won’t get you there. It has to be an instinctual and artful reaction to the content of the particular episode. I wasn’t hazed into changing my handle. Chuck Kegel made a joking but accurate observation about my posting habits and I was compelled by the truth to adopt that name. NO ONE hazes the Spamster into doing ANYTHING! By the way this is also how I became known as “le Olde”. Except that… Read more »
I can’t wait. 😸
F5 Gang!
I press F5 and content appears
Read in Jazzn’ds grug voice