1976’s Taxi Driver and 1980’s Exterminator had scenes using the term “chicken” in reference to child trafficking. The terms Chicken, chickenhawk, etc. predate pizzagate by decades
March 14, 2025 1:41 pm
You’ll see nothing and you’ll like it
March 14, 2025 1:38 pm
Ape Huncho does a lot of videos talking about more recent black perpetrated true crime incidents in America and Britain that are often memoryholed
That reminds me I haven’t checked on my nonwhite memoryholed criminal megathreads in a long while
Trash burgers
March 14, 2025 1:12 pm
some fish produce an anti-freeze protein that causes thermal hysteresis, dropping the freezing point of water below 32C
Huh, in NZ there is giant like fuckin really big crickets called weta, they freeze solid in the ice in winter then thaw out in spring, they have a similar anti freeze protein.
March 14, 2025 1:01 pm
‘we should do an audio only show’ monkey paw curls
March 14, 2025 12:50 pm
In regards to the pseudotheory that Casey Anthony went on one last bender to celebrate the death of her daughter, it’s equally likely that she was so broken up about it that she went on a bender. Yes, she looks happy in the pictures, who wouldn’t be with booze, coke, and tobacco?
I am not defending Anthony, I don’t know enough about the case to make a decision either way because it happened when I was still in late elementary or early middle school
Enwerd Gibbsmehands
March 14, 2025 12:47 pm
When you goon too much and your video serva is all GUI
There was also an infamous homosexual blackmail ring back in the 60s called the Chickens and Bulls that set up closeted gay men with underage boys. An IDF veteran named Sherman Kaminsky was involved in running it:
The thing about “Pizzagate” is, it took a kernel of truth – that there were elitist perverts in the Democratic Party like Tony Podesta, whose art collection alone was scandal-worthy – and spun it into an elaborate mythos about underground tunnels, human sacrifice, and satanism. Conveniently, of course, the narrative was curated to showcase only Democrats and gentiles and galvanize Trump’s supporters. The “chicken” thing is old lingo that goes back at least to the 1960s. A child pornographer named Guy Strait (yes, that was his real name) was a major figure in San Francisco gay politics and media, was… Read more »
Verr Klemptis
March 14, 2025 12:12 pm
so it begins. the psyop to make TDS listeners accept the audio-only format. this will make it a lot easier to pass the Death Panel AI coming soon.
March 14, 2025 12:09 pm
Sben has finally got his wish of not doing video anymore
March 14, 2025 11:48 am
Casey Anthony almost certainly murdered her daughter. The police just did a really shitty job. Evidence came out after her acquittal that would have made the prosecution’s case.
From what I remember there was no evidence to warrant a 1st degree murder charge yet that was what the prosecution went with. If they’d brought lesser charges and got her on 10 or twelve of those and gotten consecutive servings they could have put her away for 20 or 30 years which is basically a life sentence for a young woman.
She should have just been executed. Anyone who wantonly takes another life not in the service of the Law or in self defense cannot be trusted in society, and it is immoral for society to be forced to keep them alive in a box away from everyone else
That’s right, the prosecution botched it too. I think the media mob made them retarded. They pretty much threw the case through sheer incompetence and hubris from how the media prosecuted it
I remember this so vividly at the time it was going on because my mom would be watching it everyday following along with it. I do remember Nancy Grace being the star of the show for those three years it went on and needless to say she was the biggest problem for the case. Regardless, you don’t find a toddler in a black trash bag and duct tape hanging off her mouth/hair and say her cause of death was “accidental drowning” and find more of her remains picked on by the local wild life later. Hell, they even found chloroform… Read more »
March 14, 2025 11:39 am
Is that a Homestar Runner reference?
March 14, 2025 11:24 am
I usually listen to prep in a background browser tab anyway.
This is the easiest on the eyes Sven has been since he stopped cutting his hair.
March 14, 2025 11:16 am
I prefer podcasts. Mp3 gang gang.
March 14, 2025 11:14 am
The only thing Patrick Casey won is getting people under his perview doxxed all those years ago and going “Oopsie woopsie lol” about it and policing anti-semitism.
1976’s Taxi Driver and 1980’s Exterminator had scenes using the term “chicken” in reference to child trafficking. The terms Chicken, chickenhawk, etc. predate pizzagate by decades
You’ll see nothing and you’ll like it
Ape Huncho does a lot of videos talking about more recent black perpetrated true crime incidents in America and Britain that are often memoryholed
That reminds me I haven’t checked on my nonwhite memoryholed criminal megathreads in a long while
some fish produce an anti-freeze protein that causes thermal hysteresis, dropping the freezing point of water below 32C
Huh, in NZ there is giant like fuckin really big crickets called weta, they freeze solid in the ice in winter then thaw out in spring, they have a similar anti freeze protein.
‘we should do an audio only show’ monkey paw curls
In regards to the pseudotheory that Casey Anthony went on one last bender to celebrate the death of her daughter, it’s equally likely that she was so broken up about it that she went on a bender. Yes, she looks happy in the pictures, who wouldn’t be with booze, coke, and tobacco?
I am not defending Anthony, I don’t know enough about the case to make a decision either way because it happened when I was still in late elementary or early middle school
When you goon too much and your video serva is all GUI
Mp3! Woohoo!
By garr it’s been a while
Oh shit! Audio-only prep!
There was also an infamous homosexual blackmail ring back in the 60s called the Chickens and Bulls that set up closeted gay men with underage boys. An IDF veteran named Sherman Kaminsky was involved in running it:
Mother of God Chickens and bulls..😫
The thing about “Pizzagate” is, it took a kernel of truth – that there were elitist perverts in the Democratic Party like Tony Podesta, whose art collection alone was scandal-worthy – and spun it into an elaborate mythos about underground tunnels, human sacrifice, and satanism. Conveniently, of course, the narrative was curated to showcase only Democrats and gentiles and galvanize Trump’s supporters. The “chicken” thing is old lingo that goes back at least to the 1960s. A child pornographer named Guy Strait (yes, that was his real name) was a major figure in San Francisco gay politics and media, was… Read more »
so it begins. the psyop to make TDS listeners accept the audio-only format. this will make it a lot easier to pass the Death Panel AI coming soon.
Sben has finally got his wish of not doing video anymore
Casey Anthony almost certainly murdered her daughter. The police just did a really shitty job. Evidence came out after her acquittal that would have made the prosecution’s case.
From what I remember there was no evidence to warrant a 1st degree murder charge yet that was what the prosecution went with. If they’d brought lesser charges and got her on 10 or twelve of those and gotten consecutive servings they could have put her away for 20 or 30 years which is basically a life sentence for a young woman.
She should have just been executed. Anyone who wantonly takes another life not in the service of the Law or in self defense cannot be trusted in society, and it is immoral for society to be forced to keep them alive in a box away from everyone else
Prove that she wantonly took a life.
That’s right, the prosecution botched it too. I think the media mob made them retarded. They pretty much threw the case through sheer incompetence and hubris from how the media prosecuted it
I remember this so vividly at the time it was going on because my mom would be watching it everyday following along with it. I do remember Nancy Grace being the star of the show for those three years it went on and needless to say she was the biggest problem for the case. Regardless, you don’t find a toddler in a black trash bag and duct tape hanging off her mouth/hair and say her cause of death was “accidental drowning” and find more of her remains picked on by the local wild life later. Hell, they even found chloroform… Read more »
Is that a Homestar Runner reference?
I usually listen to prep in a background browser tab anyway.
This is the easiest on the eyes Sven has been since he stopped cutting his hair.
I prefer podcasts. Mp3 gang gang.
The only thing Patrick Casey won is getting people under his perview doxxed all those years ago and going “Oopsie woopsie lol” about it and policing anti-semitism.