The Death Panel are not wearing green, but you can't see.

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The Paddy Tarleton tune reminded me of the time my coworker heard ‘Ovens of Auschwitz” by White Hot Takes that was a spoof of Sounds Of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel.
He’s still retarded but he thought that song was hilarious.
Anyone can be removed from the United States who goes against ZOG especially political dissidents. Look no further than Germar Rudolf and John Demjanjuk.
Blormpf and all other previous administrations can’t seem to round up and send home the various third world shitskins across the country but you bet your ass they’ll send ICE and HSI SWAT teams to remove a White Canadian living in the US if he is convicted of a DUI, White Irish immigrants in NYC who overstay their work visa, or Romanians who overstay a tourist visa.
I need my parasocial video content
Not wearing green?
Quick, everyone pinch the Death Panel.
Faggots n’ peas anyone?
Can Sven please sort out the ”system” for all of our sakes?!
England actually has two land borders. You forgot about Wales.
Yeah, but Wales has been part of the Kingdom of England since 1535 (and they were effectively under English rule off and on long before that). And the various tiny Welsh kingdoms prior to that were too weak and disorganized to present much of a threat to England.
Yeah, the North Sea islands (if you will) are magic rocks that make Italians, Germans and Scandinavians better people, but the natives suck. There are just so many natural resources there that you couldn’t get anywhere else and America rules the world now because we’re an island as was Rome, Egypt, Mongolia,etc. Face it, Mike, you’re insecure about the fact that your ancestors saw my people as superior as evidenced by their imitation. Perhaps if you would’ve blazed new trails in the PNW like my people did instead of just living in the northeast like the unimaginative Kikes, Micks and… Read more »
thirteen thirteen
Does this mean that our subscription will get cheaper too? 🤔
It’s already great VFM you tight cunt,
mmm… interesting. What’s your opinion on bacon?
U.S. citizens with no other possible citizenship, (e.g. Mike, Sven, etc.), cannot, (by U.S. law), be made stateless by having their U.S. citizenship revoked.
But hasn’t it also been U.S. law since 9/11 that U.S. law does not apply to terrorists?
You would need to show material support.
Well this doesn’t apply in the U.K. as we have had at least one case that I can think of immediately where someone was made stateless by my faggot government.
I am half normal (Nordic Germanic), the other half subhuman combinations (Italian, Russian, Anglo-non-Germanic), with a sliver of demon (1% Ashkenazi Jew)
Why do you let the 1% control your typing fingers??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Idk 🙁
You’re probably a nice person man, just try and wait and think before you say stuff.
I’d enjoy reading your ideas probably.
Like I said to you the other day about not being hostile, it doesn’t help your arguments, just take it ease aright.
Under-appreciated comment.
I have half awesome french, a quarter beta incel german, and a quarter cool guy jordanian. Zero percent jewish so I guess you’re 1% better than me.
I will not fall for your demonic narratives
*yes you will goy*
Sven you could’ve lied and said you dressed Alex up as a leprechaun with a fake ginger beard.
I’d just be in my jocks if I were him, who’s gonna notice.
In addition to Yemen, look at the latest HTS attacks on Lebanese border towns. How remarkably convenient: HTS zionists attack Hezbollah’s Shia support base from the east with Israeli air support, Israel attacks them from the south by destroying any attempts to rebuild, and the zionist vassals in the Lebanese government withhold reconstruction money, army protection and building permits.
The jewish thinking in Lebanon is the same as in Gaza or the West Bank: keep the base of support homeless and dispersed, and you keep Hezbollah from regrouping.
And ain’t it funny how Telegram is oozing with HTS channels (Lebanese News and Updates claims an HTS channel admin was killed today by Lebanese return fire), yet gets yanked?
>Trump invites Irish Taoiseach to the white house to discuss tariffs
>Right after this he has to go and meet the ADL and listen to their demands about dropping sanctions on occupied territories
Hmmm its almost like the whole point of Trump’s tariffs are to threaten countries into giving concessions to jews…
“The internet has made me more racist and less anti-semitic” is that fucking retards Landshark’s opinion and I want to punch everyone who posts that drivel.
I guess Erik Prince is hurting for business. First he wanted to be hired to recolonize Africa and a couple weeks ago I read Erik Prince was offering door to door deportation force. And he gave a price Tag of 25 billion
Guys a rich boy who can’t use a weapon, his lads were all fat security guards who’s only achievement was to have a fire fight with XE group over a back firing Iraqi Toyota then got burned and hanged from a bridge.
It’s hilarious rightoids put his logo on their tacticool shit.
Serbian war criminal×1047
Obviously you need boots on the ground to liquidate the Houthis but its not like the grass is taking a W by getting mowed.
They gotta start sinking american ships. Force is the only language ZOG understands.
The Saudis got ass raped by the houthis in 2015 so bad the news had to completely ignore it. If we ever actually invade Yemen it’s going to be a massacre.
Bit of a difference between dysgenic Saudis and legions of Aryan Southern overmen that dismantled Iraq in weeks.
Yemen isn’t Iraq. These are mountain tribesmen that already have endured a decade of hardship. Plus I wouldn’t give the creekshitters in the US too much credit, Americans are fucking cowards
Exactly, and the Saudis starved Yemen too… UN estimates 130k died, so Yemen is being extraordinarily noble trying to save Gaza from the same hell. This nobility seems to be beyond the comprehension of psychopathic judaized westerners.–present)
How much more starving can they handle thought?
The idea that Germans are genetically identical to Anglos isn’t quite right. They’re genetically distinguishable, and, besides, Greeks and Jews are genetically proximal in terms of distance, are they the same people?
Small changes in critical genes can result in massive changes with no real genetic proximity variation. For example, if I am two standard deviations smarter than my brother, who is mostly genetically identical to me in an SNP comparison, what’s up? Why is that?
Anglos are clearly superior in real ways and claims to the contrary are copes.
To extend your family analogy, Anglos and Germans would indeed be like brothers or first cousins at the most.
I am mostly just against the notion of genetic distance being useful to describe intra-group differences and I love Anglos, as they’ve allowed my family to thrive in the nation they’ve founded, the USA. Not defending them from libel would be a dereliction of duty.
Where’s your family from then?.
Also you’re new and seems to me you’re spreading division.
India, of course.
>you’re new
Ah yeah I remember you now, been a while eh.
I still don’t get the point of singling out Anglos, is this a response to haters?.
I’m not spreading division per se, I just don’t accept the premise that European ethnicities are all identical. If anything, this should be celebrated, not attacked.
Anyways, even great efforts to divide Europeans wouldn’t amount to much as were already completely fractured into countless groups.
I was raised as an anglophile by my father, who was an Italian anglophile. These are a people I admire, like weebs admire the Japanese. What’s the problem? I’m a fag because I like a race?
Fair enough but saying Anglos are superior is divisive, we are all brothers, of course we’re not the same ethnically and this should be celebrated, gyros vs pies etc.
I’m Anglo/German/Celtic like most here, you’d get a fair debate at the pub sayin one is superior.
Its one thing to admire a people and their culture, its another thing to say that you are racially inferior to them lmao
So, by coincidence, your sub-race is the “best”?
You’re the one simping for Anglos wog.
Didn’t you admit to being Irish, the absolute lowest race in Europe?
No I said Celtic, highland Scotch from the Nords.
You’re the one spreading division.
Can’t take a bit of shit eh? too busy not paying taxes and drinking espresso.
They cry out in “banter” as they strike you.
You just sound like a weak faggot who can’t take shit cunt.
Do you literally not see the irony here about trying to insult someone about taking shit because you can’t take any shit?
I can take all the shit in the world, you wanna be a cunt I’ll give you shit for being a wog.
You’re just here spreading division.
Germans and anglo-saxons are only separated by a few hundred years. They’re very very similar genetically. Anglos and Saxons invaded / settled Britain in 450AD, they invaded from what is now northern germany and denmark. Saxons are a germanic tribe, angles also are and they lived closed to eachother in what is now germany and denmark. Also hard science proves all this. Hard science proves this close genetic relation between germans, danes, and anglo-saxons in that 23andme dna tests actually sometimes have a difficult time differentiating and figuring out whether particular individuals are more danish than anglo-saxon when someone with… Read more »
This type of pseudoscience really needs to be put to bed.
I just pulled up an SNP distance chart in Europe. These ethnicities have no indistinguishable overlap.
Even further, Greeks, some Italians and Ashkenazi Jews have perfect overlap, much better than the overlap between European ethnicities. Are Jews genetically indistinguishable from Europeans?
SNP distance is only part of the story and is usually a cope for things like dysgenic Irish people claiming to have a genetic stake in the global British empire, etc.
Groups have evolved separately in Europe and have different strengths and weaknesses.
Dysgenic Irish?, you just sound like a kike now.
How bout you fuck off.
Irish and Scotch soldiers built the British empire’s colonies and fought their wars.
You’d get your head caved irl by Irish lads down the pub here.
>like saying nigger eh? Say that to a nigger IRL and see what happens, they’d murder you
Not beating the allegations here big boy.
Also, one American can literally execute an entire pub’s worth of potato slaves, why do you think we have mass killings daily? Very silly.
Fuck are you on about you spastic, you literally don’t make sense.
I say nigger to niggers all the time, they’re weak faggots that cower.
I got the local Indians and Muslims to stop hiring our RSL centre myself.
I just chased a bunch of Afghan drug dealers out of our local park, myself.
You sound like a schizophrenic.
We’re talking past each other at this point. Suffice it to say the fact that you run around causing trouble and threatening people as an Irishman isn’t exactly a paradigm shift in my racial mental model.
I’m part Scotch not Irish first of all, I defend my neighbourhood from foreigners personally, I don’t talk shit and not back it up.
We’re not talking past each other, you’re being a faggot, obviously with an inferiority complex about being half Italian when no one here disagrees that Italians are European.
No one gives a fuck about genetic distance what are you even on about.
Tell us about dysgenic Irish again eh.
Don’t you think it’s somewhat silly that someone Irish is talking about an “inferiority complex”?
That is perhaps the most fragile glass house you can toss a stone from.
At no point did I talk about who is or isn’t European, I just stated the obvious, something that literal Hitler agreed with: Europeans are genetically different from each other and have different strengths and weaknesses.
Denying this is a cope, claiming it’s divisive is a cope, claiming the Irish and actually British is the greatest cope of them all.
I’m not disagreeing we’re different you spastic, I literally said that above.
I’m not fucking Irish and would be proud if I was, I’ve said multiple times I’m part Scott, are you retarded?.
You’ve shit on Irish and called them dysgenic, stop bullshitting.
You explained you’re not Irish as if that was bad.
Who the fuck said Irish were English, they’re Celtish Picts not Anglos.
Didn’t you personally insult me by using a racial slur for Mediterranean people?
It’s pretty hard to pretend to be some sort of moral arbiter of what can be said about shitty European ethnicities when you yourself insult people on that basis.
Yeah I did because it’s supposed to be funny then you give me shit back, wogs can take shit here.
You shat on Irish I shat on you.
You’re not joking with what you said.
Talk shit on Irish being dysgenic again mate.
You’re the one talking past the bullshit you said.
No European is superior to the other, there’s no “shitty European ethnicities” mate, fuck off.
You’ve clearly got some mental issues about your blood, I don’t.
You’re essentially a European race communist. That’s not national socialism.
Race communism? really come on you’re a weak cunt with no argument who would have had his teeth out by now irl. If you want to be autistic my Ma’s family the highland Scots are Nordic so tell me how Scottish Celts aren’t equal to Nords you spastic, we all came from the ice, Irish, Greek, Italian whatever. You can’t even reply with anything relevant related to my points. You’re not a Nazi, you’re a bitch made faggot spreading division. Go on shit on Irish again, please tell me how Natsoc means we’re not equal brothers, please make one comment… Read more »
Also, my children are half English.
English, not German (weird people really), not Irish (lol).
All of this was completely distinct in genetic testing, ancestry records, etc. The idea that they aren’t distinct is an amerimutt cope really.
This counterexample about the jews isn’t apt because they are not people.
It’s totally apt because it demonstrates two things, 1. Genetic distance itself isn’t sufficient to demonstrate actual ethnicity because it’s 2-dimensional. For example, if you combine an Englishman and a Japanese person, you get someone that roughly lands in Kazakhstan on a 2-dimensional plot, but also someone that has no generic ancestry from that region or in common with those people and 2. That small genetic changes can produce outsize differences as far as humans are concerned, which is also demonstrable by in-family variation. For example, you’re for all intents and purposes on such a chart genetically identical to your… Read more »
Can Sven please sort out the ”system” for all of our sakes?!
The Serbian Captain Dragan was my old boss’s sons “golf coach” until he got deported.
Good guy, liked tigers.
Shit I forgot it’s Paddy’s day, ah well I’m drunk enough anyway.
Someone do a proof of life check on Shane
Quick drag a potato on a string past his house.
First 100 days of Trump. Bombing yemen, threatening to bomb Iran next. Deporting roughly the same amount biden did. Selling shitcoins, selling overpriced electric trucks.
Stated reason for bombing Yemen is for shipping route protection makes sense from Marco Rubio on face the nation. Thoughts?
Did the faggot fisting club closing early today bring you here mate?.
Styupid american immediately brings his own sexual fantasies into the conversation.
Yeh I’m an Aussie, like I said to you last time you’re not very good at this.
The reason for bombing Yemen, like every foreign policy of America, is to protect Israel. If it were Cyprus disrupting Israel’s supply lines in the Mediterranean, you know American would be dropping bombs yesterday. If anyone truly deserves to be bombed, it’s Israel for blocking aid to Gaza. How come that doesn’t outrage Rubio? Oh that’s right, jews control the country,
You’re making it just about Israel when these shipping lines benefit all western europe and usa.
The argument isn’t about who deserves what, it’s about what benefits usa and western europe.
Really think about whether you value the prices of the stupid shit WE buy or getting revenge on Israel more.
I like the affordability of stupid shit more.
Praise Jaysus I am first
Right behind you with a baton
Looking forward to 3.5 hours of alogging Lauritz for ideological incorrectness
Ohh nooo dont tell me he have been simping for the kikes in isreal?