We did content for a minute but then I put on the brakes
Zee album of color is back!
We did content for a minute but then I put on the brakes
Zee album of color is back!
I was shocked that Mission Impossible 2 was brought up and Sven didn’t mention Metallica’s “I Disappear”.
Polar bears are the most carnivorous of all living bears and are pretty terrifying. The extinct short faced bear of South America was way bigger and scarier though.
Interesting didn’t know about this bear, the graphics seem to show these two bears at relative size..
Mike would enjoy Severance. It’s a quality sci-fi property.
It’s trash, the first season was alright, but the second is unwatchable
Think I found the water pizza video.
The sins committed in pizza’s name is something else at this point.
I doubt polar bears could survive the heat of a tropical island.
I think one of the draws about severance’s plot is that the simple idea of being able to go to work and just skip it sounds like a good deal with today’s dumb shit menial work that sucks
Short show today, RLM dropped a new video.
Okay one legged jorts.
We’ve reached the end of civilisation.
LL Cool J must be so mad.
I’m think the island on Lost is purgatory.
It’s just a show with a Jew having no idea what to do and throwing shit together and after the fact trying to say it was “deep” or “thought-provoking”. When it wasn’t anything of the kind. It was actually an allegory on Willie Wonka’s chocolate factory- and the colonial exploitation of oompa-loompas. Few know this.
Do 15 minutes of favorite j.d Vance faces. Hux has some good ones.
No. No vibes. Vibes are retarded- they don’t lead anywhere.
Apropos of nothing, I thought of too good of a joke not to allow it to get stolen. Whenever there’s some shit about code language regarding the Holocaust, whatever the code word is – “processing means killed I decoded”
I just don’t like that Zelenski basically killed Coach Red Pill in cold blood and Maga tards and magatards are like hey shut up
Sawyer actor is in Yellowstone.
A libtard boomer at work talked me into watching the first season of Severance. The writing is good, but the casting is brutal. They couldn’t even do the decency of getting Mark a high-yellow black girlfriend? It has to be this straight-up painfully chimpfaced chick? I also could have done without the black science genius savior woman beating a white guy to death with a baseball bat. At least I got through it without having to see Helly do bestiality with Milchick. I was worried by the gross physical proximity between them in the first episode and the fact that… Read more »
Good God, I’m glad my TV doesn’t have an antenna, so I couldn’t have an accidental fall on the remote and simultaneously break my neck so I can’t turn it off and lay there watching anything that’s on there, just in case.
Are you going to respond to Keith’s takedown of National Socialism?
Wot you onabouh Keef
I didn’t see any takedown.
Not sure if this is “He did a shitty job and failed to take it down.” Or actually didn’t see it.
A takedown of its efficacy as a strategy. Not so much a takedown of the ideolgy itself.
i saw a rightoid-looking, face-stubble with the flat brim cap, actually crying and saying “That man (Zelensk) is fighting for his cuntry abooohoohoo”. Then he said “I hate this country (USA)” and I’m like, bro, you’re gonna make me cry now.
Have Jayoh bring back The Europa Report!
Are you fucking retarded?
Are you a keyboard warrior because I don’t think you are as tough as you make yourself sound. Trust me, you’re not that guy.
It was a fun comment since they don’t know anything about Europe.
I’ve been trying to decipher the Jewishness of Severance myself. I’d like to hear more.
It’s 2000s-tier retro-Jewy to the extent that it’s postracial and casts white corporate religiosity as the threat to everybody’s freedom and dignity.
The one-legged jeans thing is stupid, but I’m surprised it took the fashion biz this long to think of it.
Thank god, I’ve been F5ing since yesterday
Theres this beaner officer who was just terminated in California after it was found he stopped a person and gave them a court date for possession and then went back to the police station and smoked the drugs and apparently he did it all the time, it’s already Mexico here….
That’s kind of hilarious because if he didn’t give them a ticket/court date he could of taken the drugs and gotten away with it pretty easily. The white cops know this, even the nig-nogs have picked up on that by now.