Borzoi mistakenly does the second of now three parts on understanding the sociology and psychology and the culture of school shooters by reviewing school shooter materials chronologically from Charles Whitman to Cho Seung-Hui.
Intro Song: Vexations by Erik Satie
Outro Song: String Quartet no. 2, Op. 17 (Sz. 67) by Bela Bartok
Referenced Links:
Part 3 will release normally next week as it’s 90% recorded.
I actually used to watch Sledge’s youtube videos. Then in a podcast I found out abt his connections to the Pearl HS shooting. That cocked an eyebrow- that was 2022 or thereabouts. My aunt lived in Pearl at the time and I asked her to ask around. No one really remembered him, the few ppl she could find who went to school with him that were still there just described him as a weirdo. He’s married to a negress “rabbi” and he treats his judaism as some D&D larp. He isn’t a blood jew.
This wasn’t a mistake. It is a rather difficult and unpleasant subject- but no one is talking about it- someone has to. One can be an atomized individual, but once the material benefit that is supposed to come along with it isn’t there, all that’s left is a yawning empty abyss of nihilism, that’s my take away. The yawning abyss was always there, it was just papered over, it was never going to last, it’s a cheap magicians trick. Woodham, Klebold etc. all sensed this. That doesn’t make them clever- that’s just how shitty the trick is. Their answer was… Read more »
Yeah I fucked up my life looking for the truth. My bad.
I really enjoy the almost skitzo monologue throughout – debating whether it’s worth delving into this topic. I highly doubt anyone here would fault you for “giving the shooters a platform”. If they do, they only solidify your statement about Americans refusing to puncture these harsh realities. Yes, school shootings will keep happening. But how will we, as parents, navigate this sick landscape if we’re mired in taboo? I like the part where you basically say “I’m over it, we need to talk about this.”
It should be noted that chinese autism is different than regular autism
The non-White shooters in general gave me a really weird and uncomfortable feeling. Jealous and spiteful, driven by envy, yet they shouldn’t even be living here amongst us to begin with. Just fuck off if you hate us so much, but we all know who invited them here.
Oh shit I remember the vampire freaks forum, those people were retarded coupled with being a indian, that’s a combo for being fucked in the head
I commented on the last episode about a parallel between Kip Kinkle and Ethan Crumbly- in that both of them were weirdos whose fathers tried to connect with them through buying them firearms so I wasn’t surprised to hear in this episode about two of the female shooters (the recent one and the “Mondays” one from the 70s) got their guns in a similar manner. Four out of god knows how many of these shootings can hardly be considered a “profile” but it’s probably a good parenting reminder that adding guns to the equation of your kid who has some… Read more »
PS. I caught when you said you were going to do a show with Nick. Is that “a” show or a whole other series?
Fuck yes! My new favorite podcast!
Borzoi being on the verge of a existential crisis and mental breakdown is always the best content
Punk goth Native American or Chicano is actually a pretty common type I’ve encountered. While alcoholism, drug abuse, and sexual abuse within families is par for the course when it’s comes to the Native American community. Some of it is the sign of a truly defeated and conquered people who see no future and honestly you see this also with many lower and middle class Whites across America for the past twenty years.
I was present during a school shooting. A friend took his life and killed our principle. (Red Lion Middle school.). I heard shots and chaos. He did it in the cafeteria where hundreds of kids sat around and waited before they could go to homeroom. Fucked up world.
I appreciate you doing this episode Borzoi.
There’s a great little novella called “Vexations” about the composition, Satie and Suzanne Valadon
Another good Borz quote to steal (i may have took liberty and added a bit) “As an american i am already handicapped, and have to do my utmost through rigorous introspection to find the best way to live”
Borzoi content is always a cause for rejoice
Klebold and Harris sounds like a kid’s show.
…or a financial entity which went defunct in 2008.
Or one of those diabanded aughts talk shows that live rent free in Jessie and Mike’s heads
Listening to my own comment read back and I realize I am very wordy and also very talkative in real life, at least when it comes to subjects I’m passionate about. Not saying I’m passionate about school shooters or anything but more so find their reasonings and petulant ramblings interesting. Weirdly, I find Jeff Weise the most normal out of all of them but such as he was born in a shit situation it all ended in one and expectedly so. Everyone else just reminds me a lot of the edginess and wanting to be transgressive nature every teenager and… Read more »
I can tell you definitively being at the end of the manifestos now that Jeff Weise is the only real sympathetic person outside of people like Charles Whitman who had brain problems. The kid never had a chance with his sensitivity and intelligence with his family background and the culture he was surrounded by and who is co-ethnics were. His story is just heartbreaking and tragic.
When you got to him I turned my head and was intrigued. Really well thought out and cogent reasonings for his beliefs but no one of his own who would take him seriously.
I held back from commenting last episode because I’m always conscious of the meme “here’s a list of embarrassing facts about me, please don’t bully me with them” One of the reasons I find this topic so interesting is because I was close to going down the incel path, hanging out on /r9k/ and reveling in being weird and unlikeable. It’s all just a narcissistic cope. I had enough self awareness to realize the problem was always with me. Before coming to TRS I got wrapped up in the self improvement cult of Jordan Peterson (yeah I know) Joe Rogan,… Read more »
I will hug you and be your father.
This is one of the best examples of why America needs to die out completely. The problem isn’t guns or liberties or even industrial society. The problem is that the American is the most corrosive to life creature in existence, and it would be better for the biosphere of earth were the American to go extinct.
You guys in the new world deserve to split America among yourselves. Create new real countries.
I couldn’t escape the Jewish attitude of sledge or whatever his name is with his comment of brains over brawn and resentment of the Chad. He was doing the bit of smart people should be in charge just because they see themselves as smart
Thanks Borz!!!
Oh gawd the darkest show in borzAI history returns
Thank you for releasing the second part of this. It’s nice to hear about this topic from someone with our perspective instead of the typical youtuber deep dive/iceberg format dotted with adverts for GamerSupps or various VPN reads.
A true crime podcast from an /ourguy/ perspective that calls out the bullshit would be interesting. If I had infinite resources I’d try my hand at it.
I’ve never encountered school shooter fandoms. Even on the internet
Neither have I, but the internet has all kinds of weird corners you never see. Things to keep you up at night.
At the time when “the white school shooter myth took off” America was still majority white. It became more diverse as the population became more diverse
I remember the virgina tech shooting. I was in middle school when I saw the news and his wierd droning voice always spooked me more than any other shooter who has video. All the others seemed like anti social losers or mental cases.
South Koreans love the vtech shooter and call him General Cho because they view him as an anti-White revolutionary
Truly Worst Korea