Jesse, Ethnarch, and Mike Enoch react to the second annual missile strikes hitting Syria.
by Seventh Son
Jesse, Ethnarch, and Mike Enoch react to the second annual missile strikes hitting Syria.
With troops heading to the border, termination of Catch and Release, and Sessions re-affirming a zero tolerance policy toward the prosecution of illegal immigrants who cross our borders, it still begs the question is Trump doing enough? Isn't a zero tolerance policy for criminal aliens kind of a given? McFeels and Ethnarch dive into Trump's latest pushes on immigration and propose several remedies for more aggressive action that will be required ahead of the midterm elections. From the gun control media blitz spilling over into townhalls to a trade war with China and on to the latest with the Mueller probe, it's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
Still reeling from passage of the Omnibus bill, which can only be described as one of the most egregious errors of the Trump administration thus far, McFeels, Spectre, and Ethnarch join forces to excoriate Trump's latest attempt at obtaining funding for the wall via the defense budget while looking ahead at the possibility of a litmus test Trump may soon confront if a European-style migrant invasion hits our southern border in the coming weeks and months. From an imperiled 2nd amendment under attack to the looming Mueller probe, along with the woes of Trump's legal team, there's much to discuss this week. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
With a week that started off dominated by the Cambridge Analytica "scandal" and swift rebukes of Trump's increasing agitation with the Mueller probe by the globalist establishment, no one could've imagined just how off the rails things would go by week's end. Beginning with the appointment of John Bolton as National Security Advisor and culminating in what can only be described as a complete break from the agenda that propelled him into office in 2016, Trump capitulated to each and every demand made by the den of vipers and neocons currently inhabiting the United States Congress.
by Seventh Son
Breaking news! Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired just hours before he could qualify for his cushy pension. Guest hosts Ethnarch and Jesse fill in for McFeels & Halberstram on this special St. Pattie's Day episode.
Beginning with tariffs on steel and aluminum, Trump has turned to trade, finally pivoting to one of the fundamental issues that propelled him into office. McFeels and Halberstram spend the first hour walking through the history of tariffs in the United States and how they've been used first to benefit and later to the detriment of white working class Americans by members of both parties whistling the false song of globalism - the classic kosher sandwich. From there it's immigration white pills chased with one of the most black-pilled Europa Reports on record. In the second (and third) hour, it's the Pennsylvania Special Election, midterms, Kushner, Mueller, Dems struggling to build a platform for 2018 and 2020, and inconvenient truths that have surfaced on Farrakhan's close ties to the CBC. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
At the beginning of this past week, the topic of gun control was very much alive no thanks in large part to Donald Trump himself, who managed to force continued discussion of the topic long after it should've concluded naturally on its own. By the end of the week, the media had pivoted back to the Mueller Probe, placing the highly problematic Jared Kushner directly in its crosshairs. From the ups and downs on immigration to what's in store for the midterms and 2020, and debunking the chicken little routine from all the usual suspects on tariffs, McFeels and Halberstram also take some time out at the beginning of the episode to reflect on the origins of Fash the Nation and why it is we do what we do. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
With now more than 10 days since the Florida shooting, a story that the J-Left had initially succeeded at making almost entirely about gun control has now come completely undone at the hands of a nefariously corrupt system. And yet this is about far more than just run-of-the-mill police corruption. The real story here is that this yet another horrifying consequence of burgeoning multiculturalism, a pretend world of equality where the rules are enforced twice as hard for some and not at all for others, driven by the most perverse political incentives. Incentives that were crafted to somehow illustrate in the most clownish way possible that a sick, depraved, and dying society stands at the precipice of achieving the grandest of utopian ideals, on fucking paper. Halberstram returns this week to break all of this down, as well as a look ahead at what's next for DACA, immigration white pills, CPAC, Russian bots, Jared Kushner, and the upcoming midterms. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
With Halberstram on vacation, McFeels has teamed up with Ricky Vaughn to lay out some white pills on the disposition of DACA, the anticipated SCOTUS ruling, voter rolls, and midterm elections. We also do a little 1.5 theater on Trump's televised meeting on trade this week. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
In hour 1 McFeels and Halberstram dissect the good, the bad, and the ugly of the Senate funding deal that was used to avert a shutdown this week, where we're headed with immigration in the coming weeks, and some hot takes on redistricting in Pennsylvania. Then in hour 2 they discuss the release of the Grassley memo, a document that not only corroborates the Nunes memo from last Friday, but one that lays out the blatant criminality of dossier author Christopher Steele. As a result, the media have fallen silent, latching onto every manner of distraction in an attempt to memory hole what can only be described as total narrative collapse on Trump-Russia collusion. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!