Hop on the JnJ Caravan!
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #34!
OI! You got a loicense fo' dat call-in show m8?!
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #33 COMPLETE!
The FREE Jazz & Jesse YouTube livestream was a success! Paycucks can access the audio below via our radio stream (which includes the Svinyl Coundtown!) or download the call in show mp3. Thanks to all the callers and sperg-chatters!
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #32 IS UP!
Hey, I hope you remembered to set your clock ahead last weekend, cuz we're on at 8:30 Eastern tonight which is technically an hour earlier because reason. Ask Black Science Man about it.
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #31 COMPLETE!
Hey, we both bothered to show up this week! (((936)))666-1488 to get hung up on. And don't forget to check out The Svinyl Countdown at 8pm! (The theme: ANGERY SVEN)
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JESS & HALBERSTRAM Now Streaming and Available for Download
Whoah boy, tonight is a special treat! The other half of FTN joins us to hang up on your calls with prejudice!
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #29 IS UP!
No guitars were destroyed in the recording of this call in show.
So we're back to Thursdays. Neat, huh? You can now stream the show & Svinyl Countdown on our radio player or download the show below.
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JESS & MIKEY WAS RECORDED.
WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING TO THIS SHOW?! Download link is below.
Get behind the paywall to access this content!JAZZ & JESSE #26 Now Ready For Download
Getting comfy on our new night, WEDNESDAY! Dont' miss it.
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