Jazz and James discover a new polling phenomenon and the real reason why Jared Kushner has been put in charge of the border "wall" before going back below periscope depth on the world of microfinance driven migration, this time in Africa and spearheaded by Ivanka. Rounding out the second half, Jazz eats his hat, Obama is blocked from joining a predominantly Jewish DC country club, and a number of bottom of the stack items see the light of day. If it's Thursday, it's Thanksgiving FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 268: Impossibru U.

In the midst of an impenetrable impeachment media blitz, Jazz and James identify four major areas of unified political subterfuge on immigration, censorship, trade, and foreign policy being undertaken by the kosher establishment while they think no one is paying attention. Then it's Syracuse race hoax shakedown, a full deconstruction of The Economist's Special Report on the "Magic of Migration", Prince fall nnnguy, Pope Prostitute Respecter, and the arrest of Bruce 'Gettin Dat Bag' Bagley. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN 267: Debase the Nation Deep Dive
Jazz and James celebrate World Toilet Day with outrageous claims made by the Indian government only one billion pajeets would believe. Then, with the 25 year anniversary of California's Prop 187 serving as the entrance to the rabbit hole, it's a nice, comfy 2.5 hour deep dive into the heart of why white Americans have never gotten what they wanted, on any issue. If it's Thursday, it's good to be behind the paywall!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 266: Ambitionz Az a Shabbos

Jazz and James invoke the Carlin Rule on some backroom dealing on USMCA and unearth some accidental white pills from VDARE, before pivoting to a closer examination of the various tactics of post-Trump conservatism, including - as you may have guessed by this weekend's cover art - CPAC in Prison. Then it's a mini deep-dive into the Sandy Hook gun suit, some smart local political maneuvering in Boise, and some choice bottom of the stack pieces. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN 265: Jazz and James See Kyle Ramos
Jazz and James discuss Dodge Duster tree pullers, DACA meta takes, egonmigs, farmer suicides, and finance capital's gutting of Middle America in hour one before pivoting to see Kyle Ramos of the Slightly Sophisticated podcast to discuss his views on conservatism and the future of American politics. If it's Thursday, it's FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 264: Based Resistance

James and Ethnarch chart the return of Jeff Sessions, Bloomberg's sudden intervention, the struggles of Elizabeth Warren and Slippery Pete, the latest news on the immigration and refugee fronts, the rise of the Based Resistance, and the Sudanese Space Program. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN 263: Semitic Subprime Superhighway
Jazz and James react to Sessions' Senate run, goobernatorial election results, and an update on Worthington, Minnesota's infestation problems before pivoting to the Mexican Mormon Massacre and an extremely spicy red-pill laden deep-dive into the world of commercialized 3rd world microfinance at the epicenter of world migration (a perfect bookend to FTN 223: Semitic Subhuman Superhighway). If it's Thursday, it's FTN!
Get behind the paywall to access the show!FTN 262: Regime Cleavage

Jazz and James deliver inside sandwich takes on the political landscape, bootstrapping vs. socialism, what regime cleavage really means, a trip out to Michael's Vineyard, and more! If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN 260: No Limit Weimerica. BOOM.

Jazz and James mock Bannon's new War Room podcast, the state of Trump, and pan the impeachment porcess as the epitome of kosher sandwich sustainability. Most of the second half is devoted to the latest pwning of Charlie Kirk, hot takes on Tulsi's mooch meeting and third party plans, Syria reversals, Chicago teachers strike, and Adam Neumann's $6M swindle. If it's Sunday, it's FTN!
FTN 259: Evrei. Single. Time.
Jazz and James dole out some hot takes on the Tulsi vs. Clinton tussle before segyooing into deplatforming and WeWork's sudden collapse as totally coincidental in the context of its nefarious origins. Then it's GM strike, dark horse skid greasing, Buttplug's Big Black Internal Focus Group erected to probe the deepest bowels of black distaste for his flaccid candidacy, Wall Street warms to Warren, world revolution beta tests, and more Lindsey Graham posting. If it's Thursday, it's FTN!
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