Borzoi covers the role of jewish gangsters in America in policing politics with Michael Benson's book Gangsters vs Nazis, but before that goes through the history of May Laws and pogroms in Russia that brough the gangsters and their families into America with excerpts from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's controversial history book, Two Hundred Years Together.
Intro Song: Culture Terror
Intermission: Procession of the Nobles from Mlada by Rimsky-Korsakov
Outro Song: //LOAD_VR: nostalgia2_1986.exp
You know Borzoi, you could split the episodes up in to 2 parts when they are this long.
Only issue is that he breaks the flow. Like the next episode, if I just released the actual analysis of shooters separately it looks very awkward disconnected with the first half.
Awesome. 200YT has been on the list but is a commitment . Professor Borz reading and analysis even better. Ive listened to this episode 2X already. I would subscribe to Hyperpodcastism if it was its own dedicated entity.
Please do the “Doctors’ Plot”.
To me the most interesting thing about 300YT is the description of the dynamic by which jews play states off against each other: providing both cash and intel to foment wars. Jew A and his cousin B each tell the prince in thier respective host nations that the other is preparing to attack them. And thier cousins, C and D are ready to loan them money to build up their respective armies.
Shlomo Avineri writes a good insider view of just this in The Making of Modern Zionism: the origins of the a Jewish State. A lot of huckstering and fund raising off Europeans.
The longer and more convoluted the better. Try your best to limit the apologies for personality quirks beyond your control. It’s what we’re here for. That and long-form anti-semitism.
“When does our hero charge in and sock the Nazi right on the jaw?”
After 10/7, Antifa thankfully faces the same discrediting dilemma as ISIS in Syria. Just like ISIS is mocked for ignoring invading jews in favor of attacking the Lebanese border, Antifa would only get awkward questions on why it ignored over a year of genocide in favor of socking MAGA “Nazis.”
Where were they when brown people needed them most? Antifa’s jewish minders were too busy socking brown protesters on college campuses.
Antifa is 3-tiered. Thugs on the ground are total idiots who live in siloed echo chambers: homos, trannies, druggies, angry girls, and simps. They’re managed by a liaison class who usually hold down government jobs; providing direction, dope, and flop housing. The top tier are shot callers who are usually jews and (sometimes) shabbos goys in the legal and NGO professions. They make the decisions and provide legal defense for the thugs via the National Lawyer’s Guild, who bail and represent them pro bono. Point being: these people are totally insulated from ideological criticism by their own subculture. They never… Read more »
But others on the outside looking in can see the endless shit being hung around their necks.
Antifa’s sometime libtard allies will hardly care about Antifa’s lack of focus on Israeli genocide though; the libtard caring more about literal Democrat Party supremacy, and accusing the Muslims who wouldn’t vote for Genocide Kamala of being secret Trump supporters.
Solid episode! I thoroughly enjoy the pure Borz.
I love these esoteric Jewish history stuff. It’s the best.
Alright, good deal.
Man, the “One Jew was killed in the pogrom” reminds me so much of “The Deadly Charlottesville rally” after Heather Heyer’s passlng, complete with the cossacks scattering the pogrommers.
Lol, should’ve listened further.
Finally, some long form quasi deep dive content. Wen co-host (jzhnds, jk)?
Crémieux is the guy for which the Crémieux Decree is named, which gave civil rights to Algerian jews equal to French colons. Which both gave them a sudden huge political weight, and poison pilled any future national preference legislation, not only in the colonies, but in metropolitan France. While we would have lost Algeria anyways, or at the very least most of it, it helped make the separation harder and with more internal contradictions in the French assembly. The consequences are still dramatic in current year, the French far right has had a significant Algerian jew component since the Algerian… Read more »
Is there a good place to get a translation of 200 years together? That is near the top of my next books, but I can’t find a copy.
Internet Archive will let you read it, and samisdat will let you download. Both free.
And suddenly it’s 2019 again
excellent gondend! This style of nnnndeep dive really paints a picture in the theater of the mind. May I suggest that next time you’re goin’ deep, be sure to add in a few grug-brain, zoom-out recaps. It can help listeners stay with the story and refocus should we zone out.
The scene of breaking up the Bund meeting and demanding that the Bundists do the equivalent of a loyalty test sounds like a repeat of what mobs did to German-Americans during President Wilson’s war hysteria circa 1917-1918.
I for one very much enjoy the mush-mouthed divergences into entirely different books for about 1.5 hrs. It’s very Borzoi. Very glad to see we have broken the curse with two consecutive episodes in two consecutive weeks. It’s really shaping up to get through the book club backlog!
I’m reading “Tell the truth and shame the devil by Gerard Menuhin”, (his is half Jewish, his father was a Jew), and I’m up to the part that talks about krystalnacht. From what he says about it and the quotes and sources he provides it seems as if it was a Jewish planned gay op. A false flag, what you doing Rabbi, type situation. And from what you have said here about the pogroms, I think it could be a similar story. They create these situations and then blow their victim hood vastly out of proportion and only tell one… Read more »
Andrew Joyce has written articles about the pogroms, on Occidental Observer. Matthew Raphael Johnson has also written about them I think.
Those were some of the first TOO articles I ever read! Great research by Joyce.
Pete Quinones is reading the whole 200 years together book, with Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson providing commentary. You can find it on Pete Quinones youtube channel.
Glad you’re branching out and doing more content again, Borzoi.
Peinovich & Boskovich was the main reason I resubbed at the start of 2024.
Finally, I can now sound smart in front of my friends and family again by pretending to be well read. I would pay triple hyperinflation paywall prices just so I can regurgitate someone else’s profundities.
And yet I give it away for free. I truly am a retard by American standards
I love this content. I welcome any content that does historic deep dives. Maybe someday we’ll get that Teddy Roosevelt deep dive after all.
Porwancher’s book is coming out this year so yeah I’d say that’ll happen
Edward G. Robinson was the perfect choice to portray a rat like Dathan, in The 10 Commandments.
Thank you LORD for swallowing him up.
I’ve definitely heard The Procession of the Nobles before, but not because I’m cultured enough to listen to Rimsky-Korsakov.
I checked and it doesn’t appear to be in the soundtrack/score to a major film. Must have been an old Looney Toons or a documentary or something, but I know I’ve heard it before.
Listening to Млада is TIGHT
You forced me to consult The Oracle. God bless easy translations.
Nice job there. I see what you did; so it must be for me.
That’s gonna get a “Wait… What?” from the Pitcher in the Pitch Meeting.
It was also used in the old William Pierce American Dissident Voices during the outro.
Knowing what I know about the history of Jewish arson, (((Billy Joel)))’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” takes on a whole new meaning.
Hopefully Jamie isn’t doing a Lucrezia Borgia (Lucrezia BorzAI?) on Mike in hopes of inheriting the expensive hardcover edition of the Holocaust Encyclopedia—we’ll chip in and get you your own copy!!
Pray for our Ranchfuhrer.
It’s always amusing how if you were ask the average pre WWII American to draw what the usual street criminal looked like. It would ironically look like a grown up version of the boy in the newspaper boy cap or as I mocking call “ the Fievel cosplay hat” from the famous Warsaw ghetto chimpout photo. You can almost say Jews especially in the late 19th and early 20th century urban America, were the original 13/50. The American Jew: An Exposé of His Career by T. T. Timayenis is a good if rather crude look into what Jews were like during… Read more »
Hey I think this was Nike’s granddaddy
Mike ate at that buffet, didn’t he 🤮
OMG why would he do that??????
I’m going to need you to get all the way off my back about that
I recently got norovirus at a buffet.
He got that FAFO virus, Ligma variant
Jews did scrub the streets of Vienna it seems but not with toothbrushes if 1938 NYT is telling the truth.
Edit: Here’s another source that shows the only other two photos I could find of jews being forced to scrub “election propaganda” and given this was when Austria wanted to be part of Germany, you can put two and two together.
They should have been forced to scrub the streets with their hair and teeth.
Oy vey!
I can’t be happier!!! … but mate, do you need to update that 2016 intro… feels AltRight in a bad way.
I still like it
Synthwave still hits
If there’s one thing i like most about borzoi productions, it’s the impeccable music taste!
There is no cloud. It’s just someone else’s computer.
jewish hitmen for mobs in early to mid 20th century america are not considered serial killers by the media / public despite any one hitman racking up dozens of murders because hitmen aren’t considered serial killers for reasons , jewish reasons maybe
WE Woodward, Charles A Beard, Borzoi Boskovic
Debunking as Imperative
An episode on voluptuous panic would be interesting. Any single young men looking for their very own NS GF should buy a copy. You can leave it on the coffee table and let them look at it. This book, doing a victory lap about how awesome the Weimar was, is actually the most effective propaganda to bring someone over to our views.
The small town of Smell? Did I hear that right?
Guessing that’s where the Bog of Eternal Stench is
That idea that Jews just need to be educated better and they’ll be ready to assimilate into Goy society, is present throughout much of Henry Ford’s International Jew as well. As much respect as I have for Ford, he had some pretty big blind spots.
I hope Mike makes it. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😭
I didn’t even know he was dying
holy fucking shit i hate conservative christians on a astronomical level now, every day it increased but man, this is the deathnail alright.
Thanks for the content!
For that slight inquiry in to Louise Mensch, since it interested me for whatever reason, she was last seen on twitter (and I would assume any public space) January 2023. Anyway, time to learn even more of the real mafia, the jewish mafia.
Without fail, anytime 200YT is mentioned I remember the guy who read it aloud in Jordan Peterson’s voice, circa 2018-2019. What a time.
damm another borecast, quite grateful for this, last one was fantastic actually, so much so i forgot to even say it.
Borzoi is a good man!
Promises made, promises kept
Im about 40% done with the next episode
Borzoi is the real Doge we need in the White House.
Firsting-nnnguy here