After 3 weeks of fabricated mewling over Christine Ford while using Brett Kavanaugh as a proxy for the ongoing war on white men, the FBI report is in, and word from the White House is that it shows no corroboration of sexual misconduct allegations. And with that 10 million barren harpies cried out in anguish before proceeding to drown themselves in a sea of cope posts, Xanax, and Franzia. With weekend votes tee'd up, the J-Left media have pivoted to one of their pre-Russian collusion and pre-MeToo era golden oldies: Blormpf's taxes. Pure desperation. One glance at the polls and it's easy to see why. McFeels and Halberstram are here to bring you the latest updates on all this and more on your latest midweek edition of FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 153: No More Mr. Nice White Guy

McFeels and Halberstram give their latest hot takes on the ongoing Kavanaugh machinations, especially as a proxy for the war on white men. In the second half, they finally get to normal prep, including midterms, 2020, and immigration. It's all ahead on FTN!
FTN 152: Press FFFFFF

McFeels and Halberstram provide late-breaking reaction to today's marathon Ford/Kavanaugh testimony and forecast what's ahead in the coming days. It's all ahead on (a FREE) midweek FTN!
FTN 151: Dribs and Drabs

McFeels and Halberstram dissect the latest Rosenstein revelations and prescribe several courses of action the Trump administration might take in navigating a political minefield toward an ultimate conclusion of purging Mueller and Rosenstein together and the appointment of a 2nd special counsel. Then it's on to the latest machinations of the Kavanaugh confirmation process, once again delayed as Chuck Grassley consistently meets shit test after shit test by Christine Ford and her army of rootless cosmopolitan globalist lawyers, one of whom (imagine our shock) also represents Andrew McCabe. Even with GOP weakness on handling this issue, Democrats have no slam dunk with Ford, as a 4th witness has come forward to say the event never took place. In the 2nd half, the nnnguys run down the list of all the latest white pills on immigration. It's all ahead on FTN!
FTN 150: Box Wine Resistance
Having a high profile white guy on the precipice of a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the United States wouldn't be complete without an astroturfed MeToo salvo from the Box Wine Resistance. There's nothing like a good old-fashioned beltway hit job to make a man with such a squeaky clean background and seemingly wholesome existence begin to feel the rage burning inside him. Impartial justices are for civilized white countries. Civilized and white, this country is not. McFeels and Halberstram give their hottest takes on the latest developments in Mr. Kavanaugh's trial by fire before pivoting to what they hope will be a swift confirmation to be used as a springboard to propel Trump into a series of moves such as DOJ document declassification, immigration fireworks, and meaningful appeals to his base that will make for a successful midterm election cycle. It's all ahead on Fash the Nation!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 149: International Disorder

McFeels and Halberstram expand upon the political realignment currently taking shape not only with the Republican and Democratic parties, but in other European nations across the globe. In what many historians will look upon as a decade of tumult, much is up for grabs on a political landscape that is changing on an almost hourly basis. With non-white immigration as one of many proxies for destroying whiteness, globohomo is hard at work making sure you don't notice, and if you do notice, you will be systematically silenced. You are, after all, interfering with the international rule-based order and must be thwarted at all costs.
FTN 148: Weapons of White Destruction
While Hurricane Florence bears down on the eastern seaboard of the Uniy a Stay, a Category Fi shitstorm has stalled over the southern border with a potential storm surge some weather experts estimate may be as high as 30 million illegal Mexicans. McFeels and Halberstram bring you updates on the 8s in this week's scalding hot midweek edition of Fash the Nation.
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 147: Chilling Effect

With the seditious op-ed penned in the NYT presumably by member(s) of the Trump admin prompting calls from Democrats to invoke the 25th amendment to remove the president, the first shots of the 2018 midterm cycle have been fired. A government shutdown over the wall now in jeopardy, Trump once again posits the notion that wall construction can be done through the Pentagon. McFeels and Halberstram revisit and explore this controversial question, before digging into immigration white pills, Kavanaugh hearings, the potential for an October Surprise, Obama's return to the national stage, and the now total deplatforming of Alex Jones. It's all ahead on FTN!
FTN 146: When the Brown Wave Hits
The brown wave swamped a 10 term fuckingwhitemale in Massachusetts on Tuesday as McFeels and Halberstram return to survey the extensive damage done to establishment Dems. This was a rout exacerbated by the fact that the black DC political establishment backed the white guy who ultimately lost to his black female challenger by nearly 20 points. Shitlib civil war just got about 10 degrees hotter. Then it's onto the Kavanaugh hearings, McCain's replacement, the NYT Hit Piece, Rubio vs. Alex Jones and a brand new South Africa Report from Cain of Adam. It's all ahead on FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 145: Special Labor Day Edition – Kavanaugh Deep-Dive

In preparation for Senate confirmation hearings beginning 9/4 through 9/6 for Trump's SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, McFeels and Ethnarch join forces for a deep dive on Kavanaugh's background, both his pre-judicial and judicial record, and how we anticipate he might rule on issues most important to us over what will likely be a 30+ year tenure on the court. We also talk midterms and 2020 prospects as an ice-breaker at the outset. It's all ahead on FTN!
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