Mike and Borz spend the first half talking about the Houthi strike group chat leak and how the Jewish reporter Jeffrey Goldberg is covering up more than he is revealing. In the second half we resume our KMac discussion with Chapter 5 of A People Who Shal Dwell Alone, which covers Jewish resource competition with surrounding gentile groups, and concludes that Judaism is a highly successful strategy in this regard.

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Friendship ended with King Ferdinand II
A Chinese woman I used to work with told me about how emigre Chinese communities have clubs or safehouses to help members of all their different families or clans. Her family name was Hoon & if she got in trouble abroad she would be able to find out where go to access the Hoon mutual aid network.
Mike’s right. Jeffrey Goldberg isn’t interested in leaking information that helps jews out. As a jewish editor in chief of a major publication, he’s just a neutral arbiter of information. If someone leaked to him information detrimental to jewish power or Israel, he’d surely have the journalistic integrity to publish it.
Jeffrey Goldberg got really lucky that he was able to leak a story which benefits jewry and Israel. It’s not every day that zionist puppets knowingly coordinate with the jewish elite to further jewish interests. 9/11 was childs play for ZOG but orchestrating a leak to the IDF editor jew is simply beyond their capabilities. Besides, I trust Jeffrey Goldberg’s honesty and integrity here.
I personally think Dr. MacDonald’s work is the most important work in all of human intellectual history. It’s by orders of magnitude more important than Mein Kampf.
The NSDAP would’ve rewarded this man.
I come from a long line of peasant farmers.
I got the notification for so and so joined telegram. It was someone with a furry pfp on there. It took me a minute to figure out who the hell i know that’s a furry. It was my aunt. I dmed her about the notification to avoid bringing shame on my family.
omg, AWK-ward
Why does it matter 6 million jews were pretend gassed?
Imagine leaving your house for only an hour only to discover that strangers have moved in and thrown all your stuff outside. Not only that, imagine soldiers are standing outside your own fucking house, stopping you at bayonet point from going back in and telling you, “This is no longer your home.”
From the scale of a single house to the scale of entire countries, this is what jews have been doing to us for thousands of years.
Glory to the Houthi’s!
Death to America
There’s been unrest between the chink-Jeets in a border area of India and regular Jeets recently. Very bizarre to see a tan looking chinkesque broad speak with a thick jeet accent.
It’s why I always called India, the graveyard of racial bloodlines.
No wonder why Alexander’s men refused to go further into India.
Show title idea (for any show this week): Houthi and the Blowfish
Houthi and the Blowviation
It’s funny how Mike likes to mention how Israel doesn’t seem to exist in popular visual media for obvious reasons especially in the context of the 60s Cold War landscape. That’s why I think for many years, so many conspiratards never once considered Israel being connected to the JFK assassination since they get their info from fiction product. Heck, I was even like that when I was a normie. I remember being confused when in one of the first episodes of Mad Men, they’re talking about how to portray Israel as a tourist destination and I had to smack myself… Read more »
My dad will talk about scenes in the movie JFK as if that’s exactly how it happened.
I’m kind of bummed there’s no hold music but the Mike slice of life noises with the dog is kind of ok I guess
What happened to half time fish stream?
The fish wanted too much money
My contempt for America has been growing every day and I have observed how self serving the American ego is and how easily one can bruise it. Especially among crude racists when you say America is trash. Please pray for our retardation *sends 10 clasped hand prayer emojis* This whole group chat just reifies that our elite/rulers are contemptuous and bow down to jews and Israel no matter what.
Yes. If we are contemptuous of Americans perhaps its hypocritical to rail that we have no statesman, and our politicians want us dead. They too despise Americans and are just capitalizing in the system cynically. It really exemplifies every man for himself. I see it in my own family. Ayn Rand capitalism and Karl Marx communism really has done a mind fuck on the north american mutt empire.
Americans are garbage people.
By the way, audio and video are working great!
This is only the third episode discussing APTSDA. Not part 4
Or weaklings. How often do rightoids bring up the “muh cheese eating surrender monkeys” meme despite the centuries old martial tradition in France, the country that gave birth to freaking Napoleon!
Akshyally, Napoleon Bonaparte was Corsican
Comment for the algos! Look forward to the show
commenting for Lagos
Strim is live!
Tfw the American empire lies in shitty group chats where Jews plan their next move
This whole “leaked war plans text” thing is just to distract the goyim and prevent them from actually looking at the war plans or why they are being made.
I wonder how Jimmy Dore and the MAGA communists will cope with these warplans against the Houthis on behalf of Kikes?
Why are my two boomer libtard aunts so assblasted about trump leaking classified shit? I don’t get why this in particular triggers them so hard.
Because libtards are bloodthirsty neocons, as seen w/r/t the Ukraine.
If you want to make a libtard cream in their jeans, just show them a tweet from Mike Pence saying something negative about Blormph.
My God do they swoon, and just MELT over the fact that they have so much in common with a completely Jew-aligned war hawk and free market capitalist.
In the same way MAGA became only about Trump winning, libtards have stopped caring about actual policies–it’s only about Trump losing.
I hate Americans so much.
Just look at Wonkette.
I think a lot of it goes back to the Hilary emails thing and “lock her up”. It’s all petty, superficial, and personality-driven. Just like rightoids never bothered to look into what was actually in those Hilary emails, all they cared about was owning the libs. Now, it’s the libs’ turn to own.