Shane, Larry and Spectre ponder the need for random pro-social brute squads, then go full class warfare as Larry declares jihad on Big Management and Big Fat Cat. We grab reality, enter it from behind, call it by another’s girl’s name, and hang on for dear life when it bucks. Yes, this is happening.
~Third Rail is a Borzoi/Spectre Joint~
Outro Song: (We’re All Gonna Make it) For my Kings by StormKing
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Can’t take whatever creature killed larry and wore him as a skinsuit.
Why does this guy spend the entirety of every show he’s on glorifying the IRS?
Larry is great and he is not glorifying the IRS, Just bringing some hard reality check on the narrative around it.
The economic question has been at the core of all the third position, political movements. Wrestling the power of National finances out of the hands of the international financiers and instead running the ecconomy for the benefit of the Nation. I’ve been trying to understand this for sometime, as I have no background in or prior understanding of financial, monetary type things. I’m reading a good book at the moment called “Opposing the money lenders, the struggle to abolish interest slavery by Kerry Bolton”. I would highly recommend it. From my limited understanding, the most important point seems to be… Read more »
My definition of consciousness is, do you experience anything? If so then you are conscious. It is different from self consciousness, for that you need an ego (a sense of self). I would recommend spectre to look into Neo Platonism and Advaita Vedanta.
That awkward moment when Larry says he isn’t NS.
Dark Ridgeway.
If Larry isn’t a National Socialist, then which political ideology does he subscribe to?
What is up with the suicidal ideation added to the start of the intro?
Is somebody crying for help?
Does Spectre need help?
Wait, Larry isn’t NS? Why not big guy?)
One does not cease to be a National Socialist, one merely temporarily gaslights oneself into believing it is so.
I love how Larry reflexively shut down being NatSoc because he’s been abused by the shitty internet American right wing. It’s a silly reflex. I swear the internet makes you people so unwell.
If he’s not ideologically NS, that’s fine. I just brought it up as a response to the class warfare rhetoric that I was hearing in the point that Larry was making. I advocate for National Socialism IRL here in Ireland with Clann Éireann, so naturally I just wanted to challenge the “eat the rich” kind of stuff in good faith. Obviously there’s no bad blood and either way, I think Larry is a sound lad.
If you are going to be talking to a ns podcast, with a ns audience. And you make a point to disavow ns, you should probably at least give some sort of explanation. Big L for ridgeway
Shane and Larry together on the same show, hell yeah. im ready for some absolutely retarded jokes.
I love Larry, how bout it!?
Hokey buckets.
Beating stupid people until they get smart—can I volunteer for this job?
Beating the dumb out of them.
Feeling a little melancholy-pilled these days. Thanks for the great gondend as usual, fellas. Friend sims mean a lot to us out here in the sticks.
Uh-oh, Spectre had some epiphany and he’s going to tell us all about it. Fast forward 35 minutes.
The Midnight Rambler strikes
You deleted your short joke—HOW MUCH DID SPECTRE PAY YOU SIR
That’s for you to wonder and me to spend on liquor.
Imagine a big lip nigger under your bed ready to grab your feet 🫣
If you want to calculate how much money America has given to Israel since 1948, you have to look not just at direct aid but also at all the wars fought on Israel’s behalf, all the sanctions on Israel’s adversaries, and even America’s UN Security Counsel vote, which Israel effectively owns. What is the economic value on veto power over UNSC resolutions? It must be in the tens of trillions.
This is common wisdom in our circles, and it’s true. But ultimatley everything the U.S. does is an Israel subsidy. From putting our domestic oil on the global markets, to the finance-run economy, to opening the floodgates of the human zoo into our streets, it’s all for Israel. America doesn’t provide the subsidy. It IS the subsidy.
And all the countries they pay off not to be Israel’s enemies anymore, like Egypt and Jordan. And the loans they give Israel that they never have to pay back.
Well, Specter, I would say that being able to question consciousness and if you are in such a state would mean that one is conscious enough to question their own existence. A dog doesn’t have the sapience to delve into existentialism, and neither does a nigger
Show starts at 0:00 – you gangstas are getting deep early – but wait, you don’t want to go back to frontier lawlessness?
“Like a limestone cowboy.”
Shane, have you ever seen the film Ryan’s Daughter? Part of it was shot on a beach where there is a shipwreck called the Kakapo. I live not far from that beach!
I haven’t, but I’ll look into it.
“Can you swing a sack of doorknobs?”
“CAN I?”