Mike and Borz do some updates on the Middle East and then plow into Chapter 4 of KMac's A People That Shall Dwell Alone, which covers the Jewish view of converts into their group, their strategy to appeal to host groups, the problems the Enlightenment posed for the Jewish strategy, Reform Judaism as a racial reaction to Enlightenment, and the Jewish propensity for incest, particularly uncle-niece marriage.
Get behind the paywall to access the show.
Hopefully ”Server is under maintenance” means that Sven is finally doing something about the ”system”!
It’s Peinovich and Bosko time
Peinovich and Bosko time
Peinovich and Bosko time
Where he at?
Where he at?
Comment for support. Fuck kikes.
Avunculate marriages(marriage between Uncle & Niece or Aunt & Nephew) is the term you are looking for. It was common for royalty to do this. In Europe & Asia.
Their claim about being “a light among the nations” is basically what they claim Rudyard Kipling‘s poem, “White Man’s Burden” is about.
Take up the White Man’s burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
Ironically you can say the 1991 Crown Heights riot is the first classic style “pogrom” in the US.
Ever since my Korean friend in college told me about how you can tell someone is racially Jewish because of how “they smile weirdly” aka the Semitic Smile, it was literally like me putting on They Live sunglasses. I can’t unsee it.
I agree Dracula is a great book, a short and easy read too.
The archaic english vernacular used had me reaching for an unabridged dictionary.
Moike sometimes goes off on Austrian economics. I suggest our knowledge on this topic might be usefully focused on an article appearing in the Fall, 2024 edition of The Occidental Quarterly titled “Economic Command and the Dissident Right.” Here Kevin MacDonald has indulged the proposition that economically efficient National Socialism has become possible now that Mises’ Calculation Problem is solved. The anonymous author(ess?) ‘econometrix’ has posted her(?) original submission outside TOQ’s paywall at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GgL_WdHYvYBwAr6_iEgtkLGGKIt3ccTt/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116264707267545042496&rtpof=true&sd=true This MS Word document, unlike the flat formats available from TOQ, has live illustrations and links. Would not our cause be advanced if the brethren… Read more »
“And of course, Lindemann is a mischling…”
*borzoi’s dog ears perk up
Strimmer is back
Is this payback for turning off the show 2 weeks ago cause I couldn’t take listening to Nosferatu ZOG bragging? I’m sorry Mike and Borz, I will never skip a show again 🙁
We had a feeling stream might crash. we are still recording
Somewhere in a darkened basement in Tel Aviv a hook-nosed little troll is rubbing his hands and cackling.
The basement is actually an air shelter since they’re currently getting bombed by Yemen
well, hopefully they’re recording it, because the stream is not working
we are. we knew this might happen
Anyone else having problems with the stream? both audio and video doesn´t work for me
Same. Always crashes out like 10-15 minutes in
I’m seeing the “The media could not be loaded…” message on the video player before I even click play.
Yeah, and I’ve tried every browser I have
I did that too . Hopefully they notice soon
The stream cut off while you were talking and clicking the mouse Mike
Stream down.
So it wasn’t just me who was having trouble accessing the stream
Third non functional stream of my favorite weekly show in a row.
I get media errors, nothing loads :/
Cheers Mike and Borz.
Al Jazeera: “israel restated bombing Gaza, breaking cease fire agreement” other media outlets: “something bad happened… regarding butt fucking….”
I wish I could have two copies each of Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy. Three for myself and the other three I would donate to my local library.
Forgot to salute 🤚🤚🤚