Mike and Borz discuss the retreat to irony by right-wing influencers who feel seen by their support of Jews, the Rabbinic nature of Jewish influence in intellectual movements as per Kevin MacDonald, respond to an Israeli Jew at Columbia centering the protests on Jewish feelings, and close out with the redundant nature of Jewish history.

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I’d send a money order to the PO in Pa. For a Culture of Critique, deep dive. Thanks if you do in advance.
Can you explain the claim about the Amish being “parasites”? That seems incredibly slanderous.
People who till the land don’t tend to be parasites. When you’re talking jewish parasitism, you’re talking about massive criminality & financial fraud & feeding off mediums of exchange & the host’s production. And this is the norm for them, not the exception. A cancer to any society.
At most, I’ve heard Amish can be a bit arrogant & look down on outsiders, but then fair enough, & that’s no different to how a lot feel about the Amish in reverse.
I think HHC or member of the Twitter mischling brigade should debate Mike on the Holocaust
Just to clarify on the whole group selection debate: in biology we decided that in order for evolution to work the unit of selection must be the gene, since it’s both mutable and immutable enough to be affected by natural selection. That means that when we observe group strategies in animals we attribute them to the genes responsible for those behaviours, and group selection is considered invalid for that reason. That being said humans don’t only operate in a genetic level but can also transmit information culturally so we can identify certain pieces of info (I’m trying really hard not… Read more »
LOL at Ku Klux Karens. Before Karen became an anti-White slur, didn’t it used to be Becky? Why did they move away from Rebecca—was it a little too on the nose?
The gray-haired Rebecca with the African-print tote bag and the “world music” playlist who shows up to every public meeting to eavesdrop and defuse any sudden populist anger is far more of a problem than any Karen.
Mike at 19:00 or so onwards talking about how people are intellectually incapable of stepping outside their own brain and analysing their own positions.
1) You cannot reason a man out a position he wasn’t reasoned in to.
2) IME, you get the most vitriol and anger when you’re externally vocalising/challenging someone’s own inner doubts.
People hate to even begin to consider that what they believe to be true might be a crock of shit so you always get the strongest response in that situation.
That’s why we need to think of messaging around jewish power like we’re drug counselors, rather than political advocates.
I think I and many others here grew up 100% believing the holocaust. Hell, me from 10 years ago would not like me today, but I see it as I grew up in a cult. I will never laugh at Irebodd, as his videos was the first domino for me. I’d never have started with watching Mike debating. I then played the Irebodd docus for my wife, read further, came here… step by step we “left the cult” some years ago. Cost us any friend we told; but as there is absolutely no point in explaining, we’re not very vocal.… Read more »
When I read CoC I spent 6 hours straight reading ~200 pages in one sitting. I was so pissed off I couldn’t stop reading
my weekly PB&J! (the J is for jews)
If you are ever going to go into the history of the original 1948 war, I strongly recommend looking at the UN’s pro-israel bias which ran rampant through the peace negotiations. It’s important because this was the first major international post-war crisis that the UN was directly involved in, setting the tone for all future UN involvement in the middle east. The secretary general flat out told the israelis that they should ignore his organization and push ahead with their land grabs. There’s a good primer here:
The Winner Takes All: The 1949 Island of
Rhodes Armistice Negotiations Revisited
RE: Jews setting up rabbinical circles in science. See Richard Feynman.
Crazy how borz admits to being in a relationship with a hijabi and moike admits to being pajeet within 30 seconds of each other (~28:00)
Darwin wrote about sexual selection. This is a type of evolutionary group selection theory, i.e. self-selection in groups producing evolutionary change.
The idea that group evolutionary psychology isn’t valid is an obvious Jewish in-before.
Edit: I see Moike addressed this in hour two. Richard Dawkins isn’t a Jewish in-before of course but it could be an example goyish self-censorship in fear of the illiberal implications of group evolutionary theory. It’s definitely an example of Anglo-liberal theory-cel-ing.
I remember hearing that Dawkins way back earlier in his career admitted that if we were to apply evolutionary science to humans, that there is more than enough evidence to separate humans into subspecies. Two birds that look the exact same are somehow different subspecies but a nigeer and a Swede are one race human race? It’s obvious bullshit and Dawkins is too afraid to speak the truth. He’d rather play it safe and shit on Christians.
Science even admits this at times because whites have a percentage of Homo Neanderthalis that blacks don’t have, blacks are pure homo sapiens sapiens, meanwhile Asians have a percentage of Homo erectus. So science KNOWS that we aren’t the same but Jewish control blocks this from the collective knowledge…
>tfw I’ve been using Bernie Goetz as a sock name for years
“Jews have developed a hostile outgroup strategy that involves crypsis.”
This was on full display in that one-gentile-three-jews panel discussion alluded to in the last TDS. The three jews were shitting on themselves as “White” people and talking about eliminating Whiteness, but if they applied the same to their jewishness, suddenly they’d become “self-hating jews.”
That term reinforces that a jew attacking their own identity is somehow unhealthy and dangerous, yet no such term exists for White people because we are *taught* to be self-hating by default by jewish panels just like that one. There’s the crypsis.
If a jew wails, “Why do you talk about us all the time?!”, it’s because they talk about *us* all the time. Captive Dreamer learned this the hard way when even his “good right-wing jews” were still all too eager to flood Europe with Palestinians.
Not coincidentally, ‘Palestinian’ is an identity that, like Whiteness, jews both attack and pretend doesn’t exist. But if Whites aren’t real, how do they know who to keep out of college? If Palestinians aren’t real, how do they know who to bomb?
Jews, if you want to be left alone, leave us alone first.
MAGAtards getting replaced by Musk’s merry band of street shitters now, LMAO
Huh. Shed some light on the whole “Brony” thing.
Am I the only one that now thinks of the word Gooferdust like Jim Gaffigan saying “Body Wash”?
Gooooofeer Duuuust.
Edit: Shit. Wrong show.
Adding “trannies drink mare horse piss” to the filing cabinet of my mind
Hell yes you should do it!!!
The story of Cain and Abel can be taken as an allegory for the ancient adversity between nomads who raised animals and settled people who farmed.
It could be, but then Christianity becomes an esoteric creed and you need specialized priestly caste to interpret the hidden meanings in the text for you.
I think that’s probably better than the alternative. Most people are incapable of responsible interpretations of scripture. It requires a knowledge of vast time periods of history to grasp the context so essential to the meaning.
Likewise, there are presumptions and priors which the text is brings with it that your average person in the modern age is just not going to grasp without formal instruction concerning the thought patterns of ancient people and their conception of the world and society in which they lived.
“Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a mare”
After the fake-ass Tel Aviv bus bombings—funny how that fell out of the news after they arrested a bunch of jews—I learned that Tel Aviv apparently has a train station called Haganah Station off of Haganah Road.
A road and train station named after terrorists in a country founded on terrorism and propped up with free American weapons. And they have the chutzpah to smear Hamas with that label.
The Jew cries out as he strikes you
Bush era Evangelist cringe fed into Bush era New Atheism cringe memes still sticking around
Then new atheism cringe fed into sargonite rationalist cringe
Paternal philosemitism
Plantation Jerusalem
Israel did label Baruch Goldstein as a terrorist and dismantled his original tomb but a new one was erected in 2014 and receives pilgrimages to this day. All of this to say these jews never stopped venerating him and only hid it for 15 years as you can find accounts of jews singing songs of him in front of Palestinians after the fact. Optics kikes always have the hardest game to play and I find that hilarious.
Brenton Langel sound board?
I think the biggest difference between jews and Whites, esp anglos, is that jews act as a collective and we as a people are/have become individualistic. I do not think Whites are inherintly less prone to lying, or being immoral, Kikes elevate this to an extreme as a group strategy.
Whites believe in honour.Jews don’t.
Yeah, but that won’t matter if Whites don’t collectivize. White will be honorable all the way to their extinction.
Apparently today is the anniversary of Baruch Goldstein’s cowardly attack on Palestinian civilians who were praying.
May he and his entire bloodline rot on Earth and in hell.
By an odd coincidence, it’s also the anniversary of Aaron Bushnell’s martyrdom.
And no surprises that all the western countries are re-establishing ties with ISIS-led Syria but not sending any migrants back!
Borzoi do you rwcommend Parenting With Love and Logic for aspiring parents? (It was mentioned on Hyperpodcastism)
Sounds cool but I can tell you as a dad that you have a lot of ideas about parenting prior to being a parent and most of it goes out the door when you have to deal with an actual tiny you
I used to live in a city with a Love and Logic Institute franchise on a prominent street. Not knowing what it was about we just called it “The Vulcans”.
A Moike and Borz CoC book reading show? Totally down for that.
I’ve read it. And should re-read it and absolutely endorse the idea of a CoC Series. Pleaseeee.
I had to put it down once. If it isn’t shocking to virgin eyes then they’re lost
I usually don’t engage with the primary sources because usually second-hand takes on average are better at giving me a concise analysis of something. TBH I couldn’t even finish Mein Kampf because finishing books is my struggle. If something actually demands me to analyze an original source, then I’ll do it. But rarely that’s the case.
Yes, I’m intellectually lazy. And I’m learning that in a very real way as a 3rd year uni student.
read the whole book, nigger
You’d have to lock me in prison to get me to finish a book.
Must not be anglo
Slightly over 50% Norwegian, slightly less than 50% anglo
Be the man who goes to prison and writes the book
Franz Boas was a scientific example which Macdonald gave, for anthropology/race science. You can likely say the same for the clinical psychology Frankfurt school authoritarian personality study types.
I hope we get some premium Indian coantent.
Mike is getting pulled into an esoteric Indian blackhat SEO scam.
Oh yes