I had something come up today. Mike and Borz will be on Thursday again.
Borzoi does the first of two parts on understanding the sociology and psychology and the culture of school shooters by reviewing Katharine Dee's Article "Adam Lanza Fan Art".
Intro Song: 3 Pieces, Op. 2 - 1. Etude in C sharp minor by Alexander Scriabin
Outro Song: Prelude No. 1, Op. 67 by Alexander Scriabin
Referenced Links:
Adam Lanza Fan Art by Katharine Dee
The Nihilism of the Mass Shooter by Katharine Dee
The Efilist Philosophy of Gary Inmendham
Cho Seung Hui: It's the Movies, Stupid by The Last Psychiatrist
When you went into your take on Christianity in the states that was pretty interesting, you should expound on that.
“For the most part happiness consists in being willing to be what you are” – Erasmus, Praise of Folly
I would like to point out that Marc Lepine real name was Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi born of an algerian mutual fund salesman and a french canadian former catholic nun. In a lot of these shcool shooter, the racial alienation experienced by non-white in white society is played down or simply ignored, just as other inconvenient motivating element.
Now, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long, long time.
Thanks for another great therapy session, Borzoi!
As usual, a lot of these problems of nihilism and celebrity strike me as having similarities to Rome, which had celebrity gladiators, generals, mythical figures, athletes, and all sorts of strange cults. The search for identity was also apparent. The greek/roman obsession with the mysteries of isis is just one example of this search leading them to exotic worship of foreign gods. While i am sure technology and the climate of modern America makes these issues lot more acute, they certainly haven’t been anything new.
in the netherlands much of the far right has been KNIL related for long.
much like france in this regard, but theres no jewish aspect to it, but rather a real colonialist worldview that its righteous etc. to dominate the indies.
personally quite happy that period is over.
I’m a simple man. Borzoi speaks, I listen.
Good stuff, Borzoi. I made the statement sometime ago that deep dives were dead on TRS, and I still hold on to my words, but I think I did just hear some rattling by the graveyard over yonder.
I understand the suspicion that Columbus was a Jew but I don’t think I he is. Even Jewish scholars all say that there is no hard proof that he is Jewish and if he was Jewish I think Jews would have claimed him long ago.
Side note. The Christopher Columbus statue in Genoa is badass
Borz is on a roll
This stuff is great – I have insomnia and this is getting me through. Keep it up sir
My real only experience with these school shooters and why they did what they did was when I had to take an entry level psychology class in college. We had to watch an episode of Frontline called “The Killer at Thurston High” about a kid that shot up his high school in the 90s. At the time he was kind of unique in that he was arrested instead of killing himself/getting shot by police. I feel like this has become more common in recent years, but at the time Columbine, VA Tech, and Sandy Hook were all that seemed to… Read more »
The Thurston High/Kip Kinkel incident was one of the big pre-Columbine cases because he killed his parents before shooting up his school, killing two others and injuring a bunch others before getting overpowered.
Great listen – also residues my Americanus Exterminatus worldview. Maybe I’m tainted, since I’m an American, and maybe I’m getting into the cringe realm, but I’m starting to think that specifically Americans don’t mean anything. Meaning that their lives, and their deaths, are utterly inconsequential beyond the number reaching 0.
“The Millennial’s search for authenticity will make him inauthentic.”
Damn, the Millennial can’t win either way.
Oh, and insert obligatory “durr hurr Millennials be cringe and soy, etc.” take.
Yes, that just happened.
I think the root problem with Millenial’s struggle for authenticity is that they don’t really know what it is. Buzzwords like “real” and “authentic” are thrown around, usually meaning non-corporate. But authenticity begins with race, and that’s something Millennials can’t and won’t grapple with.
Great episode. “You either die young and still transgressive, or you live long enough to become Keith Olberman”
Had me rolling.
Postmodern society: no right of passage, no mentors, and no wise associations.
The ideal society envisioned by (((Ron Jones))), author of The Third Wave experiment is the nihilistic school-shooter producing anti-society.
“Ron Jones”. Jesus christ.
Really glad you’re doing more content as the primary voice again.
Also, my vote is always to finish topics, fwiw.
Ps, good call with the Scriabin. Guy was a beautiful lunatic. Had actual synesthesia. When he died he was working on a seven day “total art” with dancing, incense, etc to be performed at the top of the Himalayas. He thought it would bring about the end of the world.
Some of these incidents are less “random spergouts” and more “someone went after another person that they had a grudge against, whether true or imagined, and people get caught in the crossfire.” Like the Barry Loukaitis incident which was one of the big pre-Columbine cases. The TLDR was that this kid who was raised in a household with a crazy mom and a dad who didn’t want anything to do with his crazy wife and kid got bullied hard by some spic named Manuel Vela so he went to get revenge against said bully; this resulted in him stealing a… Read more »
I’m surprised Duck! The Carbine High Massacre doesn’t get talked about anymore in those circles. It could be because the black victim is portrayed as an antiwhite thug who’s allowed to act that way because he plays football and the two shooters who are meant to be related to are Nazis and them being bullied for being White and into nazism are portrayed not really positively, instead showed as an example of how terrible their school is. Granted the film is a low budget B-movie with a very mean spirited tone (the only victim portrayed positively is the teacher character… Read more »
https://old.bitchute.com/video/iqK1JQT3WlX2/ Link to Myth of the 20th Century Serial Killer Episode that Borzoi referenced during the show.
What parenting book did he mention “ truth and …”? I’d appreciate it
Parenting With Love and Logic
So would you recommend this for aspiring Parents?
I’ve posted about it before, but there’s a very similar community that fangirls over the Third Reich just like these people obsess over shooters. I’d imagine the psychology and reasoning is the same, they’re definitely not “our guys”.
“People over 20 that still have problem with their teenage angst are dangerous” is such a beautiful way of saying it.
One reason why this movement helped me was how it helped me put words on my absolute deep seated hate of artists like Cindi Sherman and Martin Parr. They pose as nihilists but they only make fun of white ordinary people, they never make fun of elite liberal whites like themselves, the real elite who pay for their work via institutional commissions (Jews), blacks or homosexuals. Once I understood they’re women and homosexuals, empty of ideas, absolutely obsessed by the social and mere unaware employees… it all helped me clarify the nihilism situation in my own life. I had to… Read more »
I like how in typical American fashion even the universal exterminationist efilism guy reduces spaying and neutering animals to an economic argument where it’s better to just kill them all. Well I assume he’s American based on that and his accent anyway. But still the guy who is supposed to be philosophizing about some gnostic ideal of ending the tyrannical cycle of physical existence ultimately has an economic gripe.
Ketamine sucks ass, you can’t move and the trip isn’t even fun. I don’t get the hype.
I know you said that you didn’t want to open up that can of worms, but you pretty much already did which is why I am humbly requesting that you, in fact, do do a deep dive or at least touch on why so many women especially in modern times seem to fantasize so heavily about abuse whether it be from a physical or sexual (rape) standpoint. The topic fascinates me, especially since it is not restricted to “traditional types” if anything it’s the hyperliberal and hyperfeminist types which tend to be most unabashed about it especially within their own… Read more »
I think Jews use to our worst tendencies to use us and ultimately kill us. Everybody, men and women, become the worst version of themselves under Jewish rule. I have been realising that the Christian idea that the devil luses our bad tendencies to move us away from the good is ultimately right but it is communicated through a lot of mysticism to the point where it stops working. Sins are deformations of our natural good instincts that evil people use to enslave us. That is all, as simple and as profound as that. Women tend to like strong men… Read more »
Women are weak and feel weak all the time so they want to feel strong but they need a man to be that, but the shadow side of that is that the man can also be un-civilized
It’s irritating to think about how many smart, millenial-aged White men adopt the pseudo-intellectual, anti-natal positions, often dipping toes into entropy or end-all-universal-life-because-life-is-hard theories. Quite possibly the faggiest outlook imaginable. Smart enough to think, but too cowardly to ever ACT. Of course the pain outweighs the pleasure! Life is struggle and struggle is how you grow and strengthen your bloodline over generations.
I sympathize with Lanza in a meta sort of way. It’s hard not to hate a society that creates Adam Lanzas.
Another great episode. Does anyone remember the show “By the numbers” with McNabb and that other guy? I found that and episodes of “Prussian Socialism” in a folder the other day. Honestly, if McNabb started his own show, you guys could start toting “new content everyday!” But I know this is all just a way for Jesse to eliminate “Jesse and Jesse”. (my favorite show)
The not wanting kids because of the environment is pretty normal. I broke up with a girl because she thought that way before. Or the time I had a friend try to covert me to being a Mormon and he was confused by my response. I’m catholic because my dad was catholic and my grandpa was one and I would be disappointed them. Being first generation here. There is an inability to understand inheritance. Americans just see it as a material thing. Like a handy down. Which is fine but you also inherit culture from your parents or liking certain… Read more »
I want to recommend the book Victory or Violence by Peter Kemp (I think that’s his name) by the AWB of South Africa, even if you never do an episode on it it’s probably the best book (in terms of both info and being objective) on the AWB afaik and I feel like with all the things going on with SA now it could be relevant to read.
*Arthur* Kemp
Peter is the one who wrote those war memoirs MysteryGrove republished.
There’s a bunch of school shootings done by minorities like the Gang Lu incident in 1991 (among many many others) that are very inconvenient for judeo-libtards who push the “all school shooters are weirdo Whites who weren’t bullied hard enough into suicide” false narrative
You really have encapsulated my feelings towards the fascination of School shooters. Dang. The unsettling feeling that there is no answer… Oof.
Now I support the american woman flexing lactose tolerant superior genes against her italian bf.
She was British
never mind then
I like some of Katherine’s writing. Too bad she’s a jewess.
Lanza does indeed have the autism voice but to me he has that psycho/sociopathic voice as well since he was diagnosed with “profound emotional disabilities” at some point in the late 2000s. Filled with a real malice towards children. I may be remembering wrong and thought people knew he had videos on YouTube after he committed his disgusting act, at least 5-15 minutes worth, but I could be remembering wrong and am attributing this to his journals or to that freak Randy Stair considering they look very similar. Physio/Mental disfigurations are common among substance abusers I suppose. The video known… Read more »
Boredsoy is gonna take your job, Mike.
Scriabin: Gould
Morphy: Fischer
Good to have some Europeanism.
download link is 404
Cheers, Borz.
Good doggy.
Borzoi keep dat manifesto on him
So this is the story of how I read a manifesto and got blackpilled the same night my homie got blackpilled, part 1.
So I’m readin’ this shit, boom.