From auteurs to autistes, this week on the Poz Button Borzoi brings on anime-aficionado National Waifuist to talk about art and the greatest science fiction movie never made: Jodorowsky's Dune
Poz Button 14 – Ikiru
This week on the Poz Button Borzoi gets existential with TV Kwa as they seek a reason to live in the face of death while talking about Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru. No, this isn't anime.Continue Reading …
Poz Button 13 – Network
We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore as this week on the Poz Button, Borzoi welcomes back KulturKampf Kompatriot Titus Flavius to discuss the 1976 news media satire Network.
Poz Button 11 – Westworld (HBO) with Sven and Titus
This week on the Poz Button, Titus goes into the Nietzschean ideals present in the HBO series Westworld; Sven not so much. Oh yeah, Borzoi was there too.
The Poz Button 10 – True Stories
This week on the Poz Button Fatherland Jim and Borzoi dig deep into the lost dream of the quirky 80's film True Stories. Come for the nostalgia, stay for the unraveling of our society.
Poz Button 09 – Nerd Culture
This week Poz Button moves to Wednesdays with an episode that breaks from the previous format and a hot new intro cut with the help of Jim from the Fatherland. Borzoi talks with Titus Flavius and Baron Leto, his co-hosts from Kulturkampf Season Two, about the toxic, empty, and disease-ridden modern phenomenon that is nerd culture.
The Poz Button 08 – Moonrise Kingdom
Poz Button makes its *actual* TRS radio debut with the implicitly white movie Moonrise Kingdom. Barcode and Borzoi unlock their inner SWPLs as they examine the precocious innocence and young love in this 2012 Wes Anderson movie and try to make sense of an America that no longer exists.
The Poz Button 07 – Get Out
Long live the new flesh, the Poz Button has arrived. The pet project of Fatherland intern Borzoi, the Poz Button is a soon-to-be weekly podcast that delves into the mass culture of movies and picks them apart from an alt-right perspective to better understand the hellish landscape that is our mass media culture and the constant narratives that our people are being flooded with through the magic of cinema.
Unfortunately this week's episode is delayed due to a number of unforeseen circumstances, but in the meantime if you haven't heard the show here is the archive of the first seven episodes. Start with the most recent episodes and if you like what you hear then start at the beginning below the cut. Suggestions for guests and movies are always welcomed.
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