The Death Panel check in on Ohio, fr fr.

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Can Sven do a Jell-O Biafria RFK jr parody song? Jell-O Kennedy Jr performing MAHA Uberalles or moon over HHS
Hearing Mountain Dew took me back a decade or so to Afghanistan. We used to get 24 cans of pop from the local chogi market (for five dollars) and I’d have a can every single day as my treat.
Had never heard of it before arriving in Afghan and I know it isn’t even that nice but I still like it every now and again.
What worked for WN was GLR being nice to white people and helping them better themselves in this degenerate Jewish World.. However he had leadership abilities. The Jews killed him because he was affective at this. Jews don’t mind degenerate podcasts that bemoan fellow whites in need of a positive example. The Jews prefer sick, fat white men that reminesce over 90’s forms of Jewish Entertainment and act like crabs in a bucket. Maybe low IQ whites would follow you if you presented as the ideal white man instead of Kyle’s cousin.
Where is this Marcel fella to be found?
Here you go my man.
Since when are birth rates dividided up by states or provinces.
Eventually the elephant in the room needs to be addressed about birth rates. Kicking the can and just saying “we don’t need to worry about that sometimes populations just naturally dwindle” is a cope. The reality is that young women literally for whatever reason are not having children. Even browns that come to the west after one generation go below replacement. The cause is obviously feminism (OH MY GOD NOOO DONT SAY THAT) and as much as you want to reflexively take the opposite position of “whitetoids” sooner or later this has to be solved. Now call me an incel.
I’d rather know what you want us to do about it. How many hours of discussing “woman bad, actually” would have prevented this comment from being written?
That’s why you need to join your local longhouse
Dude just go out and find a real woman to be with and not whatever digital simulacra you dreamed up you got mad with.
Wall Street giants other than being Jews often tend to be manlets
Zeihan is actually correct about Alberta and Saskatchewan. Alberta has similar oil production and land mass as Texas but only 4.2 million people instead of 31 million. Also there’s next to nobody living close to the border in the prairies. Million person cities are 4-8 hours north of the border
Yeah. Listening to Mike talking about Alberta and Saskatchewan was worse than listening to him talk about Deep Space Nine.
Episode title should’ve been rage bait for albertan
It’s funny seeing Trump bloviate in situations outside his control. All he does is shout “You’ll be sorry! Last chance!” Hamas grabbed him by the pussy and destroyed his “I’m the guy who gets shit done” mythos.
Everyone else seems so eager to cave. When he farts on the Panama Canal, they concede and sell him the ports. When he farts on TikTok, they agree to censor it and staff it with Israelis. When he farts on Greenland, they give him military base rights. Why is everyone outside Gaza so unwilling to say no to this empty suit?
Trump also seems awfully obsessed with jews, way more so than his besotted WN supporters. Weird how they don’t tell him to stop.
🤣🤣🤣 loved the RFK impression Jesse
Eating the cats is to distract from the whole eating people thing.
So wait, is “honk honk” already a TRS joke way to say Hong Kong? Because when Mike first said the company sounded goyish but was a Hong Kong company, I thought he was saying it’s a honk-honk company, meaning secretly jewish. And when I figured out the truth I was sad that I couldn’t go back.
Yellowknife and the cities in the Territories are choke full of Niggers working shitty service jobs
I wish RFK’s brainstorm would finish the fucking job.
Who has more contempt for their audience? Sven or Zeihan?
I’m glad Mike dropped the Jack Kirby’s 4th world reference. I was going to make a reference of that how when Canadians become 4th world status, everyone will become blocky and ugly looking while being surrounded by psychedelic imagery as comic book fart sniffers tell themselves “this is peak sequential storytelling “.
I’ve been drinking MtnDew and vodka together for the past 20 years. When I’m broke I go for the Natty Daddy 3pacs.
Is Satriani really touring with Van Halen?
Ian Carrol just appeared on Joe Rogan…and the top comment on this clip about Jeffrey Epstein is “He worked for Mossad.”
As a Canadian I’m mad at Wayne Gretzky for selling out to the Kikes that run Online Gambling ads.
Even more gutted when Don Cherry cried and apologized. The stand up honest veneer was just a shell. Shat himself like a bitch. Gretzky is a cuck
“Lets Go Redwings”
I didn’t understand the popularity of OBX. I went there in 99, I was bored out of my mind
OBX, Hilton Head, and Destin beach are family friendly. Myrtle Beach(aka Murder Beach), Tybee Island, Daytona Beach, South Beach(Miami), ect. are places where niggers and college kids go on the East Coast.
I was like 15 or 16
I actually went to Hilton Head in the off season and it was fantastic.
If you’re in the area ever let me know. My younger brother is a Firefighter/paramedic down there and the family&I stay with him when we go to the beach. Beautiful area and lots of White people for an area of the southeast.
I used to go every year with my family. It’s great if you’re into surfing, parasailing, hang-gliding, etc. It’s definitely not a gay destination, like Fire Island or Cape Cod. It’s squarely in Trump country. I actually was there last summer for the first time in years, and I saw Trump 2024 flags everywhere, and even quite a few Israeli flags and “We Stand With Israel” type bullshit. On the plus side it was nearly all White.
The economic power of Sask and Alberta comes from its great oil and gas production. Whether it’s actually propping up the rest of the country, I can’t say. If anything could do it, it’d be O&G.
Alberta props up the Quebec provincial welfare program with transfer payments.
Yeah this is one case where the Death Panel shouldn’t be laughing at Peter Ziehan. Zeihan is just regurgitating the standard critique of Canadian politics— the oil rich western provinces have been complaining about their money being sent east for decades. This is not news or occult knowledge. But if you are tired of losing revenue to Ottawa why would you want to join the USA and send your money to DC instead? Back in the 1990s there was a Western Canada independence movement by some WN types in Western provinces but I haven’t heard anything about that idea in… Read more »
Wexit picked up steam after the 2019 election but then with Covid it was hijacked by Covidtards
I really hope Zeihan isn’t actually gay, I feel like he has found the ultimate White guy cheat code in western economies. This is like our NFL, he gets to have a great lifestyle and travel around wherever he wants and periodically just give a speech about how China will collapse in two weeks with this one weird trick and then I like to think a bunch of wine milf groupies are lined up for him afterwards to take his pick. If I ever saw concrete evidence to the contrary I would have to use auto hypnosis to forget it,… Read more »
I really want to torch a pile of Scofield Bibles
The listing for Episode 1306 is missing from the RSS feed.
1306 is up there 1307 is missing.
Sven, don’t think about the pork shoulder in the gravy
”Architecture sir, pure architecture” (Spitting Image,1986), (Can’t find the clip on Youtube, but it involves the then Prince Charles and a Cockney.)
Replying to a comment Enwerd Gibbsmehands made on P&B yesterday: If Americans of German descent still had to Anglicize their surnames then Rick and Scott Steiner would be known as the Stoner Brothers (lol) and Eric Bischoff would be Eric Bishop.
There should be a remake of their shitty anti apartheid song called “I’ve never met a nice black South African” or something
I’ve never heard the original, but I hate it.
Sven, just cook the pasta al dente and eat only a cup of it, it shouldn’t spike your blood sugar.
Zeihanism is literally unstoppable, hot takes cucks eternally BTFOd
Ecto Cooler fanboy here…
And Tahitian Treat out of one of those tall narrow bottle vendors. The good old days.
Israel Man and the Diaspora Jew are hilarious comics. All jews are the diaspora kike at the end of the day though. Loud, obnoxious, genocidal, filthy, plague spreaders it’s all true.
Eli Valley is “hilltop youth” levels of repulsive and I hope he gets an incurable disease that devastates him and his family
Proof of a Jewish conspiracy for White genocide and world domination exhibit 6 gorillion:
Rabbi Rabbinovich’s speech to a council of Ravbis in Budapest circa 1952.
From the CIA’s own website:
Is there any dumb fake bullshit you don’t fall for? The reason why that document is in the CIA files is because someone sent it to them to look at so they documented it in their files. Did you even read the link you posted? The last page is a hand-written note from the sender, the first page is an acknowledgment it has been received. The FBI and CIA always document what White Nationalists send them. You’ll notice that if you look into “Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich” he’s not an actual figure of that time period, that the only primary source… Read more »
Lack of verification is not proof it’s fake btw. The fact that it’s completely in line with all of the unfolding history thereafter lends to its credibility, just like the Protocols, which Jews and their shabbos goyim also claim are completely fabricated. Weird how that works.
So, it’s true it cannot be verified as you would have to simply trust the source that gave it to Mullins, sure.
That’s not how evidence works. When you’ve debunked my explanation or find another primary source reference for a Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich let me know
Also tell me who told you about this document as I know you didn’t find this yourself, none of your arguments are organic, so I want to know which e-celeb I’m actually arguing with.
The name could be a pseudonym , which would make sense imo and I’ve seen proposed by Karl on his Substack:
The fact that these sorts of things have been alleged to have been documented, leaked, found somehow, in regard to plots for Jewish domination of society, and they all follow a theme, all of them are perfectly explaining reality, gives them credibility.
This includes things which have more credibility imo like The Protocols, and the discovery of the Bavarian Illuminati (which was Jewish covertly).
Okay I just read the substack and that’s not even what Karl said. Do you even read the shit you post?
“To examine this we need first to comprehend that like it or not Mullins has to be generally regarded as a dubious source since he is the originating source for several quotations that have no verifiable source in and of themselves (i.e., we have to either believe or disbelieve Mullins’ story) and to which Mullins has attached a grandiose but rather unlikely story.”
The rest of the substack is about how this is obviously bullshit
“Lack of verification is not proof it’s fake btw”
Interesting sentence typed by a person seeking truth.
You actually can throw claims in the garbage until evidence is presented.
In the words of degenerate tranny fucker Matt Dillahunty, “I want to believe as many true things and as few false things as possible”
Also, do you have an example of the CIA publishing other essentially “fake” documents that relate to Jewry in such a manner? I’d like to see.
I have the FBI celebrating every year on twitter of them slaughtering white people at Waco and Ruby Ridge
What? I’m confused by your point
The problem with Judicial Noticer is he just dumpster dives easily debunked garbage but insists on presenting it with this unbearable earnestness.
None of this is “easily” debunked. I just presented a data point.
There’s literally zero data. The singular of data is not anecdote
Yes. You can find American Freedom Press and all sorts of shit in their archive. You will find the Protocols in there with notes saying MR. HOOVER PLEASE LOOK INTO THIS. They document everything they were sent. WNs loved sending stuff to the FBI to redpill them on the communists and jews.
I just explained to you why it’s in there. Read your own link. Read the hand written portion. You can stop being stupid anytime you want. You can’t obfuscate this one like you do when you do Flat Earth.
I want to know which conspiratorial e-celeb you got this document from
I was trying to find primary sourcing or at least alleged sourcing for “Rabbi Reichhorn’s Protocols” as seen in places such as here:
But Google somehow gave me the other CIA website link.
Maybe because it’s made up, which even Karl points out the absurdity of the name? When was the last time you’ve ever acknowledged you were wrong about something or are you so hubristic you’re convinced you must be right because you think your autism is a superpower?
Sven just keep your calories around your total calorie expenditure and you can eat all the pasta you want.
the bloat!
I think pasta is made with melatonin.
Yuengling is good
Looking up surge and what the fuck it was Amazon exclusive for a few years. 90s products are weird but interesting in various ways.
Foist (pulled off a rare double-foist between this and prep)
Lol, nice job goyim đź‘Ť