The Death Panel are interested in rehabilitation.

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I knew Keith Woods was a craven faggot when he made the slanderous video about Curt Doolittle’s Propertarianism (now the Natural Law Institute), pretending that none of it makes sense when he could have easily looked up introductory documents about it. Among the cringey things he said about it was that it was “atheistic.” This kind of shit is considered an own among some little boys in the scene. I know the Death Panel may have a few differences of opinion with Curt, but you guys never jumped on the bandwagon of slander that so many rightoids did, and I… Read more »
Nothing is new under the sun. Once again a supposed White Nationalist puts quill to parchment declaring that the only way to win is to disavow the last successful White movement. I can understand some one deciding as a tactical matter to try and advocate for White interests by stepping over the past and when confronted with the “wat about Hitler tho” waving his hand and redirecting. If he has success with this strategy and leads lots of Whites to racial awareness, good for him. Except he pretty much never does. Instead he turns to the choir and starts preaching… Read more »
I think the problem with Keith is that he got caught up with people who are adjacent with us, people like the now cucked Richard Spencer, people like renown sperg Edward Dutton and Nick J Fuentez. Dutton treated him like shit, of course, Fuentez will be your friend until he attacks you openly, the guy has been expelled from 109 friends, and Spencer provided him with his foundation of shitty arguments. Now Keith is pulling a page out of Fuentez’ book and is stabbing his friends in the back. People are the company they keep.
Great episode!
To hone on moike’s comment on Poland – it specifically is a *rightoid* cucked nation
Juicy episode
Keith Fuds
Keith Woods Tablet Talks, 2025: “Don’t teach people history, political theory, and economics. They should remain colonized and be kept just smart enough to doom scoll my twitter feed.”
The distinction that makes Keith feel superior to Hitler must be somewhere in the material difference between a Twitter feed and a street sign, because the literary quality was probably similar or better on the signs.
I want the Pink Floyd hammer Confederate flag. Sound fucking based
Benny Johnson is talking about the JQ a day ago lol
Was it any good? I can’t stand that fag
probably was saying its cringe and we must work with jews so Cuckservatives win
It’s so painful whenever McNabb or Enoch miss something Sven says or asks
Sven doesn’t get enough props. He consistently makes me laugh through this dumpster fire called American life. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that Sven is the audience’s stand-in. He is the main character whose shoes we fill. I would like to be as brainy as Mike, but tbh I just don’t have it in me to finish these long books. And I don’t have the ability to be as lighthearted as Alex, for instance if my house flooded. But I do make inappropriate wise cracks even when I know I should let someone else talk. So, Sven… Read more »
It’s especially painful when Mike goes down a Twitter hole in the middle of a conversation… Sven will be talking and building to what should be a great react from Mike, but then there’s an awkward silence and a “what? huh? oh yeah” as Mike pulls himself back into the flow of the conversation.
Twitter addiction is a horrible thing. Please believe us when we say we just don’t care who said what on Twitter. Hour-long recaps of Twitter slap fights are also boring af, though Sven has thankfully reined Mike in on those.
Based Elon banning moike probably had something to do with it.
Evidence that Elon looks out for the quality of the show. Thx ‘Lon
This needed to be said.
I remember around 2019 when the Epstein stuff was in the news. Ethnarch and FTN made the link between the Harvey Proctor scandal in Britain in the 80s and Proctor being someone who was thrown under the bus. Epstein was always an accessory while Ghislane was the main player.
Ghislaine was Harvey Proctors girlfriend at the time.
Molly Conger probably has daily meetings with a shrink and lives off SSDI which affords her the time to have a 15 listern podcast.
Scoffing at the age or rudimentariness of anti-Nazi content for normies is like doing the same for bible stories among Christians. It’s always acceptable to reiterate the narrative position of the toe-line for access to polite society, and there’s no limit to the availability of approbation to anyone who does that publicly. Leftoids who know the most basic basics about neofascism won’t pan content that presents it as some arcane secret (it actually is for most normies), they’ll enjoy the status-ratifying thrill of being sufficiently dedicated to the cause to be that much in the know. The antiracist performative piety… Read more »
How neo-Nazism actually works…. yeah, it don’t.
As long as all jews benefit from Zionism and Israel they are all collectively accountable.
This. They collectively punish gentiles, so they will be collectively punished too. If we’re all Amalek to them, they’re all a jewish monolith to us.
I don’t recall any White people getting exceptions or passes during the summer of 2020. “Abolish Whiteness” meant all of us. Likewise, Palestinians have been collectively targeted since Herzl. They’re being collectively starved in Gaza right now.
When I first heard the voice of that Nazi gangbanger Boomer I thought it was Peter Zeihan
According to Anita Prazmowska, author of the book Britain and Poland, 1939-1943: The Betrayed Ally, the head of the Polish exile government, Wladyslaw Sikorski, wanted Jews expelled from his country after the war. If true, though, that only demonstrates he was on the wrong side of the war.
I think a big part of trumpensteins upcoming indian students thing is solving multiple problems at once for this system. Colleges are struggling with enrollment shortages, due to population shortage. Also total White boomer death is imminent. So Trump will import a future GOP voter base and prop up failing college system at once. Keep the show going. For a while. Many problems will arise from this… Which I don’t want to even explicate on. It’s honestly pretty funny. The foreskin enthusiasts are going to lose their empire. Hilarious. I mean this country is going to become unbelievably hellish. But… Read more »
Just look at the absolute failure of Conestoga College in Kitchener (formerly Berlin) Ontario.
America deserves to suffer.
It’s easier to talk about JQ now in the sense that there is a way to “redpill” the normiez. It can be shoehorned more easily. It’s harder to speak about the 100% actual facts however.
Man, ISIS acts fast when it comes to Alawites or the Lebanese border. But when it’s Israel grabbing everything south of Damascus… nothing. Given how many crocodile tears the west cries for minorities like the Kurds or Druze, it’s very telling how quiet they are now when Alawites are massacred. Everyone continues to lift sanctions and pretends ISIS is a real “government” with “security forces.”
Israel now has yet another failed state as a frontier buffer. Bibi described it as “Something tectonic has happened here, an earthquake that hasn’t happened in the 100 years since the Sykes-Picot Agreement.”
But don’t worry, jews will treat their new Syrian frontier humbly. Bibi’s brother-in-law said, “We don’t want even one meter beyond the Euphrates River. We are humble.”
The link in the first post described how Israel’s “Yinon Plan” called for sectarian war in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq: “Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.”
7 million listeners does not justify whatever clout Joe Rogan has. That is no where near what Limbaugh had. 7 million finked retards more like it
However I don’t think it’s possible anymore to get Limbaugh numbers
the idea of maintaining a german overclass/aristocracy over the slavic lands by hitler and his germans isnt even his own idea, thats a pure reactionary view of old dolfje which he got from the old german empire, lest we forget that for over 200 years from romania to russia to pooland there was a overclass of german administrator junkers.
this should frankly be isolated even from the ideology and seen as a petty boomerism of hitler, and therefore understandable.
>P*land mentioned
day ruined.
Germans should rule the world tbh.
Does anyone else think that Tim Wise is secretly on the payroll of the ADL to create more anti-semites?
Also, Make Tel Aviv Jaffa Again!
Socialist Dog Face has an episode of her podcast with Spencer Sunshine about the “modern neon ahtzee bible SIEGE”….these fucking people man….
I hope the name Spencer Sunshine is making fun of Richard for being an gay Apollonian.
Hhhhlook eheh
Just started the show. I am disapoint that Jesse didn’t make a “…the BACK pill” joke. Also Cialis gives good pumps in the gym. I’ve heard.
lmao the Back pill is called Tylenol.
If you want good lifting advice just look for the guy in the gym with a massive boner apparently
Keith Woods is such a faggot and I seriously think he will at some point say that if “we” work with jews then we can get everything we want. He’s not that far off from doing so with this retarded substack article of his.
he caved?
Lol I take cialis. It’s the tissue perfusion property that’s a little cheating for weight lifting, since the goal is to get blood and nutrients to the muscle. Any doc will prescribe it. They’re not going to tell you “whip that cock out or I’m not writing a script”.
I don’t take it for lifting though.
But my doctor always asks me to whip my cock out an.. oh
Israel has a black goatee where as good Israel is clean shaven
Judicial notificer mentioned!!!!!!!!!!
He’s so proud
hey as a zoomer i know conan the barbarian actually mcnibber, because it has been reintroduced in a worse retcon manner into the culture
It’s crazy that some of you are adults now.
That Jew was applying for work and student visas with no intention to work or enroll in a school
Please to be fixing of download link, saar. People require the needful nose notice gondend.
If you have high blood pressure, drink beat juice every morning.
No audio file. It’s never been so over.
mp3 downdload 404?
This is terrifying.
Shalom gym Friday podcast.
Got the shakes from yesterday, now I’m panicking
Theres basically a sub/dom relation Trump has with Greenblatt
How did fields drive OVER Heather Heyer? Did he bring a fuckin monster truck?.
Based on the footage available to we, the public, there’s some question about whether he struck her at all. The police took all the surveillance video of the scene from the local property owners and afaik it still hasn’t been released.
I look forward to you reviewing one ideological snake snaking his other ideological snake buddy
I’ve met many a goon with an SS belt buckle who didn’t know all that much about National Socialism.
Good at breaking things but they really needed a paternal elite.
I see Sven has joined WCW’s the York Foundation.
The 90s skinhead scene lives today in Scandinavian Detective Fiction.
Ah my ma is obsessed with that shit, always washed out dark camera effect, actors are like wood planks.
Sgt Blork drives his Audi through the snow being pensive etc.
Correction. Ed Gorzinki is a violent cowardly pervert. Because he won’t due violence while putting himself in a situation where the people can fight back
Jews and their lackeys are going ape shit on Twitter rn over Ian Carrol’s appearance on Joe Rogan.
The Forward even put out an article about the podcast already mentioning that Carrol claimed Israel did 9/11 on Twitter last year (Lol).
Jewish behavior is becoming so intolerable, and people have become so thirsty for knowledge for what’s really happening in their countries, antisemitism IS INEVITABLE. The noticing will continue, the question is will we be able to mount an actual political revolution one day to take back our countries.
hour two is fun
I will say though that you guys are presumptuous about people like Ian Carrol thinking he’s lying at times to be able to get by on a mainstream platform.
Some people just have ideas we think are bad, along with good ideas. I think Ian largely expresses himself very genuinely. We all should just take things like Ian’s appearance on Rogan as it is.
If you hate everyone who thinks differently than you, then you’ll only love yourself 😉
I’m okay with not loving Based Jews
I care more about the McMichaels getting pardoned than Derek Chauvin
100% Chauvin is still a faggot cop who married a Gook.
He would be kneeling with the rest of the pigs 2020
kneeling lol
Sven needs horse electrolytes
Today I was taking the bus to shit hole city, two abos huffing gas about to board.
Knowing what I was in store for either an uncomfortable ride or a fight and wanting to have a nice day I formulated a plan, timing my trip to the security station perfectly as I returned to my bus’s doors opening, said enraged abos came up to within a couple feet to go me and were promptly tackled to the ground with gusto,
I smiled and waved from the bus.
It was a nice day.
I thought their right to huff fuel in public was sacrosanct! I’m calling the Open Society Foundation about this!
Actually, how does petrol affect those strange hominids? I’ve never heard a firsthand account. Is it like liquor for them? Like ether? How does Homo petrochemicus behave in the throes of a gasoline binge?
Lmao great comment, good thing is they’re so fuckin stupid you can see them coming from a mile away, the gas just makes them slower so it’s helpful really, like a fented out nigger.
Ive seen them huffing tolulene out the can, and you’ll see gold coke bottles from paint everywhere in the city.
Best one I heard was a chopper pilot who flew Ayres Rock, he said around the “sacred site” the ground sparkled like diamonds, he thought it was shiny minerals, it was actually thousands of silver wine bags.
Truly a land of legend and mystery. Of magic and dread. Thanks for this glimpse into one of the last neolithic frontiers.
God save us all.
Tips slouch hat* syrian civil war sponsored by dad rock