The Death Panel are not befuddled.
- Red Flag This Xer Please
- I Guess Lain Isn’t a LOLcow?
- Two Norwood Goblins
- Wipe Your Laptop And Flee To Iraq
- Alienated Right Antisemitism
- Fuddler On The Roof
- The Merchant Minute
PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
check out the name of the head of security in this video
Check out this Jewish flying car scam
Mike to answer your question on Chapo, they are still doing 2-3 podcasts a week. It’s actually somewhat entertaining.
Sven, Joe Rogan hasn’t lived in Colorado for decades. He runs the most famous comedy club in the world which is in Austin Texas. The fact that you guys don’t know these things is a sign that you’re a little bit toto disconnected to be relateable to new audiences
You guys don’t care about any of this but tens of millions of young white men do
Ahhhhhh shaddup. This is a show for reporting on foreign wars, not for figuring out how to wake up the white boys in America
The mosque versus synagogue ratio is hunky-dory in these parts. Priorities!
Ah I and them are basically boomers now, who gives a shit.
Everything is fucked now anyway, can’t even get a chicken raffle going without the feds or retards ruining it.
Anybody who likes Rogan & Co in 2025 is hopeless
I’d understand when he was doing conspiracy slop a decade ago but it’s become unlistenable
Better to be ignorant of it and live in bliss
This. I’m glad TRS *doesn’t* know the latest Roganslop or Norwoodslop— it’s why TRS has stayed sane while literally everyone else has reverted to neoconservatism.
Fuck being “relatable” to the psychotic judaized masses. They’re the ones who need to make an effort becoming relatable to us.
The whole panel being normies on male pattern baldness was unironically unintended wholesome content. Also found it entertaining how Moike instinctively sniffed it out as BAP-tier faggotry, and was mostly on the nose.
We do not want a TRS which moves with the world, we want a TRS which *moves* the world.
Total Video Shoah.
The reason they like subsonic ammo is because you can fire it without wearing earplugs and not get hearing damage
Ah cmon everyone roasts a child, erases their laptop and runs from the police once in a while, I thought this was America!.
To be fair WNs need to learn to erase their laptops when the Feds come a knocking
Just keep your phone in the microwave with a remote switch 😁
Are these guys fucking retarded? who doesn’t know what the norwood scale is? I am bald and butthurt
The Norwood scale is for barbers and incels
Norwood scale sounds like something gay Andrew Tate made up
Bo’um G
ADHD isn’t even a real thing. That poor little boy. What a miserable way to go and at the age of five 😢
Genuinely been very sad all day since hearing this on TDS and Googling the little boy.
The lack of video is depressing.
Geez go outside bro
>go outside
>see jew
>day ruined
Well suppressed 300blk is quite good for hunting deer, you don’t need ear protection and won’t spook every animal in the county if you miss, you can also hear where they are. Also you may be able to hear campers who were about to be a backstop. My grandfather used to hunt rabbits with a suppressed .22, hunting guide books considering it “un gentlemanly” to make a bunch of noise and scare the other animals or passers by. But of course like wife beaters with rats tails in Camaros ruining AC/DC, tacticool faggots ruin the gun community and make it… Read more »
Not that I would ever have a reason to trespass, but the threat of boomers would keep me from doing so even if I wanted to.
So would the son on the roof with the rifle be a Roof Creekshitter?
Dylan roof shitter.
Exploding children is tight.
I’m thoroughly fuddled. If I find those meddling kids messing around down by the creek…
I can’t believe you guys didn’t know about Norwood 😢
That was a funny bit. Norwood scale is a basic assessment for male pattern baldness, from 0 full hairline to something like 6 or 7 being basically horseshoemaxer.
“Sources confirm to FOX 2 that Oxford Center CEO Tamela Peterson allegedly shared CCTV photos of 5-year-old Thomas Cooper from the fire and included disturbing text messages that were critical of the child.
“If my leg was on fire, I would at least try to hit it and put it out. He just laid there and did nothing,” Peterson allegedly said.”
String the cunt up.
Sven is the creekshitter whisperer. he gets them completely.
Lol interesting generational gap on TDS today. Norwood is the most terror-filled, paralyzing word for millennials/zoomers. Ive encountered multiple virgins in their late 20s early 30s who are concerned about their hairline. Astonishing that it concerns them more than never getting pussy but that’s just social media/online communities for you
I’m 45 and still Norwood 0, feels good!
Because it correlates with their chances of getting pussy, duh
They currently have hair and get no pussy
If they lost their hair nothing would change
Hair is not the problem
Women like shaved headed guys especially if you’re big and scary, even if you look like a bashed beef roast, don’t be skinny fat, don’t be a weird cunt.
Go out in social situations be nice to people so women can see that people and other women like you, they actually don’t care about hair, money and that bullshit, they care about relationships and community, like go train dogs, help the elderly or somethin.
Look at some of the fugly cunts out there with a dime piece.
Interesting to note how Ross Douthat claims American foreign policy is rooted in the American people’s Christianity and guilt over the Holocaust, thus forcing our democratic institutions to promote genocide (lol), but he simultaneously admits that leftist concern over America’s support for genocide never actually amounted to any change in policy (and barely even any rhetoric). And now the “alienated right” is also mounting opposition to Israel, forming a bottom-up left/right consensus (especially among the politically active members of the population), but this also has no influence on American policy. It seems the one consistent predictor of whether or not… Read more »
2A YouTubers are more insufferable than Joe Ruben
I’m kind of liking the new ” Theatre of the mind” TRS. None of you look like you sound. And you know, thats ok.
I miss pointing at the screen when a video is playing like Gunther does.
What’s crazy about that medbed story is that family aren’t even ruralites. They’re from Troy, a suburb of Detroit. The medbed place was in Brighton, which I guess is technically in a rural county but it’s a really cozy and beautiful small town, nothing like the shitholes out west I’ve come to know. Just goes to show everyone in this country is insane.
I know, right? I mean, pickled bologna? WT actual F, Koegels?
Dirt pooe done have timw or resources for this bullshit.
Rightoids be like “giving your kid their MMR vaccine is child abuse” *incinerates child*
Get the pudding when you get hit with my Norwoody.
I dated a girl with back melons ADOISH
Norwood is balding hairline
TDS has inspired me to stop lifting, sell my pickup truck, switch to apple computers, and with this episode I will be selling my entire armory.
You should switch to Arch and put on 200lbs
I read this comment between sets.
Now you just need to convert to Islam
I’m gonna chop off my penis now and buy a Prius, take that right wingers!.
FYI on the Petrol Abo Huffing Hour it was stated that Beau is in fact a jew
I randbot or his cube said the sky was blue I’d look out the window to be sure
Randbot is indeed retarded even by Australian standards.
Randbot has burned me 2 times with his lies and trusting bad sources. He is funny but am not trusting anything he says unless i know it is true.
Yeah listen to the chaser lads if you want to hear non retarded Australians, if you are so inclined.
I’ve had beers with them and know they’re good guys who don’t bullshit.
Red flagging probably gets invoked during breakups by women
That’s the terrible thing about the way the American legal system treats domestic violence. All a woman needs to do in order to initiate a divorce and keep control of the house and kids is deliberately provoke her husband into a fight then scream bloody murder to the police.
The son of one of my Dad’s friends got in a fight with his wife during election season over politics. The wife hit him someone called the cops and they arrested him despite him not hitting her. 4 hours later she fessed up at the police station. I personally would have a vendetta against the arresting cop for being such a pathetic simp and believing a hysterical woman so easily. And I would do whatever I could to put that cop through a humiliation ritual. I would drag him through the court process myself just to berate him in front… Read more »
Except that cop deals with niggers all day so the second he feels like he has power (which he doesn’t have over Americas sacred Niggers) he’s going to take it to abuse a White man
Yeah I’ve seen that abused here in Oz, it used to be they’d seize them then a judge would give them back. The woman would have to swear a warrant and would be charged with false report. That worked fine until we had so many nigger crimes the cops were too busy to investigate threats, we’ve had a few guys go postal lately after they’d been reported but the cops did nothing, now they have a whistleblower law where you can make false reports. The cops didn’t want to admit that they failed to stop them and are useless cunts.… Read more »
Apparently the finkethink of libtard on Tesla owners is on a steep trajectory up. All I see on Facebook. Is libtards harassing Tesla owners who are probably also libtards
Depends if it’s all teslas or cyber trucks,
If someone has a cyber truck you can assume they are an Elon musk retarded fanboy (on the likes of Adam from Myth20C)
The Norwood scale is hairline shit and what your baldness pattern looks like. I saw that stuff a while back on twitter and always found it to be more about self confidence. “Bros how fucked am I on the Norwood scale?” Then they post their scragly hairline. It’s all gay.
As a male pattern baldness haver… If you are talking about “Norwood” scale shave your fucking head and stop worrying about being pretty… Be a man
Women like big hairy gross scarred gnurled tree trunk looking mother fuckers with shaved heads like myself.
If you’re weird lookin and skinny fat go to the gym hair don’t matter.
“Tactical Lisinopril” Alex be angling for that rare McNabb show title
What the hell are you guys talking about. You started as if we all knew what shooting happened
I lived next to a boomer that made the mail mans job harder than it needed to be because he put up a fucking wooden barrier around the property line dirt. They had to park on the street and walk up to the mailbox to deliver the mail. This boomer would always yell at the poor person delivering his mail whenever the delivery car got too close “GREAT NOW I HAVE TO RAKE THIS DIRT AGAIN” Great times.
Oh hell ya I haven’t heard the dunking on gun spergs bit in a while, can’t wait for the tears
today is the beginning of the conflagration in hinduism, the beginning of the end of the kali yuga apparently starting with chaos
I take all my spiritual teachings from a culture that sees a woman shitting in the street as a good rape opportunity
What time does the world end?
I believe you need to poo in your hand a fling it on a wall for magic interpretation
I am unfortunately still turkish. I have hired the best doctors from Africa to help me fix this.
Baron Munchausen schooled your Ottomon asses
take a 23andme test, there’s a solid at least 1/4 chance you’re greek
The turkish race is a social construct. It’s a hodge podge of every group within the region
welcome to the near east lol
Nike origin story
I had some good turkey the other day
Now I hate you and hope you die.
100% Luwian phenotype.
Have you tried not being Turkish?.