The Death Panel uncover a false flag.
- FOIA Alex Jones
- Crime and Rent in Austin
- Sitting Seder with Nazi Barbie
- Bloodthirsty Benny
- Micro Deportations
- Massie Under Attack
- They Don't Hate Us, They Hate You
PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
One time, I thought I might like to go to a show, so I got a ticket. But there was bad news on arrival. The singer didn’t feel well, so he stayed back at the hotel. They sent this crazy surrogate band instead. There were crossed hammers and shit. The fucking singer just wanted to have the whole audience shot.
I thought about suing, but it was a cool show and the singer didn’t end up hurting anybody; so I let it slide.
The Mahmoud Khalil arrest is yet another undeniable piece of evidence jews control the country. How can people not see it? Implicit in trying to deport him for undermining US foreign policy is the admission that American foreign policy is Israel’s foreign policy.
Referendums should be a much more common practice. It’s kinda hard to believe in any democratic values when none are made.
Lack of response to Sven’s “fuck your small business-class” was criminal
1488 as always.
Always and forever until the end of time
The second half of hour 1 is just buffering for me.
Same, also the pages are taking longer than usual to load. Download’s working fine though.
I said that the anti-woke crowd will be forced to serve jews with a smile but I was wrong on one point, they won’t be forced they just gladly will and those smiles will be genuine love for Israel and jews writ large.
Having grown up in the Los Angeles area, that first guy debating morality with Seder has brutal latinks gay voice.
Damn Seder content is worse than Beau and Zeihan content
I’m starting to agree with Sven that the video format sucks and I should just wait for the audio file.
I want to see their faces and the media, it’s a full on entertainment experience.
I remember back when they switched to video for the first time it was shocking!!
Hey Armored Truck drivers and Casino security are allowed to kill over property
Yeah you’re just figuring this out? Go ahead and try to take the kikes money and they’ll authorize ZOGbots and zogbot wannabes to unload lead into you. God forbid if you use force to stop someone from actually trying to harm you or your family and the full weight of the JEWdicial system will come down on you.
It was just an extension of prep in the car. Real show starts soon.
The video keeps stopping as soon as Sven says Alex is too poor and black to live at highpoint but not own a highpoint
I still blame code shit pajeets
are you guys fighting with J_N on the shoah or something? It’s 12:20
oh no. is this the new discord-normal?
why is alex jones not the one murdered? seems like a psyop to me, a real hitman would go for the big guy.
at the very least they should have gone for Paul Watson or Owen Shroyer
christ alex jones is old af, i havent seen this niggas face beyond 2010s era memes
he’s younger than Joe Rogan
He was somewhere around 51, on the edge of senility, when the Ozempic began to take hold. I remember him saying saying something like “I feel a bit less baby faced; maybe you should shill….” And suddenly there was a terrible snore all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge Trump hats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the NATCON, which was going about a hundred miles an hour with the top down to Jerusalem.
Tony hired a root worker!
The discord furfags and groomers got to the Death Panel…
You were over the target and the deep state censored the other 3/4 of hour one.
Have niggas also stolen the rest of this show? 🤔
Great show today. A bit short for my taste but I definitely lol’d
Show ends with Alex is so poor and black 🤣🤣🤣
I understood this reference.
Stream yards is another one free service too. The gooferdust niggers used it.
The murder of Jamie White is clearly a false flag to use as a pretext for the police state. Most murders are a psyop to convince society they live in a dangerous country as they want people in their houses scared and watching television poison propaganda
For real though that was just TNB right? I heard about it but I didn’t care enough to look into it.
Just look at the name. Jamie White. James means May God Protect. White refers to White people. This is a fake name as no one names their child this when it is redolent with symbolic meaning. The fake sacrifice of White is a Masonic ritual to make White people okay with the plan.
Have you ever met Jamie White? Did you even know about him before this event? If you believe this was a real person and this was a real event, especially when this has been reported in the “mainstream media”, you still haven’t shaken your sheeple priors.
it is true that I’ve never seen that man before in my life
borzoi redemption arc is starting, finally HE SEES
jamie = j’aime
white = white people
Someone was trying to send a message.
Sorry guys, Sandy Hook was a psy op. And I’ve never seen or heard what Alex Jones has specifically said about the event. Alex Jones has lied about stupid shit before to cover up for Jews and stuff EG saying the Chinese control Hollywood, Muslims control the Federal reserve (idk know why he would say this lie), etc. I’ve only looked at evidence and analysis produced by independent investigator autists (the most reliable way to get to the truth about these sorts of things unfortunately and unironically). Like many mass casualty events, the full truth was and will never be… Read more »
Sorry rightoid no one cares what you think
You can’t even coherently define what a “rightoid” is beyond vibes.
Anyone not believing mainstream narratives if you’re not directly implicating a Jewish power structure is Rightoid I guess because Sandy Hook being a hoax doesn’t directly implicate Jews in a conspiracy right? lol
coping because america is that bad and you want to think it isn’t that bad but it is that bad that yes psychotic teenagers shoot up schools because scores of people are infected by nihilism
You’re a moron who clearly can’t handle nuance and is arguing against a straw man and engaging in psycho-analysis (Jewish pseudo-argumentation).
No one said psychotic events of genuine violence don’t occur.
I said Sandy Hook was a false flag.
Ad hominem
My retort didn’t rest on him being dumb; therefore, not an ad hominem fallacy sir.
“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly”
I’m not taking your poison altstream media believer.
Judicial_notificing be like #TrustTheAltScience
“I believe the Jewish media complex and the government of pedophilic anti-Whites because I don’t want to appear “schizo.””
– based far right person
Reddit soyjak response
Skitzo theories about crisis actors are just easier to live with than the truth. The truth is that the ZOG American experience creates very real psychosis and people kill children.
You’re using a general truth and applying it to a specific case without analyzing the specific case.
No one say there aren’t real psychotic events, real mass shootings, etc etc.
There are also real psy ops and real false flags.
So how would you know which is with without actually examining any particular event?
Stop coming at me with your retarded nonsense.
This is a Reddit midwit altstream media believer response
Twitter threads of analysis on the Sandy Hook Hoax and Psy Op:
Analysis from an independent researcher:
Book arguing in favor of the Sandy Hook mass shooting being a government false flag (unfortunately a poor quality google doc copy, just google it):
We don’t listen to ontologically evil Redditors who just believe what other ungodly men tell them to believe
This is actual ad-hom + wrong by association + genetic fallacy
Btw you don’t even think the OT is authentic and divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit through the Hebrew prophets and implicitly affirm Mike’s proposal that the OT is just made up and copy pasting from Library of Alexandria lore. Yet, you’re going to tell me what I’m doing is “ungodly” or whatever.
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
I’m going to agree with him and give an ubboot even though I didn’t read bc I am machiavellian.
Zweites (Buch)