McFeels and Ethnarch bring you the much-anticipated deep-dive on the 22 U.S. House battleground races of the 2018 midterms.
McFeels and Ethnarch bring you the much-anticipated deep-dive on the 22 U.S. House battleground races of the 2018 midterms.
Paranoia begets hysteria. Hysteria begets tactical errors. Tactical errors beget critical losses. Critical losses beget total victory (for us). With an opposition that can't seem to muster a single meaningful step in the right direction we're finally down to the last few days in the run-up to the 2018 midterms. With no blue wave mounting and momentum trending to the right, the paradigm has shifted so dramatically holding the House and making gains in the Senate, though important, seem secondary to the outright war being waged on white Americans. McFeels and Halberstram discuss this dynamic as well as birthright citizenship, the caravan, and finally polls and the economy. It's all ahead on FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!McFeels and Halberstram unload on all the frail attempts by globalists to derail and meddle in the midterms in the first half before pivoting to the caravan in the second, what lies ahead in the coming days, including the latest midterm analysis, Avenatti's political suicide, the takedown of Megyn [sic] Kelly, and what they hope will be the triumph of Bolsonaro. It's all ahead on FTN!
McFeels and Ethnarch bring you the much-anticipated deep-dive on the U.S. Senate for the 2018 midterms.
Bob Mueller: MIA. Kavanaugh: Backfired. Michael Cohen: Michael who? Stormy Daniels: Crawling on the ground for dollars. Trump tax fraud: Up in smoke. Caravan: On the ropes. "Suspicious packages": Lol that official narrative tho. With just 12 days until Election Day, a browning, chaotic, and violent Democratic Party is over-leveraged, out of options, and consumed with anti-white rage. As Republicans dominate early voting and trends indicate a surge from the right, the 2018 midterms, so far anyway, are shaping up to be a sodium encased blowout.
Get behind the paywall to access the show!Just in time for election day, a legion of shitholers is speeding toward the U.S. in a showdown between NGOs and Trump's threat to militarize the border. McFeels and Ethnarch (filling in for Halberstram) discuss forward deployment of the military in Mexico, the origins of the caravan, and 1 billion shitholers on the move worldwide, before pivoting to the interplay with the midterms, 2020, Mueller's post-election plan, and the Saudi hit job. It's all ahead on FTN!
With October halfway in the bag, McFeels and Halberstram give their hot takes on all the latest developments. From horseface to Lieawatha, 2020 prospects to Mueller's post-election plans, as well as the encroaching mob of shitholers at home and abroad, closing out with the thing over which the J-Left media is most deeply concerned: A rising white tide. It's all ahead on FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!With just 23 days until the midterms, McFeels and Halberstram identify the trend of polling and subsequent rating normalization as analysts are forced to come to grips with an electoral reality they've been attempting to stave off since early summer. With leftist mob violence on the uptick, what seems to be an even more virulent strain of the reverse Bradley effect is being reflected in the polls. From there it's onto the premise that winning, not losing, is in fact the most significant and meaningful multiplier effect for accelerationism, a blue slip showdown in the Senate, Kanye, Rosenstein, Shitholer Caravan 2.0, dissecting Democrats' decades old immigration problem, charges of sexual racism, NPCs and more -- if it's Sunday, it's another jam-packed episode of FTN!
McFeels and Halberstram slice and dice some non-Kavanaugh news, especially Dems' pivot to more dead end here's-how-we-can-finally-destroy-blormpf proposals with an overture of calls for violence. Then it's on to white pills on polling and some final thoughts on Abraham Lincoln. It's all ahead on FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!With Kavanaugh now confirmed and sworn-in, McFeels and Halberstram relish in the most substantial, hard-fought political victory since 2016. Now we must pivot from a weekend of basking in the schadenfreud and red solo cups filled to the brim with keg beer, to a clear-eyed resolve moving forward into the coming weeks and months as the anti-White left intensifies their attacks on white America. It's all ahead on FTN!