Jazznds and James bring you the latest developments, shots, and clout-fulfillment from the Capitol Siege in a record-breaking 3.75+ hr FTN. Jazznds uncovers the smoking gun that confirms the premeditated trap springing by Trump, his administration, and bad actors at the Pentagon with deep ties to Israel and the IDF, laying bare the preparation undertaken for the quickly accelerating full-spectrum infringement of the civil and human rights of thousands of American citizens. After the break, the FBIANTIFAADL Doxathon and silencing of political voices is fully underway as the most sordid legal minds in the country converge to invent multiplier charges to enhance the sentencing of those who committed no crimes. Lastly, the nnnguys react to a stack of audio from the past few days and look ahead at what comes next. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
Dissident-Mag article on the Pentagon shot: http://dissident-mag.com/2021/01/11/trumps-post-election-pentagon-shakeup-ensured-trap-was-sprung-for-patriots-at-the-capitol/
Podcast RSS: http://fash-the-nation.libsyn.com/rss
Dissident Mag: http://dissident-mag.com
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See Kyle!
Episode Topics:
00:00:00 - Violence for Thee
00:15:00 - FTP
00:30:00 - Trump Montage
00:45:00 - They Let Them In Indeed
01:00:00 - Pentagon Shot
01:48:00 - BREAK
01:51:00 - FBIANTIFAADL Doxathon
02:11:00 - I'm White. I'm a Nationalist.
02:25:00 - Pipe Bomb Shot
02:40:00 - CCP Laffin
02:50:00 - Audio Drop Reacts
03:20:00 - This is What Happens Larry
03:45:00 - Outro
awesome graphic
You know what’s a good game Jazz you should check out if you got yourself a coucel is Battlefield I. You can play as the White Army. I can’t think of another game that let’s you fight in the Russian Civil War. It looks awesome.
Jazzhands did such an incredible job unpacking stuff for whites who are just coming to terms with the attack against them. I’m definitely sharing this episode, never done this before with any of the content of the network for many of the usual reasons. The content just after the 2 hr mark (2:08 or so) had me stopping everything to listen. This episode was very accessible and to the point, confident and researched takes done without resorting to whining and complaining to the choir. Give the take, say the joke, move on. I’m sure doing that kind of approach with… Read more »
Returning fag here, love how you guys tell it like it is, those people on that day were heroes. RIP Ashli, we all saw her get killed by the state on camera.
>Returning fag
So where were ya faggot? ??
I was on board with Nowhiteguilt on youtube, turned out to be kinda gay recently tbh.
Any other excuse but NWG!!!
Even the great brainwashed hordes must know that replacing works of great skill and beautiful art (our statues) with ugly blobs, beautiful buildings with ugly concrete “brutalisms” and pleasant music with violent ugly rap is a step backwards and downwards. At some point our ancient enemy must be mistaken by non-whites as White and must set about differentiating themselves, perhaps by suggesting that they too are oppressed and downtrodden etc. This all takes some Master level inversion of reality.
To all newcomers, this rhetoric probably sounds somewhat repellent at a gut level. That’s normal. We’ve all been through that to some degree. It’s hard to break yourself out of the false frame of modern politics when you’re never exposed to an alternative. If you want to have a solid grasp on the state of our government and our world, you’re gonna have to put on your critical thinking hat, take some notes, and drop out of the media spew that the system has pointed at you. You will thank yourself. Just remember that the truth will set you free,… Read more »
This episode went so deep I nearly drowned in red pills. I think it’d make a good episode to splice up and make videos out of to sneak them back onto YT, esp. the parts about the people behind the Q op.
As footage from the Capitol Siege trickles out, the argument that “they let them walk right in” seems to be breaking down. http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2021/01/10/capitol-siege-footage/ The right thing for TRS/NJP to do is to go after the idiots who incited this and then walked away. The footage of Blompf, Stone, Giuliana etc is really damning, and it’s especially enraging after they threw the “mob” under the bus right away. The best way to support well-intentioned MAGAs is to keep the guns aimed at the failed leadership, even including Cruz and Hawley. That is all within what’s possible right now. Yes, it’s a… Read more »
A significant component of the “they let them walk right in” narrative is the absence of all federal law enforcement and guard apparatus that was present in D.C. in June. A massive show of force for blacks and a skeleton crew of Capitol Police for whites defies all logic in the context of how the system actually treats and talks about blacks and whites in practice. When you factor in the Pentagon staff that Trump himself installed 2 weeks after the election who denied requests for backup, it all becomes quite clear. “They let them walk right in” does not… Read more »
Yes, and also having footage of *some* resistance is helpful to the mainstream narrative, but the absence of a massive show of force remains damning. The absence of antifa also is shocking.
AND if one wanted to they could dig up hours of violent footage from this summer’s riots that fly in the face of “mostly peaceful” protesting, but that isn’t even a speed bump to the system’s narrative.
Same people play both sides of the same coin at the same time:
Just one criticism of Jazz’s otherwise well done insights, if Trump was in on the trap and motivated the crowd to storm the capital, why would he implicate himself for a coup? He is old and a boomer but the “trap” narrative falls apart when it comes to him. He orchestrated his own failed impeachable seditious coup?
In light of how much trouble he did have to go thru, I can’t find it logical to think that even despite his own shortcomings, he wasn’t that stupid to do that.
Maybe he made some deals beforehand to avoid prosecution? I dunno. I imagine discrediting an entire movement (populism) would be worth it to them in exchange for letting Blompf avoid major charges after he leaves office. Instead of one old man going to jail, they get to usher in Patriot Act 2.0…
This is only an obstacle if you’re still treating Trump as a good faith actor. That’s something that we all discarded 2 years ago, though some still waver back into that way of thinking. Trump is deeply entangled in the system and always has been. Don’t mistake one faction opposing him within that system as evidence of Trump being an enemy of the system itself. The Trump show is just over.
“He orchestrated his own failed impeachable seditious coup?”
Yes, the shot was walking his overwhelmingly white base directly into a woodchipper because Stop the Steal was always fake and gay and it had to come to an end. I’m sure Trump would have liked to grift on that for longer, but the Jews are finished entertaining even a black and tranny promoting version of white populism. The terms of when and how that ends are not up to Trump.
Stop. Coping.
Not coping, just pointing out a plot hole. If the narrative is that he orchestrated his own people to launch an aborted coup, he would have given himself an out. He’s dealt with jews all his life and the biggest gamble of his life he just forgets to open the escape door? I appreciate the engagement though Jazz. I just think we are overestimating again the length of control over the system anyone has. There are many contending factions, and there are just a few that we even know about. Since Trump likely wouldn’t implicate himself, I just believe at… Read more »
inb4 anyone else says “Stop plan trusting.” Trump betrayed us in 2017 during the summer and i’ve never forgotten that. Good people i’ve meet were affected deeply during those glorious and tragic days. At this point, we have to extend an understanding hand and listening ear to our receptive half of the country now that we all share this gulag named America now.
@2:51:00 hahaha
Can we get a deep dive on Bongino? I could listen to this contempt for hours
An episode on, «Top reasons why Trump is not on your side», is needed more than ever before. We need to spam this episode to any potential our guys.
At mark 3:05:05 there is a massive bleep out and I am tripping out wondering wtf Jazzhand’s said that was bad enough to merit removal.
Probably forgot to say “in neinkraft” afterwards!
it’s the opposite of a temple, yeah it’s a synagogue
As a huge supporter of FTN, I have to say the whole “they definitely made sure to 100% allow this to happen” take is one of the weakest I have ever heard from FTN. There isn’t any mystery as to why they promoted MacArthur, the Schlomo Loving General, and it’s not because they really desperately needed his tactical experience. Some black cop saying “I don’t want to let them in but I don’t see any other option,” doesn’t mean there were some orders from on high. The reason there were slightly fewer police than normal for a protest, is probably… Read more »
Everything you’re saying here is “well I reckon” tier speculation. It’s also not possible to have listened to the Pentagon shot at roughly an hour in and still not understand what happened. Here it is in rare word form: http://dissident-mag.com/2021/01/11/trumps-post-election-pentagon-shakeup-ensured-trap-was-sprung-for-patriots-at-the-capitol/ I get it (and we addressed this feeling too), it’s unpleasant to hear and ultimately accept that it was a premeditated trap that was set for Whites, and in the service of not detracting from the triumph of the moment, there is a tendency to deny any sort of conspiracy by the government at all and engage in low-quality excuse-making… Read more »
I think perhaps I might change my take to this: 1) They definitely wanted something to happen, to help justify a massive Anti-White “response”. 2) They didn’t want that rent-a-cop to shoot the unarmed White Woman. 3) But overall they mostly got what they wanted. I still have to press x to doubt a little bit that they really wanted the triumphant picture of that boomer with his feet up on Pelosi’s desk, and the guys in the fur outfits acting like barbarians, and I think what I was mostly responding to was the idea that that black cop was… Read more »
Your take will continue to change. Mine probably won’t.
Aikido — maximize the greater external force in order to benefit.
Bloomberg, state governors, and Obama wrecked popular movements such as OWS for ten years because people were starting to connect the dots?
The sad violin music that played during the Trump Twitter ban segment was the theme from Schindler’s List lmaoo
Played by Ben Shapiro?
Was America always this gay???
Always was.
James, Jazzhands, great show…SO MUCH CONTENT!!! One question: How much do you think Drumph and his kids knew about the plan to anathematize the family name? And if you think they were all in, do you think it was bribes or blackmail or a bit of both?
Or typical jewish betrayal?
I honestly think they expected there to be far more of a quid pro quo given all that the Trump’s had done for Jews in America and in Israel, but a second term wasn’t in the cards. White populism, even if deformed and subverted under Trump, was too politically costly for Jews to manage and so they bet on a different horse. The Trumps will probably be allowed to pursue business interests, to the extent that they can, but will be shut out of politics. In the short, medium, and long term, that’s good news for us.
” In the short, medium, and long term, that’s good news for us.” How? The trump family are hardly threatening to anybody.
“China is the country of the future.”
Gee, I don’t know what would make you think that!
China 70th anniversary parade and celebrations | FULL – YouTube
Our fellow Whites are already doing their thang to suck the juice out of that ripe plum. Too late for us of course, but if we aren’t totally genocided perhaps we can survive somehow without that tick draining our blood.
“Our fellow Whites are already doing their thang to suck the juice out of that ripe plum. “
True. And they’re finding it harder to do than with America.
“Too late for us of course”
It’s NEVER too late!
“Money is no object”
Look at that bachelor physiognomy.
Trump stabbed this woman in the back! https://ktla.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/01/ab.jpg?w=510
Richard Barnett, the guy who threw his boots on Pelosi’s desk, already has his own wikipedia page… Wow