The Death Panel don't want to eat at that buffet.

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I’m just gonna say it. Canadians are insufferable and I genuinely hate them. Fuck Canadians.
I eat breakfast for dinner all the time, but I never eat breakfast or anything for breakfast because doing so makes me feel like I’m going to puke for half the day.
Desire-worshipping consumerism as the dominant faith of post-cultural society is instilled from earliest childhood where parents reflexively interpret instinctive infantile behaviors, geared toward resolving ambiguity of boundaries and initiative expected but not forthcoming from contemporary adults, as expressions of spontaneous desire and personal preference that must be affirmed and fulfilled at the cost of scrapping the order of the environment, which serves as a proxy for the nervous equilibrium of the people charged by nature with unequivocally administering it, the undermining of which is the only recourse of a toddler attempting to elicit definitive authority from its only possible source.… Read more »
Yeah, well, Whites had better get over that if they want to survive in this strange jewish jungle.
The trouble is that it’s precisely white instincts for survival that are corraled into producing antiwhite behavior by jews tweaking the incentives and inverting the values.
I mean, they could get a personality disorder like I have and then they won’t care about their social identity, but I don’t know that you can just pick one up, I think you have to be fucked up at a critical period of development.
Well they’re incentivizing antisocial presets for resource competition, which undermines the pro-social cognitive basis for white ethnic culture as an externalized conduit for optimizing the fulfillment of white trait potentials.
Put the thesaurus away nigger smart people don’t even type/talk like that.
Happy day after the Superb Owl day, guys!
how the fuck does milk after food not make sense
I mean, it’s Italians, they probably don’t have high levels of lactose tolerance.
Capuccino is mostly milk. Also, cheese.
But it’s those weird European cheeses, I hear there’s a cheese in Italy made of pig’s milk.
This is 100% the reason why this rule was developed.
The quiet part out loud, he didn’t want to come out and say “this rule is so you don’t get IBS before bedtime” Tactfulness is also part of knowing how to exist in the world.
I lived in Tampa for a year and it made me hate white ppl for awhile. The amount of big truck creek shitters down there is truly amazing. I’d put them all in fema camps if I could. I’m happy to be back around upper middle class white libtards now. Florida whites are literal niggers.
Whip ’em out Wednesday. Man, that takes me back to driving around in the 90’s and seeing “WOW” written on all the various contractor vehicles.
Ooof, I lived a block from that post-racial Bacchanal.
Sports are British! Don’t let niggers and kikes fuck you out of our heritage’s past times. In case you haven’t noticed, EVERYTHING is full of niggers and kikes, so why are sports so special? (Having said that I returned my cable box, but just because politics are too interesting right now to care about sports. The same thing happened in 2016-2020. Maybe the next time the Dems are in power, I’ll watch sports again.)
Here’s your cappuccino you savage barbarian creekshitter.
I’m absolutely going to learn how to say creekshitter in Latin now.
Or maybe the more classy…
Qui riuulos cacat?
‘Homo Creekshitter’
Perhaps, Homoaestuarius
I’d make those Italian fucks serve me a latte macchiatto which is basically would you like a little coffee with your milk?
Unfortunately Trump’s Gaza threats will continue until another country shuts him up. If Russia and China continue issuing perfunctory two-state statements, then we may need to move beyond the hangup that they represent some kind of resistance.
Russia and China have some interests that clash with the US, but maybe they aren’t as interested in confronting Israel as we would hope—at least not yet. When Russia shows a decade-long reluctance to block Israeli attacks in Syria, and China staffs its American TikTok branch with Israelis that suppress Palestine content, I begin to wonder…
As Mike said on the last Map Check, these two “superpowers” conspicuously avoid inserting themselves into negotiations over Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank. In other words, they’re not real superpowers because real superpowers couple economic might with diplomatic and cultural assertiveness.
Iran seems to be the only country furiously maneuvering right now. According to foreign media, they’re scurrying from country to country trying to establish a coordinated Gaza response. We can criticize their methods, but at least they’re not weirdly absent like the Russian-Chinese “multipolar order.”
Russia is literally fawning over niggers to the point they put the GOP to shame and China just really seems only interested in business prospects. Personally, not expecting anything from them. I do expect niggers to be running around talking about they are the original Russangz n sheeeiiit though.
I want Hamas to shut him up with a red triangle.
I’m disappointed that Doug Ford didn’t cut off power to NY State and Michigan during the Super Bowl. Would have been based.
Back in the day that slimy little kike Bill Maher used to endlessly hound Whitey for not caring about Sudanese genocide. There was a period where every show was Darfur, Darfur, Darfur.
Today, of course, Mr. “London is brown now and it’s beautiful” is endlessly hounding Whitey for caring about Palestinian genocide.
The macchiato guy reminds me of Metatron.
I think Sven misunderstands what sweetbreads are.
Ask Dr. Lector. He loves ’em, if from a more familiar source.
Superbowl = Idiocracy
My mother asked me “what happened to the budwiser frogs? didn’t the commercials used to seem…nice?” It’s like, yea, mom, we used to have a mono-culture and ads were aimed primarily at White families. The commercials are more and more like a bad acid trip now.
Samuel L. Jackson was literally dressed like the President in Idiocracy.
I’m convinced between wrestling and some other things Jesse talks about that we have the identical YouTube algorithm. Videos on the refs favoring the Chiefs, red letter media s***, and OSW review lol
As an eagles fan, before the game I said I should bet the house on the white cornerback getting a pick six. Being white, I don’t bet on sports. Especially since I believe they’re manipulated. Regardless, first quarter, Cooper Dejean reminds America that white boys can play perceived black positions at the highest level, by intercepting a pass and taking it to the house. (And he made me look cool and smart in front of my wife) ) My secret headcanon for any super successful white boy in sports is now that he’s the biggest Nazi in history who’s just… Read more »
Hopefully no one in this echo chamber is using any jew sports betting apps. That being said if they are allowing you to make bets of more than 5 dollars after the first 60 to 90 days on that site you are betting with a losing strategy. If they detect that you are winning more than 51% they will restrict your bets to a few dollars or just ban you.
I don’t gamble as it is degenerate, It’s also depressing going to the casino and seeing all the Octogenarians and Boomers eyes glazed to the machine.
Boomers are octogenarians, as of this year.
You know nativist concern is completely loaded from highly educated and calculated sports betting? Cool guy too.
Ohhhh. Italian caffeinated beverage Fascism is TIGHT!!!
You fucking savage!!!
But, can I just have a straight black coffee or espresso at breakfast? Do I have to have a cappuccino or machiato? Because if I have to have milk in my coffee at breakfast then this is a Schismo-genetic point. I will split off.
I think you’re misunderstanding what the Italian was saying. Cappuccino isn’t the exclusive breakfast drink. It’s one of many drinks you can drink at breakfast time. The Italians being prickly about this is because they’re more lactose intolerant but they can handle milk at breakfast compared to later in the day. I’m pretty sure Italians drink espresso itself more than cappuccino even at breakfast time but I could be wrong about that.
That’s actually the reason? I thought I was just doing an Italians aren’t White joke with that, lol! I mean, I guess they weren’t doing as much pastoral nomadic cattle-herding as the rest of the White precursors with them having cities and wine and all that good stuff.
Thanks for the clarification.
Drinking milky drinks doesn’t make sense because it puts you to sleep and it usually mixes badly with a good lunch. Order a espresso and that is it. By the way, another thing that blows my mind in the English speaking world, drinking wine without eating anything marks you as a barbarian and an alcoholic. Have some manners. And if you are going to criticise me, I can admit that I didn’t know how to drink tea so while in Britain I asked, I learnt, I did the right thing and now I know how to drink tea. Every country… Read more »
Milk doesn’t put me to sleep, but not even melatonin puts me too sleep. Who is put to sleep by milk other than babies?
It depends on the meal and the size of the meal. In Italy, France, Spain, the meal will be bigger than a Northern European one. The point is to go to a place and learn the ways of the place.
But don’t Italians take naps after meals anyway and that’s why their culture is superior to the Anglos and Germanics?
In nomine Offensionis et Defensionis et Teams Specialis You know, for trad NFL worshippers. I’ll work on the Gridiron Creed. English of course. I believe in one Team the Offense Almighty. Maker of wins and losses, of all things fortunate and unfortunate. I believe in one Dominant Defense, the only acquired line of the Team. Formed for the Offense before all seasons. Team from team Fight from Fight True Team from true Team Acquired not made. Concomitant with the Offense. Through him all wins are made. For us fans and for our satisfaction he was sent down from the front… Read more »
I don’t love football. I didn’t even know the Super Bowl was happening Sunday until someone told me. That’s how much I don’t care.
I’m just glad the nigger lost. Hopefully he dies on live tv
Also, reminder everyone to nag Mike daily until he makes that promised holocontent
I’M AN ANTI-SEMITE.SO WHAT! (In all caps,like Kanye West).
i like the NFL being the church meme
Blessing -May the Madden be with you.
RESPONSE – And with your Sportsbook.
you want an austrian/bavarian diner place or cafe. theres no real northern germanic kitchen because that ‘kitchen’ implies you cook, for example, in morning you sharpen your knives starting at 6:30 cut bread for the day till 6:45 then eat bread with possibly butter and meat or cheese and drink coffee whilst reading paper till 7:00 then you move to work. this was a standard thing the nice misses i stayed over with in oldenbur did every single morning, and frankly i liked it, the immediate start of the work rythm of the day, but hey im mostly low saxon… Read more »
We had a Holsteinian friend who liked to cook. But yeah, lazy Catholics probably have better cuisine.
Germany has very good food. There is a lot to learn and discover. I am not going to say German food is the best in Europe because I am not insane but, it is good.
The Holy GOAT
All my twitter accounts are banned. If anyone is willing, perhaps you might post this under some Kanye tweets, I’m hoping some of his fans will think it’s real tank u
Football Sven is my favorite Sven
There are absolutely beer rules, though not as strict as Italian culinary rules
I sent Sven that video of the Italian. I want to be that man. So I’m very happy it made it onto the show
Italian chauvinism, European culinary orthodoxy, coffee snobbery, paternal sexism. Perfection, everyone should take notes.
Rules, tradition, and proper food. The French in you is guiding you to the right path. I have been waiting 8 years for a nazi podcast about food. Borzoi, please.
I think it would be fun to find a book on the destruction of culinary norms to do a podcast on. I’ll add it to the list
the video of the Zoomer pissing off every italian by using ketchup on pizza and scissors to cut spaghetti because that video is hilarious?
Puritanical disdain for professional athletes’ niggerrich displays leads to sumptuary laws when?
The flatcap discussion is how i know DP doesn’t listen to the Third Rail as they would have had so much fun dunking on me
FYI Pete Rose is a Jew
A Jew played sports??? Pete ROSENSTEIN??? (I’m guessing)
His mother’s maiden name was Bloebaum, and his maternal uncle Buddy Bloebaum was a baseball scout and got him his first baseball contract.
There’s no evidence he is Jewish.
Are you a Pete Rose revisionist?
No it’s not revisionism, the claim that Pete Rose the baseball player is Jewish is baseless. Idek why this nigger would even say that lol
Counterpoint: he actually suffered consequences for cheating
The book was called Whiteshift not White Noise
I wasn’t that interested in the super bowl. It sure as fuck wasn’t because Alex Jones style politics is more important or anything. It was just because my team wasn’t in it.
I edited my comment because people don’t seem to be able to take a joke.
I accidentally hit a girl with a bat at school, they shouldn’t be in boys sports
She and I thought it was funny later because she didn’t listen and got in the way, she still blamed me obviously.
Congrats on mutilating a little girl. Your fellow angry incels will be so proud.
It’s an actually an anecdotal story normal people tell how girls shouldn’t be playing baseball with the boys in reference to Sven’s take.
I have a wife, You’re obviously a seething weirdo.
What are you even doing here?.
I’ve been around plenty of normal people. I’ve never heard a nostalgic yarn about splitting an 8 year old girl’s skull with a blunt object.
Are you hanging around with normal people, or normal niggers?
Guy who is still mad at a girl for being mean to him in elementary school is accusing me of being a seething weirdo.
Where did I say that?, what’s wrong with you?.
You’re the one bringing up weird incel shit
Dude, I just heard tell of one of these dumb girl pornbooks in which a girl is fucked by a hockey Chad and his hockey stick. Women like getting slapped around with sports equipment, have you ever even seen a vagina?
Dude these people think men and women are the same because their podcast daddy countersignals any critique of women. And no they haven’t
“why won’t white women fuck me?”
Dude it was a school accident when I was 12, I obviously apologised the point is girls shouldn’t be on the boys team because they get injured being uncoordinated and not listening to the coach.
Clutch editing job. Goes from “I took that baseball ball and beat that 8 year old bitch until her skull split in half and laughed” to “I had a tragic baseball bat incident.”
Almost like “the kikes ran an 18 month genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza” to “Gaza is a demolition site, it’s a tragedy. How can they live there, we want to help them” etc
Dude that’s not what I said, it was a shitshow,
she was the most annoying girl in school who never listened and got in the way, kids thought it was funny comeuppance.
But okay call me a kike.
And we were both 12, it was a little cut on her cheek then she got plastic surgery because she was vain not mutilated for gods sake.
Yeah what a vain little self centered bitch for not wanting a permanent scar on her face. Just quit while you’re behind bud.
Breh it was a tiny little scar, she was vein all the girls told her that.
You’re just going hard cause I called you out the other day, what was it you said people loyal to TRS are “cringe faggots”?.
No I said you specifically are a cringe faggot and in less than 24 hours you proved me right.
You’re one of those idiots who gets in the middle of some dumb bitch getting clobbered by her loser of the week and are mystified when she starts stabbing you.
These boomers have 0 clue how fucked young women are bro. Any inkling of a critique and it’s Reddit tier incel name calling
I mean this guy’s right now
Beating women with a baseball bat keeps them from getting uppitty.
The 8 year old girl isn’t going to fuck you, even with the brain damage.
Female go: Yap, yap, yap.
Bat go: Whap, whap, whap.
The Holy GOAT was right there
America is skin cancer while Canada is pancreatic cancer
I’ve said it before as an Aussie, Britain is our grandfather with dementia, America is our older brother with anger issues who gets us into shit, New Zealand is our cool cousin you get into trouble with on family holiday.
And Canada is our gay cousin with a brown boyfriend who beats him but the family stopped caring.
What are Ireland and South Africa?
America is colon cancer
Whatever you do, don’t google “richest man in Haiti”!
“Mr Bigio” works for kikes lol
gott erhalte mich, i have to hear the americans talk about their mcchicken deluxe ballbowl game again
I’ve seen that the “yay sportsball” crowd has recently become more gay and not politically motivated for its disinterest in sports. Will call sports lame but freaks out for the next spider man movie or Disney+ show.
In my house sportsball was always just an excuse to gamble, horse racing with extra padding. Never got into it, even before politics.
Payback is a bitch you motherfucker!!!!
I still watch the Lions if I’m visiting my family. I’m tired of anti-sports snobbery. Football isn’t really my thing but I also just don’t care. Nothing in American culture is good and I can’t be bothered to single out one thing in particular
Exactly. People virtue signal about watching sports or playing video games.
Unless someone ONLY reads pre 1945 literature and watches zero TV, movies, or listen to any music from jewish record companies they really have no room to judge.
We will be humiliated when our pack of niggers is smashed by every other pack of niggers except for the last couple years where they did pretty well
Watch baseball. My Phillies have been to the world series multiple times in the last few years and we don’t have a single n*****. Just a pretty dark Dominican or two out of 40 guys
thinking football is dumb is just another bad american subculture
It’s the advertisements and commentary I can’t stand.
While I can’t deny arbitrarily singling out things to hate (it’s fun), I find it extremely difficult to see the appeal of football. It’s a bunch of niggers and advertisements with niggers in them. It’s not a guilty pleasure if there’s no pleasure.
Football is a wonderful sport to watch, especially if you’ve been indoctrinated to care about a team.
I love baseball and I’m a Nazi. I say that and I feel like I’m at an alcohol anonymous meeting.
Captain gas em allllllllllllll
there was a commercial where snoop dogg said to stop hating jews, not joking, he didn’t say exactly that, but it had the stop antisemitism in the corner and the blue square thing
They removed saying don’t hate jews, the most privileged race and just made it a general anti-hate ad. Smart.
That commercial was literal propaganda saying it’s irrational to not like people unlike you which is objectively not true.
Cooper DeJean for the Eagles
– one of the best cornerbacks in the NFL already as a Rookie
– White
– Zoomer
– Broccoli cut
– Pick 6’d Patrick Mahomes during Black history month
Truly a vibe shift
Niggerball being a vibe shift, okay maga
It’s a joke nigger have some fun jeez
an absolute legend
that’s not a vibe shift, but as much as some would want an entire nfl team to be only niggers if they actually want to win they have to have at least 1 or 2 whites there to be the brains of the team
It’s a joke bruh…but there is actually an uptick in Whites in the NFL again it seems.
the vibe shift is real. TV watchers will notice a splash of milk in their black abyss. Most White Americans will be more than happy with a little “representation”.
“Oh please, great, Jewish media machine, please hold up your magic mirror in a positive light – get my good side! Oh look! A handsome, young White man! We’re so back. This is Trump’s America!”
First. I am enjoying laughing at a specific schizo on the internet that thought drumpf was going to be redacted live during the super bowl because ticket prices were down 17% compared to last year ( schizo logic ).
Kween KKKamala snaps his neck in the middle of the field on live national television like bane in the dark knight rises.