Mike and Borz discuss how Trump wants to make sure you just feel like you're winning, the hard-blinking copes that Palestine is ending, and Trump and Bibi getting buckbroken by Hamas.
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by Mike P
Mike and Borz discuss how Trump wants to make sure you just feel like you're winning, the hard-blinking copes that Palestine is ending, and Trump and Bibi getting buckbroken by Hamas.
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Moike Moike, talk in to the mic.
Desalination is not low status, it is just expensive to do.
With that said I have no problem believing kikes are kvetching about having to pay for expensive water when it should be free for the chosenites.
White people have a range of pink, milky or angelic white, & olive hue. And I’m even claiming that among Northern Europeans.
Ive never heard anyone bring up Psycho Sexual before. I remember laughing at every single one of the videos. It was genuinely so-bad-it’s-good.
europe is a dignified retro arena fight game, whilst america is a modern grande battle royale map for migrants.
this is a joke dont think to much on it
Great that Elon GAZA take gave me AIDS.
Hitlers natural dialect was more Bavarian than Austrian. His voice is always depicted wrong in movies, because they always use his stage voice that he learned to be easier to understand through loudspeakers and radio. Basically a theater voice. That’s why old time radio voices are always over-pronouncing words. An accurate English Hitler AI voice for his speeches would be more accurate if its just modeled after old radio announcers.
Death to israel. Death to Adderal dealing Doctors!
Borz AI you did great. Show was tight
French food is superior to Italian food. I’ll die on that hill.
Better than italian american food yes but on the continent it’s a real toss up.
On the continent and abroad.
I agree with this. Pasta is filler food and unnecessary. I have been to France and the French dinner food is based in meat and vegetables and great bakery and patesserie. Compare to Italian foods with an excess in bread, pasta and acidic tomato use.
Boomhauer is right on this one my nigga
Exactly. I feel malnourished in Italy most the time. Eating bread and pasta all the time is the reason even the skinny Italians are soft and fat.
The French deserve to be snobs. Italians not so much.
Italian food is better hands down
Just plain wrong dude.
Those Old Bay potato chips > all other food
Maybe Hamas can consult Musk on his stupid underground tunnel hyper tube.
You may not believe in Odin, Mike, but He believes in you.
People shouldn’t limit the murder count of Palestinians to Oct 7th. The occupation has always been illegitimate so the count should start since Israel was established. Which I’m sure is an astronomical number
Trump can talk about moving out the Palistinians; but when push comes to shove someone is going to have to use force to push them out and HAMAS is going to fight back. Trump is going to end up exposed as just a bloviating retard even when it comes to doing this deed for Jews. Also I think the Palestinians would rather live in rubble than give in to Jews
The “duds” aren’t due to defects in the main high explosives in the bomb, they are due to defects in the fuse. The high explosives in the bomb (or shell) are actually pretty stable, it isn’t going to go off by itself. There’s a several step process that is used to set it off. The fuse is usually triggered by something that is sensitive to shock— fulminate of mercury or something similar. That in turn usually sets off a small gunpowder charge, which is energetic enough to set off the main high explosive charge. It might not even be a… Read more »
Mark Twain referred to the area as Palestine in his travelogue “The Innocents Abroad”.
“Palestine is desolate and unlovely. And why should it be otherwise? Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land? Palestine is no more of this work-day world. It is sacred to poetry and tradition – it is dream-land.” I don’t necessarily agree with his sentiment, but he does call it Palestine. That just was about 150 years ago. It’s not just an ancient name for the area.
Zionists use a Motte and Bailey argument— if you point out how the word Palestine has been used for thousands of years they retreat to the argument that a Palestinian state and/or people has never existed.
Well an Israeli state and people didn’t exist until 1948 and if force can be used to create it, so can the Palestinians do for themselves.
Aelia Capitolina was the name Hadrian gave to Jerusalem after he crushed the third Jew revolt. Aelia came from part of Hadrian’s name and Capitolina is a reference to Jupiter.
He renamed Judea ‘Syria Palaestina’ but there are older references of the area as variations of Palestine.
Aelia girl
Send me pics
I think devil worship does not even exist as an organized thing. I tried to look into it when I was studying Albert Pike’s letter where he talks about the three world wars. Christianity Islam and Judaism will destroy each other in the world will be under luciferian doctrine. I kind of like the idea but I tried to look into luciferian doctrine and I can’t find anything. really the Old testament to me could not be worse than any kind of devil worship. I just don’t understand what Pike meant by that letter. unless he meant that the Jews… Read more »
I’m a Christian. I agree that there is no real organized worship of Satan.
I think people “worship” Satan by their actions: faggotry, abortion, being jewish, denying obvious truth (race is real, men and women are fundamentally different, things like that) worshipping the NFL, NBA, NHL, NCAA, MLB, jews and whatever the fuck.
There’s your devil worship.
Funny you say that because many would juxtapose our organized veneration of Hitler alongside devil worshippers.
And similarly, many people would deny there being such a thing as organized Hitler worship (unless they’re feds).
Just like Satanic cultists, we get to live in the mysterious corners of everyone’s minds.
(And yes, Satanic cultists exists, just as we do).
You guys get sick a lot.
I’ve never gotten really sick from COVID and I’ve tested positive. I rarely get the flu. Colds are a nuisance.
I’m Irish. I get the Brown Bottle Flu on occasion, but that’s about it. My Mom’s side has some German. It seems to have made a good gene mix. Being Irish, my female relatives have a tendency to madness, but we’re all pretty healthy.
As I said last night on the TDS thread I think they need to spend more time down at the creek to build up their immune systems. I haven’t even had a cold since 2020.
The gulf of ‘America’ is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
It’s funny how Jews and Conservatives will say that the Palestinians willing to suffer and die for a generational struggle for a greater cause is proof that “they’re in a death cult!”
Though it just shows how materialistic Jews especially conservatives truly are.
Braun is way too based to be truly Polish.
“I’ve had Covid three times since we last spoke. RFK Jr. says it’s not because I’m unvaccinated, but I tend to disagree.”
i’m probably gonna get a vax next year. Fuck this.
The “stop hitting yourself” talking point that Jews do goes back to the Old Testament with Yahweh sending the the plagues to Egypt and Moses saying “just let my people go bro and this will all stop.”
Also Herodotus was the first to refer the region as Palestine. Ironically he doesn’t talk about our favorite nomadic tribe of inbred perverts once.
I just want to see 65 year old Tom Cruise strafing towelheads in an Israeli jet in Slop Gun while my Uber Eats app plays the limited time Matthew McConaughey voice “your food is here” so I have a reason to go to my job in the morning for another decade or two before I prematurely end up in a nigger Medicaid nursing home on statin medications.
Bro I don’t need anymore black pills right now.
We’re back
Mike’s had COVID three times since we last spoke.
Guy gets sick alot.
If yuh don’t take yer ivermectin yuh gets what yuh deserve
Guys can use ivermectin if they want to… 100 guys 120 guys we’ll have two to three ivermectin users in the morning
Everyone should load up on Alex Jones Healthcare products.
It’s never too late to get vaccinated.
And you can get a non-mRNA one if you want.
“He couldn’t even get a real virus, he had to get a gook virus!”
you gunna get your paychecks if USAid is closed?
Thanks Mike for replying to me on Twitter!
I haven’t browsed /pol/ regularly since 2018, just checked the catalogue and it’s all pro neocon / anti Russia garbage
It’s been like that since 2022. Jews definitely spend a lot of money pushing their bullshit in 4chan
Pol hasn’t been worth a fuck since moot owned it and /pol/ always had a RISK game thread going, i.e. before 2016. Not saying Moot was cool; he was another urban hipster faggot that decided to take a job at Google letting a black HR woman give him daily colonoscopies.
Before Trump shit, it was a bastion of antisemitism and shitposting, a true digital amalgamation of an SA Beer Hall and the Mos Eisley Cantina.
Now it’s just zoomer mulattos asking how deep Destiny’s throat is.
Jesse: sorry, Mike’s too sick to talk, I’m going to fill in tonight
Mike: drags himself from deathbed coughing blood and retching
The compulsion to interrupt Sven is just too strong.
Man literally too antisemitic to die.
Wait what
I had just begun Jesse alogs Jesse
TRS cucks itself ?!
I thought it was Thursday, not Tuesday. What a slow week.