John Q Publius fills in for an absent Striker as he and Borzoi discuss the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty with Dave Gahary and Phil Tourney, the latter of whom survived the attack
by borzoi
John Q Publius fills in for an absent Striker as he and Borzoi discuss the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty with Dave Gahary and Phil Tourney, the latter of whom survived the attack
by borzoi
Eric and Borzoi speak with the guy from the Patriotic Socialism page about Third Position politics.
by borzoi
by borzoi
Join Striker and Borzoi as the Great American Houseboat crashes into the People's Square, continuing our conversations on the real American working class.
by borzoi
Tony Hovater and Nick talk to Strike and Borzoi about their nationalist workers collective.
by borzoi
Striker is out today so Borzoi talks with musician Stormking about Ted Kaczynski, anprim, acc vs dec, and other environmentalist ideas.
by borzoi
Borzoi and Striker speak with Martin Saxlind of the Nordic Resistance Movement.
by borzoi
Borzoi and Striker continue the conversation on masculinity, incels, and the general state of Western society with Rollo Tomassi at the Rational Male. Tune in at 7pm EST.
by borzoi
People's Square returns this week as Striker and Borzoi talk with Roosh, starting at 6pm EST.
by borzoi
Borzoi and Striker talk to the curator of the Traditionalist Western Art facebook page about art and his book