Mike and Borz discuss the first three chapters of Kevin MacDonald's A People That Shall Dwell Alone, going over Macdonald's methodology and the why and how of evolutionary group strategies, the genetic distinction of the Jewish centroid, and the understanding of the Tanakh (the Jewish Bible) as a set of breeding laws intended to keep Jewish bloodlines separate and put the Jews in a position of dominance relative to outside groups.

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Not related but I was fuckin dyin on the floor at you guys mocking Australians yesterday, fuckin hilarious.
It’s completely impossible to offend us.
There’s a Reddit forum I found titled “Roughly half of U.S. Jews changing behavior because of antisemitism” but they arnt changing for the better but changing to be more Jewish lol it’s so fucking obnoxious but completely vindicates Dr. Macdonald even more. They have to be stopped
read it already.
Excellent timing on this episode, I just got that book in the mail last week. Excited to start reading it.
Much awaited for this episode. I am power lifting and antisemitisming. Big W Moike & Borz
Very enjoyable to hear a discussion on these books. Thank you.
I wonder if you can get 2015-era oven mitts on the secondary market
Y’all got that MP3?
I want a cassette tape pls hook me up sven
It’s sad how well Trump’s attempted deportation of activists like Mahmoud Khalil and his Gaza rhetoric deflect from jewish sins. Before Trump, protestors would confront jewish power directly by blockading places like Elbit Systems and getting jailed for “terrorism connections.”
Now that Trump’s in, protestors are graffitiing his golf courses instead and focusing on “his” deportation attempts and “his” Gaza plan. Any punishment that Trump-focused protestors get won’t be as bad as what the Elbit protestors got.
Confront jewish power, go to gulag. Confront the fallgoy safety valve, fine.
The inventors of the scapegoat and the sin chicken are VERY good at shifting blame off of themselves and on to others.
I’ve talked to a couple liberals at the dog park, they think Gaza is a distraction from him and Elon being Nazis..”they’re just pretending so people think they like Jews he actually works for Putin look at Ukraine”… One thought that the attempt on his life was set up by him, I pointed out that the cordon that kid was in was run by CIA, how would he have any ability to order them when he’s not president. Besides the fact he panic fired when he was discovered and there is a pucker in Trumps vest where he actually got… Read more »
This is for Borzoi,since he said he didn’t know who Stacey Dash was on The Third Rail:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stacey_Dash.
Luckily I’m not a Christian. I don’t haven’t to bullshit myself to believe this Semitic bullshit, and try to fit myself, race and anything else into their beliefs. Being a pagan gives me a more clean line of mythology, race and more.
Europeans & Levantine are both West Eurasian populations. Sub-Saharan Africans are not only a different Basal Race. They aren’t even one of the other Eurasian basal races.
Tfw I wasn’t there to admonish that Persian broad. I know how they work.
This is harsh but I will never stand with an incel or think their demands are reasonable on any level whatsoever. I went down that garbage Honey Badger MGTOW/MRA rabbit hole back in 2013-2015 and look back at it with complete and utter scorn and hatred. I could have become one of these self hating retards and this is why I’m wholely against them even if I can see that very few of their complaints are valid. I guess it comes down to me feeling really weird when it comes to thinking about women as breeding stumps pleasure dispensers or… Read more »
If it makes you feel any better I was into that shit too, right around the same time. I credit TRS for cutting through a lot of the bullshit that was out there at the time and putting me on the right path. My advice is don’t beat yourself up over it, just be glad you didn’t waste any more years.
less MGTOW and more JGTOW
Don’t be socially awkward, don’t be a slob, etc. One has to make a series of very bad decisions to be an incel.
Tbf, I’m 6’2″ 200lbs & of Anglo-Saxon stock it’s never been an issue. I guess some are less fortunate.
Incel itself as a word is a tool of demoralization. The moment a man calls himself an incel he is admitting he’s demoralized. Its a very postmodern word in that no one says virgin anymore they say incel whether as an insult or some kind of repurposed word like nigga instead of nigger. Incel has been devoid of whatever original meaning it had whatever that was and more or less means virgin+ now.
Yes, there is nothing wrong with women.
Yeah just don’t be a weird cunt and they’ll like you.
told a friend my ideology was above all stratocracy or the creation of such a thing in a guard of sorts.
he didnt really understand it, but i meant it back then as a system of strategic thought itself for a defined collective, which does not have an ideology so much as flexible strategic concepts which it adapts to the challenges and enemies.
i feel slightly validated in my own old take because of this stream right now.
It’s been years with dozens of pro-jewish policy that rightoids claim can be used has yet to be used once. You keep saying we can use this but I have yet to see it used
wild pronunciation of Mahmoud
you both say it like it makmood
which is also correct
I guess it depends what mak-mood your in
Someone start a BANG hellthread on the topic so we can take wn infighting to whole new levels
>watches video
>some examples pronounce as ma-mood
>some examples say mock-mood
I’m just going to call him Lil’ Khalil. I don’t want to offend any muslim TRS fans.
It’s spelled “Mahmoud” but it is pronounced “Worcestershire Sauce.”
DEI is simply jewish evolutionary strategy writ large. They’ll reshape it, tweak it, or obfuscate it, but it’s not going away.
the forming split between international jewery as a strategy and entity and the zionist strategy, does seem to have weakened jews by splitting half of their populous into the zionist strategy which i think is far dumber and weaker than the international elite strategy.
the split isnt complete yet, but the isreali government most zealous chabad types are quite close to going rogue id say, they already damaged liberalism a lot, which is the ecology in which the international strategy functions thereby threatening their very host strategy for their petty one. maybe im just doing wishful thinking however.
Yes I think they’re wagering that liberal Democracy is going to fail completely at some point due to their actions, I imagine they will blame Greek/Roman philosophy and white men.
Thus giving impetus to some kind of international Sanhedrin.
Spike the cannon then implement your system when you’re done with it.
Eventually they have to become an actual country and discard America.
I have a feeling that this Trump shit show is actually designed to further hurt America irrevocably whilst getting as much weapons etc as they can before it becomes untenable and they exit stage left.
Takfiri/ISIS races (like uighurs, Tajiks, Azeris, Uzbeks, balochis, Turks etc.), Black South Africans, and Jews (especially Israelis) are all equally gleeful in rubbing it into our faces that they love shedding innocent blood for the Zionist Devil machine but as soon as they are given a taste of their own medicine they cry and squeal like feral pigs caught in traps.
Absolute scum of the Earth and every single one of them is an enemy combatant, even the “civilians”.
Like I keep saying, this only ends when we stand ankle deep in the blood of the last Jew. When the earth, water, and air have been cleansed of their bondage to the Jew. When the last shred of Jew DNA is stripped away from the earth and cast into the abyss.
It’s depressing that White (b)millionaires don’t spend their money on making sure the lower men don’t live in squalor. You had guys like Ford, Edison and even Hershey to some extent but these men were fighting a fight they couldn’t win considering jews were infiltrating and subverting everything, including their companies and technology, in the early to mid 20th century.
Yea imagine if we had “Bar mitzvahs” for our children, everyone in the community puts in $1000 bucks and our kids set up for life like kikes do.
Even better if rich gentiles put in as they would in Natsoc or not exist.
But muh protestant work ethic amirite.
It’s funny because now the “professional” atheist community (e.g. Justin of deconstruction zone) now feels empowered to attack Islam equally with Christianity but still tread exceedingly lightly around Judaism
Mr Boskovich, please ask your colleague Mike Pee if the Holo debate is still on. This is very important.
The video works! Then freezes. Audio OK
What time does the show normally start?
Judicial Holocaust notificing
All heil P&B¡! 🤚
KMac’s been slipping more into boomerism lately, but his classic works are timeless.
I’m hopeful (ok, it’s more of a fantasy) that after his last interview with Mike he might give a rethink / course correction to some of his boomer tendencies (e.g. trump support) but I don’t suppose that’s likely
Even if that never happens, he’s done far more to fight ZOG than I ever will, so I’m not going to a-log him too much. His place in Valhalla is secure.
Certainly not alogging…more like concern for an elderly parent
He’s done a lot of good work so it’s easy to cut him some slack.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the boomer television and school programming indoctrinated them in the way Jews think, obviously not to the benefit of the boomer.
You can get through to them but like Uncle said next day they’ll be back to the usual.
I think their brains can’t be re programmed like waking up too late in the matrix, it will destroy them, subconsciously they avoid this.