The Death Panel take a look at some rental opportunities.

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PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
For 700 bucks a month you could live within the lap of luxury in scenic SW VA.
You even get a creek in the back yard once the sewage system fails
The sad reality is, our people have very few options when it comes to housing.
“Ooh is that an electric fireplace?”.
“No it’s just the breaker box”.
Still looks nicer than, say, the trailer park behind the Greek Hillbilly (formerly the Willis Drive-In). Now that shit is grim. Or take a stroll through Needmore…
Edited to add: Willis is definitely more on the Deliverance side of the county, but I couldn’t have asked for a better toy as a kid than 13 or so acres of relatively tame forest with a creek at the bottom of the hill. And no, we never shat in it. Piss, on the other hand..
I spent some time at Tuff Nichol’s garage.
I’ve seen nicer houses on Hoarders. Maybe he was going for the look of the house Pippi Longstockings live in, you could maybe fit a pony in that weird almost-room?
Pipi Longstockings, now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
Fuck I’m old
Literally half what I pay for what is basically a studio with a wall thrown up by some Mexicans to make it seem like it’s a one bedroom
How much of a d’nation do I have to make to get you to take a field trip to that shitbox?
Thanks for the great home improvement videos. I have so much to learn if I’m ever going to be that good.
He has another house tour where the thumbnail is just an open minifridge with a bottle of baby rays
I want to make clips from TDS for Twitter, is there a way to download the video version of the show?
You want to share it with your cheapskate friends, be honest…
Lol, I wish I could get non NS friends to listen to TRS
I need rightoids to get a healthy dose of Sven
So did Sven figure out the video after first posting yesterday? Was listening to the audio applet like I usually do and got to hour 2 and heard him say he would post the link to the video so I backed out to see if it was there so I could see this creekshitter rental property but now I notice the the video applet is back. Well thank you for the creekshitter cawntent!
If you’re offended by the creekshitter review in hour 2, that’s the american in you crying “…but what if some day I own a bunch of crackhouses I need to rent out?” Cast it back down into the dark corners of your psyche.
Yeah it’s not making fun of poor people, the guy is an asshole.
Poor people shouldn’t have to live in a death trap, even public housing here in Oz at least has windows and a building inspector.
Has to be made out of bricks so it doesn’t burn down easy too, can’t legally build with wood and drywall.
# 1316 is the very 1st time I ever abandoned an episode.
I would preffer political talk but if not politics, at least be funny and or entertaining.
That was just an utter waste of time.
Just take the day off.
Try to give them some slack. Most could never in any way talk contemporaneously for 3 hrs. They are good at what they do. Listening to Hours and hours of talking to pick up a turn of phrase; or putting a thought to verbal understanding like a a-good book does is worth the occasional retard shitshoah.
I guess.
I mean it’s not like I’m mad.
The segment just went on way too long.
This archetype of White hick boomer “land pimp” who rides his properties hard and puts them away wet exists everywhere across this great nation. My college place was basically the same and I might as well have been renting it from the same guy for around the same price. Uncanny.
It does seem like an intermediate place someone would live in on their way up from an underpass to a trailer park to a suburban McMansion.
On its face it might seem mean spirited to pick on this old man and his 5 views youtube video, but then you dig deeper and find that this guy had his eye on this property and similar ones for a while because he wanted to live the american dream of collecting rent on a dump with no effort, the pettiest form of the mom ‘n pop slum lord. Preying on people more desperate than he is. Its shitty, its fucking everywhere, and people just kinda accept it as part of the “grind.”
Long time no see, Internet friends.
Henlo fren
As Mr. Red Green Nationalist I disavow this Creekshitter’s renovations.
He is indeed not handsome nor is he handy (with powertools)
Tesla Shield Maidens is amazing.
Suffocation is a pioneer of slam, and brutal death metal for the most part has become death metal + slams.
Did the show notes get shoah’d?
As a vassal state, the EU is doing what they were told to do by jews in America. ZOG needs the war in Ukraine to continue or else they lose the leverage needed to persuade Putin to end his alliance with Iran. Rhetoric between the US and EU might differ but what do their actions say? The EU can’t continue supporting a war without US approval. If they could oppose US foreign policy they wouldn’t be a vassal state.
That rental reminds me of the place I lived in right out of school. It was a shithole, and I was constantly in fights with the maintenance guy. It’s what motivated me to just buy a house.
Tell me about it, I’m actually immune to bee stings now as there was a massive hive in the wall of a place I rented and I was stung so many times, asshole wouldn’t remove them till I called the ranger.
Anne Applebaum likes Trump. She just wants to control the anti-war left and keep them pointed safely away from jews. It’s like when JD Vance “”leaked”” message came out about attacking the Houthis being another instance of bailing Europe out. You sure it’s not bailing Israel out?
JD in anti-Europe attack dog mode being contrarian – he actually got a response that they would force concessions from Egypt and Europe later. Ha ha what are they going to do give more ports to Blackrock?
All hail video shoah!
Hillary was right about the MAGAts lol.
I really rely on the table of contents to know what’s in the show.
Maybe I missed something, but why is there an hour of commentary on some rando renting out a house he owns?
I too am curious about this
Because of the extreme low quality of the “renovations”. I have never in my life heard of replacing windows with shelving.
For you Americans it is just everyday life. For us Europeans it is a shocking view in to the American experience.
Very interesting segment.
Holy crap vidia
I have to agree that even the most depraved creekshitter isn’t as bad as the moron that puts plastic on the fire.
My dad once put a 14 foot Crosby Sled on the fire pile.
“Ah it’s fine kids just stand up wind”
The Tesla shield retard has set a new bar for making white people look bad
I was cringing so hard throughout the video it looked like I was convulsing
That entire home renovation channel commentary was rough to listen to. The most sub par content I’ve heard on this show in years.
Listen to? We got to watch it on glorious video!
My audience feedback metrics indicate widespread approval so expect this to become a regular series.
Please no!
You’re a tard.
North Atlantic Takfiri Organization?
Who even needs a batchroom when you have the optional creek?
“A little caulk and a little paint makes a carpenter what he ain’t”
“Thanks to Dorgl Blumf, my gay tranny mulatto grandson can pray in school to Jehovah that Benjamin Netanyahu successfully exterminates all the Palestinians just like the cool Jews in the Bible did.” T. Average Toid in 2025
Of course this creekshitter can’t master switchblading, it’s an art. My brush is a blade, my canvas is anyone who gets in my way.
The Overton windows has shifted. After we accepted Jamie prep, now they’ve moved to Alex’s wife prep. Dark times.
The Overton windows have been replaced with shelving.
Nice. Well played, sir.
If rural Americans are creek shitters, does that make people from Louisiana and Florida swamp shitters?
Same shit different body of water.
Thanks for the confirmation!
I was waiting for the guy in hour 2 to start saying Dracula Flow lines
Shouldn’t you guys leave a list of links of what you’re seeing? Just listening to you guys talking about something that most of us make no idea what that is, is ridiculous.
Theater of the mind, brother. I saw it all.
Vidya? Fug! I was enjoying the Theatre of the mind!
le-gnome-ium t. Alex
I will continue to butcher this primitive pidgin Anglo language until morale improves.
I had a dream of Ana Kasparian in an SS uniform smoking a cigarette
Was it wet?
No shes a gook.
need that vidya to follow along
Where’s the link to this ridiculous house this creekshitter is selling I want to follow along
found it
Bro the comments I’m dyin.
That guy must be like wtf is goin on.
A friend sent me a video of this big fat greasy dude sticking his hand up his ass, then rubbing it on a tesla. It was pretty funny.
Why did you feel the need to embarrass yourself and your friend by admitting that?
tesla owner malding
Oh this faggot is back again.
Trade in your Tesla for a Subaru and I’ll call off my discord mod’s smelly hands.
Hopefully you die of AIDS soon so I don’t have to hear your grade school attempts at bantz anymore.
You bring up gay sex every time you stink up my comment threads because you have gay sex on your mind at all times.
Breh, you started this thread talking about gay fisting, I simply called you a faggot for being a faggot.
Like I said the last two times you’re not very good at this.
Your gay mind connected gay to my comment.
Please stop using the f slur. This is a no bigotry zone.
Bro fucking kill your self, like seriously have some bath time with the toaster, make sure you pull out the RCD switch from your breaker box first.
aha aha. I won the argument because I stayed calm and you got mad, gnoob. styupid American in Australia can’t control his emotions. Go eat more chicken nuggets in shame and lust for men. He’s quiet now and scared of me.
No, you should seriously kill yourself for being so bad at this.
Like are you mentally ill?, a jaded homosexual Antifa?.
I mean what kind of faggot pays for a subscription just so they can shit up the place like Elton John after a hard night out.
Remember you can’t insult or beat an Australian in bantz, I’ve got all day mate.
I’m very good at this demonstrated by your rage.
I don’t feel that I’m shitting up the place by being this badass and genius but if one of the big dogs of the site tell me to stop, I will.
See you next show or whenever I feel like it.
Who’s enraged? I’m havin a great old time, “Genius badass” *“pretends”* to be gay online, wow you really got me there with your pure philosophical genius.
He can’t stop bringing up gay. Over and over, every response. It’s the only thing on his mind.
The only reason you were having a great time was because you were high on drugs at the time of writing your comment. Bum.
Thank you for not using the f curse by the way. It’s very humble and brave of you to not use that word.
You sir are retarded.
This is the best comment in a long time.
Fridays medbed content was pretty dark and enraging. Holy shit my wife usually likes listening to it because of how funny it is. Having an autistic kid though hits home for me. Anyone who takes their kid to one of those creek shitter med bed death traps should lose their rights to be parents
Along with jailing everyone involved with those places until we find out what in the hell is going on
the ‘covid’ experiment grew the western (real) medicine skeptic numbers significantly. It’s one thing if the mind-blown-mystical boomer wants to order rapeseed oils and lay in a tanning bed. It’s another when parents are opting for dangerous, magical cures. Altmed TM was a skitzo reaction to over-priced treatments that sometimes don’t work. Now, people with $8,000 cash are paying just as much, if not more for poisonous snake oil.
Did you forget that you don’t have video?
skype went caput they’re using a new thingy
The unspeakable horror of some cracker’s carpentry evokes HP Lovecraft
If I had a Time Machine I’d clean up travelling back ten years and taking bets on that in 2025 liberals would be attacking electric cars and conservatives would be serving as human shields for them.
Just goes to show Left and Right is completely fake. Specific issues can turn on a dime over night.
I try not to dunk on Euros but their leaders are just as beyond reproach as ours are in how they Americanize their politics and strategy to win. In the end it’s all for jews and to screw over the populace.
Euro leaders are more traditional faggots.
American leaders are new age faggots.
Two sides of the same shekel.
Imagine you finally make it into secret service training, you learn to run 20 50 yard shuttles and then shoot at olympic level accuracy with high blood pressure and heart rate whilst you’re pumped with adrenaline in the rain or snow wearing night vision gear with only seconds to return fire. You train to literally give your own life by jumping in front of your VIP. You call dad, “I made it onto the president’s detail dad!”. Then you are tasked with defending a fuckin autistic weirdo who is balancing kitchen utensils on his finger.. No wonder he was shaking… Read more »
Damn it. I wanted to be the brutal american. JD and Trump aren’t what I thought when I heard the phrase.
Also yes that orange faggot is cutting 400 million in medical research in Australia that the U.S. co funds.
Okay if you wanna stop giving us money that’s fine I appreciate gifts and don’t expect them, but he’s making the Universities take tests to make sure they aren’t taking funding from “socialist governments” ie our one, and China, Iran and Cuba.
Yes we do research with Chinese scientists too.
Is this the fuckin 1950s?.
For 1000yrs the Russians have practiced attrition warfare, we kill you, you kill us, but you get tired first.
And yes they are helping Hamas and Hezbollah with intelligence in the least.
They probably gave them intelligence and over watch for Oct 7, not to diminish the Arab effort but it was ridiculously successful for a militia raid.
I honestly can’t imagine the Russian state providing any intelligence capabilities directly to Hamas or Hezbollah.
Well Russia’s interest was winning in Ukraine, so tell GRU to pass intel to Iranian intelligence to be forwarded to Hamas and Hezbollah to conduct a resource depletion raid against Israel. Kikes panic slava Ukraina can fuck off and assets are shifted to Israel’s defence, it worked. Of course seething kikes retaliated with HTS taking Syria, after Russian resources were diminished, which the Russians and Assad probably wagered was going to happen anyway, probably being aware that the Syrian army was no longer loyal through counter intelligence, losing Syria gaining Ukraine. A corridor has opened to attack Iran, but the… Read more »
Sven’s right. putin is just a rightoid at the end of the day, and that’s gonna be his downfall.
yes Putin has always been a Cuckservative
You mean the smiling GIs who in 1945 raped and pillaged across Europe. Hey Applebaum, maybe you should stop looking at vintage ads and posters you’d see in a diner that Guy Fieri would mukbang at and pick up a fucking book like Hellstorm to see actual reality and horror ZOG brought upon Europe in the so called “good war”. But you wouldn’t want to read that. Would you?
Greatest generation sucked ass. That’s also the time when circumcision became popular with the goyim in America.
They are cunts, and their children. I was on the train on ANZAC day with a fellow Serb soldier, old Aussie colonel gets on with brass on, buddy salutes. This old cunt says “I don’t need your Fuckin salute”, so I started on him by talking loudly about thank God in a democracy I can cut my sons cock off and marry a black man. He started going on about ebul Putin till I yelled in his face that all we’ve done is genocide Arabs for kikes and now the train is filled with niggers, to a shout at the… Read more »
F5 gang gang torturing the eternal anglo with our tism.