Dark Enlightenment, Shane and Spectre engage in peasant accelerationism, then veer into the latest Epstein gayop, the jewish war on the existence of the White race and the future of White children, narrative and stories as part of our identity and the impact of religion on the culture, and a bunch of other stuff. You really can’t miss this one, true believers.
~Third Rail is a Borzoi/Spectre Joint~
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
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The Epstein thing – Ryan Dawson has a decent take on this. The “flight log” has already been released. If you want the names of the individuals who raped girls, ask the women who survived the abuse. Many of the rich, famous, politicians were indited, went to “jail” and payed out the nose. The connections to MOSSAD are in your face. There for all to see. The problem is no one cares. Americans want a suit on TV to read a list of (White) pedos like Tom Hanks and Hilary Clinton. Even if someone DID that, these TV-race retards would… Read more »
Corollary to that, if you aren’t showing them to the pedal powered brain bashing machines you’re also not solving anything, since this only ends when the last Jew dies in agony.
Ooohoooo, Robin
The fact that his New Mexico ranch where he was impregnating 45 women to make a super Jew army never being mentioned again is quite striking.
Never mind the fact he’s Jewish and how the fuck did he die in a maximum security federal facility.
DE should be on the speech writing team for the new Reich
Chrsichan in the alternate timeline where /pol/ had gotten to him instead of Tumblr at the holohoax museum be like “JEW LIEEEEES! JEW LIEEEEES!”
🎶I’ve been spending most my life
being grifted by a pair of kikes 🎶
Dark Enlightenment is spot on about how openly observable it is that jews are the ones running the show. How can anyone see Trump float a plan for forced displacement of two million Palestinians and not conclude that it’s all in service of the jews? Because there is absolutely zero national interest in ethnically cleansing Palestine. The only interest is the jewish interest.
DE is incredibly concise and insightful.
We both know I’m retarded and talk too much.
Well humility is a trait of a master and a gentleman.
Sounds like Epstein filed his teeth down a lá Francis Dolarhyde, the “Tooth Fairy”.
Epstein confirmed biter.
“Gunther S Thompson’ LOL
One can witness the decline of western civilisation by comparing the works of Homer to the more modern era, family guy was never as good.
“Aw Marge but the sirens say they have free donuts…”
I haven’t even started to listen yet but I want to say excellent title.
came here to say this, that titled killed me
2 minutes in, derailed by an Irishman, like any good party.
Unfortunately it’s March and no more Goofer dust and spiritual dick updates from the Bokor until next year. ☹️
If I never hear about goofer dust again I’ll be very happy.
I dunno the using your dick to get the demons out of women was sound advice at least.
No one is really happy except Heidi and her grandpa.
Bite your tongue, Sir.
The Hoodoo arc was vintage TDS. Truly sublime.
The Faithful eagerly await next February, henceforth known as Goofer Month.
Great big gobs of greasy grimy goofer dust
I listened to all that shit and I still don’t know what goofer dust is. Gooner dust on the other hand…