The Death Panel are aware you like it when they yell.

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- High Level Alex Jones
- Blacks Shoot People
- No Video, No Notes
- Cofnas Is Weird Looking
- Voluntarily Lacking
- Darryl Cooper SO BASED
- Columbia's Definition of Antisemitism
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Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
The strategizing guys tend to lie in this clade over here.
vision-cucks BTFOd hard today on the network
Patrick Casey also covered up the gay bathhouse and grooming group that was being run in the southern IE chapter and iced out the whistleblowers
Patrick Casey and Cofnas is the Ali v Fraser of retards that cant get to the fucking point
No video today because Sven didn’t want to see us flexing his hands to choke Mike
They are not even in the same room together!
Ian Carrol glazes jews. i saw it on IG.
Post the link then.
Alex Jones made his career out of Rex84 FEMA camp stuff, when the original Rex84 would have resulted in millions of dead White people still being alive today. It called for the mass arrests of militant and criminal negro populations which would have prevented millions of innocent White people from being slaughtered. He misinterpreted the anti communist nature of the original and made it about “patriots”. Ivermectin enthusiasts in Idaho are no threat to the government and never were. That’s why neo cons are more based than Alex Jones magatards. That’s the level we are at now. If the original… Read more »
Sven’s impression of Alex Jones is really good. Dare I say, better than Anthony Cumia’s
I’m paying $1000 a month and there isn’t even any video? Wow…
Welp looks like the dead pool money is back on Sven by stroke.
I dunno why but for some reason the idea of the football coach handing his gun off to someone before the fight made me think of this.
Worf : “Commander Riker, please take my phaser. I will face him in single combat, honorably, as a Klingon warrior.”
And then Gowron pulls out his piece and fucking shoots him 5 times.
MAGA calling anyone else ghoulish is the funniest shit
You’re just a bunch of anti-cinnamonists
Lol I hate Patrick Casey so much
Jesus I googled Cofnas, he looks like someone who would molest your grandad.
“Reinhard Wolff” He was also on Red Ice TV and was doing the grift as he was instructed to even back in 2015-2016 prior to him hijacking Nathan Damingos org. Him doing a “OOPSIE WOOPSIE” at the org he took over and their guys being doxxed was a part of his plan where gets payed by kikes or wealthy jew lovers down the road which you can see him doing immediately after AIM was dissolved.
He was such a big nerd back in the day and still is and if you forgot how he was here is doing the bit of “erm well I don’t care if blacks are with their own” bit whereas he has changed completely today because he’s a spineless faggot. He would argue against Whites having their own spaces because Whites are too “identitarian and anti-semitic” today. Also, do you remember the “conservicuck” meme from this time? Just asking because we all know it’s cringe now.
uh kinda dont appreciate how mike basically just denied the existence of the first german kingdom
Daryl Cooper or whatever is basically saying he wishes Jews/America would stop waging wars for Jewish power, but he doesn’t want to actually fight Jewish power. Fighting is bad, so the solution is to beg Jews to stop and claim you’re doing it for them. We can’t fight because that would make us just as bad (not to mention anti-Semitic).
Very gay.
Sven, you should have left in the Alex Jones drop at the start!
f5 gang…assemble
Just call them Amera tards
I call them Ameritoids personally.
People like Alex Jones and the Paranormies boil my blood, they have ruined any actual investigative work. Boomers and noobs get hold of this shit and run, there are actual conspiracies but you can’t just make shit up. I was a freelance journo in 2000, selling footage of rallies and protests to make money etc, saw the same shit happen to 911 truth, space lasers etc. I spent a lot of time on the Port Arthur massacre in Oz that got the NFA through, I interviewed witnesses and cops that were there, now I can’t get people to listen because… Read more »
Sven, no one is saying the DA conspired to kill Jamie White by letting criminals go to eventually kill him….or something. DAs, especially ones funded by extreme anti-White ideologues like George Soros the Jew, all over the place do let criminals off easy as a matter of policy when they are non-Whites. So, Alex Jones is probably right that the DA is at least partially responsible for when people like Jamie White get murdered in their city because they specifically want to let violent animals go free. Alex Jones gave specific examples of it in his city, so he’s not… Read more »
Alex Jones probably won’t mention that it’s a racially based anti-White soft on crime policy, but he’s still right that it’s a soft on crime policy that these Jew funded DAd are engaged in.
The “murder” of “Jamie White” never happened
Yeah. I didn’t see any evidence of ambulances or medivac helicopters which you would expect if someone was actually dying. I’ve never even heard of Jamie White and so he probably never even existed. And the name “White” is probably some reference to plans by globalist Nazis to make false claims about “Whites” being killed as part of the agenda to impose socialism and also to take guns.
It’s really funny to see people like yourself think you’re so smart and clever while being a brainlet
Appeal to motive fallacy
A “murder” is what they call a flock of black birds, they leave clues for you as a part of the ritual mockery.
Basically at every step, you claim or insinuate I am disingenuous or something similar, yet here you are being tactically dishonest and retarded.
Youre an ontologically evil midwit Reddit soyjak, a mirror image of Professor Dave, so i don’t need to listen to you.
Give Alex Jones nothing. Relentlessly demand smarter, better, more accurate coverage of the news. WE THE PEOPLE deserve pinpoint accurate reporting with no party bias.
I’m not giving him anything I’m just stating the actual truth of the matter. You are otherwise okay with lying because “we need to demand more.”
Quote me correctly, chicken nugget. I didn’t say what Mike has said about Tucker Carlson in the past (demand more far right policies). I said demand more accurate coverage of the news. You deserve it.
Yeah but then that fuckwit said it was an assassination, when it was clearly niggers.
That faggot works for Mossad, he has Roger Stone their sex pest asset on.
He also married two different Jew women, the first was when he stopped taking about Israel.
I already know Alex Jones is compromised basically I don’t need the run down.
Can’t believe you’re in here shilling the mainstream narrative about this crisis actor.
Jamie “””White””” yeah, imagine getting me to believe he was “White” the man was clearly black all evidence given to the contrary.
Venezuela destroy you. Styupid americans. Go eat a chicken nugget and I better not see any n words in this comment section.
You wouldn’t say that to a jacked black man with a high IQ and a shotgun in an oppressed neighborhood. That’s what I thought. He’s quiet now.
Thank you for not using the n word. That ripped ebony god would nod at you approvingly for being against racism.
I am going to call you a naaier though.Look it up.
Oh come on you spastic, you’re not very good at this.
I want you to know it’s a joke so I’m keeping it simple since all racists are slow. That shut him up.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get… Read more »
Oh yeah, I remember you. You were the guy in our battalion squad force that cleaned the dookies up off the floor after the gorilla warfare session. Thank you for your stinky service.
Well if you want to call your fisting orgies combat that’s fine, someone had to hose the place out for parade as you were busy down the truck stop on your knees earning wooden nickels
I always listen to the audio, but it bothers me that the video isn’t there.
Someone sync up the audio with the video from a different episode.
Use AI to make their mouths say the right words. And to swap all of their haircuts.
Yeah niggers don’t care about social justice, they just say that shit when they get caught.
Same as abos, the actual black ones aren’t into that shit, the mullato women and fags are.
Edit also you’ll know if you’re about to die from Propane as you’ll start triping fuckin balls.
Video machine broke
Sven just doesn’t want us to look at his luscious hair.
sven living out his video-free fantasy today
Hopefully this is just a one off situation.
I bet Sven is doing the show only in his underwear and socks. 🤣
casey anthony murdered her child, the podesta’s and james alefantis are gay perverts which also innately means they’re pedophiles
No that’s actually a rightoid belief because the Jew media told me so
First again!