The Death Panel swear Kanye will lead to something this time.

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Yo Sven make sure to at least give me a shout out for saying the stuff you want to but can’t because all the christians would unsub. Wonder how many times you guys have had that conversation.
the majority position of athiests (and all religions) is advocating white genocide, so genocide isn’t really an uncomfortable position for anyone
I would love to kill Russel Brand with my bare hands.
that honour should go to Mark Collett
Anyone who claims to be an “out of the box” thinker on Gaza but refuses to consider the biggest, best, most comprehensive out of the box thought of all, which is to just get rid of Israel, isn’t thinking out of the box at all.
When it’s Palestinians leaving Gaza these out of the box thinkers are quick to say “They can just go over there,” but when it’s jews leaving Israel suddenly they lose their ability to think outside the box and wail “But where will the jews go?!”
One of the Palestinian hostages released from Israeli prison saw “his health severely deteriorate due to hepatitis, which he contracted after being deliberately given a contaminated injection by Israeli doctors in 2006.”
I don’t ever want to hear about muh Dr. Mengele ever again. Also, regarding that jew’s argument that Palestinians “only see Gaza as a temporary refugee camp”: only 30,000 Palestinians left Gaza since 10/7, compared to nearly 50,000 (and counting) Israelis. So who /really/ sees the area as a temporary staging ground?!
Every day, Sven looks a bit more like Tim Robbins’ character in High Fidelity, it makes my heart weep.
‘Tis a consummation, devoutly to be wish’d
Vanguard building doesn’t even work for the left who suffer significantly less oppression. If the right was allowed more “freedom” or whatever we’d just end up with a similar situation of a bunch of sects and microparties and personalities.
You need some way to get millions of people to do thing. Either really good money or manipulation. You need power in some way.
Remember the old lemming chart from the chans?, 90% of people will just go with whoever is in power and go about their lives. 5% will be our guys and the other 5% counter revolutionaries. Morals and ethics are applicable to our people only, they literally don’t matter if you don’t have power, and can be a liability favouring your enemies if you do. “I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. Years ago we had the church. That was only a way of saying – we had… Read more »
I’m just telling you how the world works. I don’t have an answer to how to win once and for all. I just know you need power. And seeing how almost omnipotent the us government is, a fuckload of power. Like 1000000000x more we have now.
Oh for sure completely agreed, the point is if people don’t even understand power they can’t start the first steps to attain it without getting misdirected and defeated.
Obligatory comment defending the attractiveness of the woman discussed. Nice rack, a little skinny.
We owned Trumptards so hard that Trump had to back off on taking over Gaza. It was us. Bow down to our power.
Dawson of Dawson’s Creek is the most hateable character ever created. Pacey stole the show
“Creekshitter is going to be a thing that people will be saying and no one will remember where it came from.”
There are so many terms I hear ordinary Zoomers and Alphas tossing around where I think, “I KNOW I heard this on TRS 5 years ago.”
In the same way that jewish discussion panels on Youtube get like 10 views but still run our lives (since gentiles vibe while jews dictate policy), TRS has an outsize trickle down influence. Can’t say the same for Trump glazers with bigger audiences: their takes can’t last 5 hours let alone 5 years.
The speed at which culture changes due to the internet is astounding. It’s like 10x the speed of pre internet. And you aren’t immune to propaganda so everyone eventually starts using these terms unless you’re constantly vigilant and consciously aware (vast majority don’t even think about it). Reality is TV and TV is more real than reality. Then you have the internet which is like 1000x worse. People who think that the mind isn’t important and will can carry you through this world are delusional. Will is also genetic and not something you can learn.
I swear Borzoi came up Janny/Jannisary. I see people using that on occasion.
Guy on my local news recently said Child Sexual Abuse Material, which I had never heard before Mike started using it here.
There are lots of terms TRS didn’t invent but did signal-boost. CSAM is one such.
Yeah the main reason TRS signaled boosted the term CSAM because it’s perfect to call America “Uncle CSAM”
High Fidelity is one of my all time, top five favorite movies!! The first apartment I lived in after moving out of my parents house was used for Rob’s apartment in the film. I even used the same entrance, but was a floor below the apartment they used. It’s listed as 1250 Simmons in the movie, but it was actually 1250 W. Albion (the irony isn’t lost on me). John Cusack went to the same high school as me. I used to be kind of proud of that, but considering what kind of person he his and just growing up… Read more »
Here you may not like It as much after your read about the kike director 😂😂😂😂 here’s the conclusion: “Which proves,” replies Frears, “that apparently I am nevertheless a good Jewish boy.”
It’s a decent movie, but it’s just sad Sven is cosplaying as Time Robbins in it. He looks like an old boomer hipster.
Rant/bunch of ideas I had this week. -Kikes in the US are in full ant-equivocation mode; that is they are insituting a policy of never letting the US waver on Israel ever again on the slightest detail. The mantra and diktat are unconditional full spectrum support for Israel from here on out. -the NJP shouldve just gone all in and filed as a formal political party and not an LLC. it wouldve been a challenge but it wouldve hit the the pavement running i.e. it wouldve forced a serious effort to build something and not have been some half baked… Read more »
“Pro-white vanguards” like NJP aren’t suited to any actual work. The more Sven talks about it on Just Jesse, the more it sounds like the NJP was just the “Mac and Charlie Write a Movie” episode from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Mac and Charlie have all these ideas for a movie, but neither can be bothered to do the hard work of writing a script because they’re self-appointed “big idea people.” So they go to a library to try to con an Indian into writing the script for them, but it turns out he’s just another “big idea person.”
“The NJP should’ve … I feel like TRS really needs to…”
Even this suggests too much “big idea” thinking. The comment section and BANG always get requests for TRS to do this, collect that, write and organize this, talk to that guy and so on. But few commenters volunteer to try these things themselves. Let’s just let the Death Panel stick to what they love without dumping endless requests on them.
I was not in the NJP, but built for them, working with members I knew, the beginnings of an off-line and targeted marketing and outreach system. Tools that could search by an enormous list of demographic and opinion data. Something like ” find White men in Pennsylvania who make between $50K and $90K a year, with children, who are highly motivated on anti-immigration, voted Trump in 16 but not in 20″ and I could come back with home addresses, emails, and phone numbers to reach out to them. It was all legal and mainstream use of marketing data. My contacts… Read more »
The more I learn the more it feels like we are all little water molecules in a wave caused by forces far outside anyone’s direct control. Legit just think Marx got everything right besides that genes are also part of material conditions. It’s vacuums pulling vacuums pulling vacuums of power forever and ever and the brain tells itself it’s making choices.
Nah, Hitler was who got it right, except that the liberal West was the real enemy and communism was just a red herring.
I’m not a communist. I just think material conditions>>>great man theory. National socialism is essentially material conditions including human genes.
Holy shit that sounds really useful, did you just scrap all of that research and the tools after the split or do you still have it on-hand? Asking for science…
“the beginnings of an off-line and targeted marketing and outreach system. Tools that could search by an enormous list of demographic and opinion data.”
Is this some software or something? It sounds awesome
It is mainstream but very closely gatekept databases used in marketing and politics. I do not directly have data (the data has a price), but built the entities needed to get access. I’ve long since scuttled the access I had built. It wasn’t free for me to have access like I did.
That’s a huge shame that it went to waste.
The alternate universe NJP created by me and Swampy as a way to get a hold of Sven’s cold cuts would’ve worked and saved the White race, but only if Sven had bought the right brand of pickles.
Maybe doing what you said and making a McDonald’s logo that looks like a Swastika was the real way to do it
“I’m hatin’ (((it!)))”
I will maintain we had the most successes in jamming and influencing the culture when we were being funny, irreverent guys and not being serious, marching tie-wearers. Marching around only works in tailored Hugo Boss uniforms and guys with high level aesthetics, just does, sorry. You can murder CEOs in the streets if you have good bone structure and ripped abs.
This is why mania should come back, we could all be irreverent funny goys together. Goddammit why can’t mania come back I never even got to go to one fuck
Dolph lundgren with a nose for a head, I call it 4.0
Excellent post
Hey Death Panel, can you guys discuss the idea that “Zionism and Israel is white supremacy” narrative. That thought popped into my mind and I can’t let it go. It is so FUCKING STUPID, that it paralyzes me to the point, where I don’t even know where to begin. I’d listen to a 3 hour long podcast on this subject alone. I don’t know how to respond to it without posting a huge thread when I see it.
You are over thinking it. Zionism is just jewish supremacy.
That’s just a deep left/evergreen state college narrative. Goes a long with the Colonist Narrative. You say “no Jews are not white”, “Israel is a Jewish supremacist state”, “JEWS are bombing Palestine, not whites”, etc
Ever tried not being gay? Every other race on this planet literally doesn’t care about hypocrisy (not that jews are White). Whites act like it’s a metaphysical law being broken.
Dude hearing Sargon brings me back to that old debate where Richard and everyone destroyed him. Shit I wonder if that’s still on YouTube.
Can you lend a nigger a pencil?
A forgotten classic.
That final Sargon was icing on the cake.
(Fingertip kiss)
Here’s another request Sven will ignore. Shootin’ up Gazans and doing genocide And all they want to do is rule, rule Jews are just hated the whole world wide And all they want to do is rule IDF ambush the local thing And all they want to do is rule, rule Blow ’em up right and make Allah sing And all they want to do is rule Crazy kikes are running round with blood in their eyes And all they want to do is rule, rule, rule Wild eyed chicken swingers that ain’t afraid to lie. And all they want… Read more »
I’m disappointed that Sven didn’t use the drop of Carl saying “I hurt my neck!” when Mike was talking about dying from breaking his neck.
I actually like this policy of sending Palestinians to countries that don’t border Israel because we have 40 million niggers that need to go to a country that doesn’t border America. How about a trade?
Another coal take from this asshole, yeah I remember you from moonchat
I don’t even know what a moon chat is but sure
Moonwaffen on Tele, the most loyal TRS guys and you showed up as a Johnny come lately.
Again, not even sure what any of that lingo means and I only use this handle on this site. Sounds like you spend a lot of time online. Anyway, have fun on your most loyal TRS fanboy chat you cringe faggot.
Right so you’re just an asshole with the username of an asshole who’s here to shit the place up with coal takes
Your Zionism is not welcome here.
If 40 million niggers leaving America and shitting up israel is zionist then yeah I guess I’m a zionist
Couch it in whatever unrealistic fantasy you like, any desire to remove the Palestinians from their land is Zionism, and that’s not welcome.
When you come full circle wanting brown people in your country because they are anti jew. Good goy this one.
No Palestinian ever stole my bike
I hope I never see one in real life. You are what paranormies thinks TDS is.
I swear to Odin, if they send any Palestinians to America, I’m going to hook up with them and we’re gonna do Intifada American Style. But good luck getting the Palis outta Gaza, may those who try have many red triangles over their heads.
I’m 100% confident that if any Palestinians actually came to America, they would be exclusively the gayest and most retarded of the bunch. Once they see a PlayStation and eat some Buffalo Wild Wings it’s over.
Hey Sven and Mike, do you remember this? I was too young to remember when it was new, but my Gen-X cousins passed it along to me.
I know Sven doesn’t do requests.
Nevertheless, I think he could make a truly heart-rending, yet hopeful, version called “Another Day in Palestine” a lá Phil Collins (and not the Trailer Park Boys Phil Collins).
A guy can hope.
I can see the, miiissles in the air tonight, oh Allah…🎵
Do you like Phil Collins? I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke.
Not really, but he reminds me of a happier time
Gotcha. That question begins Patrick Bateman’s Sussudio critique.
Before that, I really didn’t understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where, uh, Phil Collins’ presence became more apparent.
Subboor Ahmad, from what I’ve seen of him, is a Muslim apologist for Western Muslims trying to cope with evolution, secular liberal attacks on Islam/religion in general, etc. If Dave Farina is attacking him for being a science denier or whatever, he’s ironically aiding the Zionist project of using liberalism to break down Arab solidarity by undermining their main source of cohesion. Subboor, of course, by being in Britain, is aiding the Zionist project of breaking down European (and Arab) identity and social cohesion. It would be nice if they didn’t engage in mutually assured destruction, but owning creationism, secularism,… Read more »
Just make fun of anyone not employing the epistemology of empiricism with the tool of the method of science wherever you see it. It’s how you get people like that one judicial noticer who makes blog posts about how metaphysical forms are real but the earth is flat. It’s the final and ultimate cope from a creature that is “self aware.”
Is Black Fake History Month not a thing anymore?
Asking the real questions
Its just that Sven hasn’t played the drop of Carl saying ”You do know its February right?” at all so far this month.
There’s a lot funnier and more pertinent shit going on right now than niggers. But they talked about Kanye that fulfilled the nigger shit
Yeah gotta bust their balls for fun, the mask off orange Israeli empire is kinda edging out time for nigger hate this month
Be it injuns or Nuking Japan; Jews will bring up something from a thousand years ago just to call you a hypocrite when it comes to Palestinians
Then stop playing morality (see manipulation) games and giving a shit. Being strong isn’t evil. Something that it seems 3/4 of the people here can’t internalize. If you told anyone on earth in the year 2000 BC that “that guy’s ancestors destroyed mine”, they would probably just say “wow cool how’d they do it it sounds strong.” But nah slave morality is actually super strong and supergod one day will save those who were weak to “balance” it all out right?
High energy show
Be it out of fear or out of desire; serving Jews is what bitches do. Sucking up to Jews whatever the context should at the very least get you necklaced
Ah I love an episode that shits on the christcucks!!! Very pleased SAAR 🤙🤙🤙
You’re just ngmi at this point if you still believe in any sort of “meta”physical cope that is going to, in the end, make you win by doing what is “good.” Maybe go read what Hitler actually said about people who believe in true world theories like that one. Despised them. “Muh redbeard whoeverthefuck that’s so edgy.” Then make a refutation. Never seen one in my life not even close.
“The God I invented said I’m always the good guy, I decided.”
Reductionist but you’ve actually just stated what the human invention of morality is. Powerful people telling you why it’s just and good for them to have power and you not to. Or them to be able to do something and you can’t. Literally that’s all it is. Look at you over there learning buddy.
Defense Politics Asia made a retarded video claiming Trump is stealing Gaza from Israel. His takes on Ukraine are good but all his takes on Palestine are garbage. His name is Wyatt funny enough.
i think thats on purpose and he hasnt gotten firmware update and believes russian stance is still play ball with israel/jews
He’s a foreign conservative and therefore wants the USA to be his daddy against China.
Pardon the Reddit but this is evidence of Canadian anti-Indian hatred from absolute normies. This has been going on a few years now, and has nothing to do with Musk or Trump
“Someone in TikTok comments was saying that Canadians are killing people from India and they’re trying to bring awareness to it because families in India are looking for their loved ones and want answers.”
Beware Indians, stay away: Canadians are ruthless!
Eh watch out eh
Wait what are the Jeets thinking the missing murdered Injun women are about them?
Don’t not redeem voucher to send my kid to Catholic school where they will learn basic hygiene and not die from dysentery
Holy shit that stuff is so gay. Any crime channel will bring up how “native women go missing and nobody cares.” Well maybe their family should give a shit or something? Literally trying to guilt you for being White because some dumb brown girls become prostitutes and dying under a bridge. Nah fuck yourself and your “native women go missing” shit. Works on self hating normies apparently.
Yep I hate that shit, they are always trying to imply it’s White men who are doing it when we all know it’s their fellow Chug men.
Haha yeah I wish
This was a mistaken comment. Please dismiss.
The fedora and the euphorius
Jesus Christ. Hitler. Ye.
okay, I agree that niggers are funny and nothing real comes from Kanye tweets. The ramblings of a bipolar, Christian black guy could never be considered any kind of “strategy”, but there may be some tactics to be gleaned. A new Fuhrer could only emerge with the personal millions to overcome Jewish censorship and create independent, non-Jewish media. He’d have to popularize antisemitism to the extent that it starts to influence social norms and Jews are actually excluded from an ascendant “scene”. He would, of course, consult the Death Panel for all the correct takes, but he must also be… Read more »
What’s never seemingly brought up by any one in regard to the commands of God for the Israelites to war against and to destroy the Canaanites is that He explains why to do it. It’s not because “you are Israelites and they are Canaanites,” no. It was for the same essential reasons as for God’s reasons for raising up non-Israelites to destroy Israel at times. Incredible levels of sin. Not only did God “genocide” species on the earth with the flood for sin (both physical corruption from the Angels and nephilim and moral sin), the same thing continued into the… Read more »
What’s your take on Numbers 31?
It’s definitely brutal to normal sensibilities, but as lowly finite persons we are supposed to understand that God’s understanding of universal goodness for everyone infinitely exceeds ours, obviously. This will sound like a cope to non-believers, but this is fundamental to the Christian perspective. But, even something like idol worship is worthy of death, as we are all worthy of death because of our sins. Midian was leading the Israelites into idol worship, who God was using as part of His divine plan for the coming of Christ and the re-introduction of the one true faith to the world again.… Read more »
And the part about sexual enslavement of the virgin girls which would have included children? Since you claim them Biblical jews are the ancestors of White people, do you avow this?
And as the other guy says, these women weren’t sex slaves. It doesn’t say that in the text, and there’s a precedent of Israelites integrating non-Israelites (specifically the women) into their larger tribes. It was obviously very common at the time for men to have multiple wives too.
I don’t avow anything that was a sin of not from anyone, including Israelites. But, God had instructions for Israel that partially pertained to the time period.
So the girls willingly became wives after their families were slaughtered?
That does happen but not because jew book true it’s because it helped them pass on their genes. You know, what all life adapts to do.
The story of Job is also incongruent with the idea that the Bible is simply a ruse for Jewish supremacy and tricking Gentiles into a Jewish-centric ideology.
Oh look, the biggest nigger-faggot in the comments is also a Christian Identity retard.
It’s like he collects all the dumbest shit to believe in on purpose.
The words being used in the Hebrew and Greek are not ones of sexual enslavement or abuse like how the OT describes things rape. They took these captured women as wives while integrating them into Israelite society or if they were too young they would be kept as servant women. Obviously, this is not acceptable behavior under modern viewpoints, but when you recognize the reality of conflict in that period it seems pretty par for the course. We already know that in Deuteronomy 21 the Israelites are given instructions on how to treat these women, including allowing them a mourning… Read more »
How do you wife a captured woman who doesn’t want to be your wife, especially if they’re a child? Was this acceptable when the Ottoman Turks did the same in the 15th century since that’s outside of our modern time period as well?
I’m not saying it’s “acceptable” I’m just trying to give some context. We’re sitting on thousands of years of moral philosophy between the events in the OT and now. We both know God permitted certain things then, like divorce, that were never okay because of the hardness of people’s hearts. Just because God’s revelation took time doesn’t mean the OT is illegitimate. I would say Deuteronomy 21 indicates a positive moral development regarding the treatment of women. Also, the Turks would have had encounters with much more robust ways of thinking about morality at the time so I think it’s… Read more »
It was acceptable according to God because of Midian’s own behaviors and spiritual status.
What did the Midianites do exactly to merit this?
According to the scriptures, Midian was engaged in idol worship.
What an appropriate reason to do what they did
If you read the captivity of the virgin women and girls in light of Deuteronomy 21, you would understand that they were to be allotted a time of mourning for their people during which they were not to be disturbed and that she was not to be abused or mistreated, and if the union was still displeasing that she was to be set free and not sold. Considering how warbrides were often treated in the ancient world, the prescriptions for it in the Old Testament are extremely mild, even benevolent by comparison. Compare this to how even Vikings as far… Read more »
Wow the Vikings sound based. Only a faggot would shit on his own ancestors and defend jewish books.
YeAh, bOrTHer, tHe ViKIngS weRe SUpER B B B BasED “People taken captive during the Viking raids across Europe could be sold to Moorish Spain via the Dublin slave trade[29] or transported to Hedeby or Brännö and from there via the Volga trade route to present day Russia, where slaves and furs were sold to Muslim merchants in exchange for Arab silver dirham and silk, which have been found in Birka, Wollin and Dublin;[30] initially this trade route between Europe and the Abbasid Caliphate passed via the Khazar Kaghanate,[31] but from the early 10th-century onward it went via Volga… Read more »
I’m literally just not reading a post from an adult that believes in jewish bedtime stories. Yes, pre Christian White morality WAS based and your book is gay.
This is a cope and half. “It’s based when muh Viking ancestors do it but when Israelites take brides from a foreign people that’s like evil man cuz da Jews n sheeeiiitt.”
Welcome to planet earth. Yes it’s good when my team does it and bad when they do it. There’s literally no law of nature against hypocrisy. In fact it’s healthy. You’re so fucked up by your headcanon of a fairytale that you actually need that explained to you. Grow up.
So were the jews of the OT pious people who always followed their god or were they a stiff-necked wicked people who constantly needed to be corrected?
“Their god.” He’s your God, too, and you will give an account to Him for every time you’ve failed to defend His character so that you could fit in with scoffers. The Old Testament is inspired by God or it isn’t. If you believe it isn’t inspired or that the God of the book of Numbers is not your God, take that up with your priest, not me. If you believe the Old Testament is inspired, then consider Moses. When it comes to the plain fact of the hard heartedness of the jews, remember that the incident you’re condemning, the… Read more »
If God exists it isn’t your jewish one. Or maybe it is and that’s why kikes are winning. But yeah nah none of that shit is real dude time to face the music.
What does this have to do with the Midian case?
Who gives a shit if they were allowed a month to mourn? This month of mourning wasn’t done out of the goodness of their hearts or any sense of honor; you literally pulled that out of your ass. That still doesn’t justify invading a woman’s home, killing her family, and capturing her as a sex slave. Calling them “wives” is standard Christian apologist bullshit to downplay the fact that the Bible condones sex slavery.
“wasn’t done out of any sense of honor” “if you do not delight in her, you shall set her free […] you shall not treat her brutally because you have humbled her” Being required to delight in the woman you have captured for your wife and not being allowed to mistreat her or sell her because you are also required to recognize her humiliated perspective is an explicit command to be honorable toward her given the circumstances. Again, Vikings kidnapped pretty young white girls and sold them as sex slaves to the Ottomans so often that the lineage of the… Read more »
I’m not a pagan; the Nordic gods are just as fake as your god. I have no problem condemning the Vikings for doing anti-white stuff in the past. The question is, however, did the Nordic gods condone slavery generally, or sex slavery in the form of war brides? Because the Vikings could be acting in such a way their gods disapprove of, the same can’t be said about the god you’re defending. Your god is clearly condoning sex slavery. No matter how much you try to get around it, there is no such thing as “marrying” a captured woman, a… Read more »
“No matter how much you try to get around it, there is no such thing as “marrying” a captured woman” You don’t know much at all about the ancient world. Bride kidnapping was extremely common everywhere in antiquity. There’s a famous example of it that helped lay the foundations of the city of Rome, and those women specifically argued against the enemies of their captors (many of whom were their own families) in favor of the men who captured them and got them pregnant. The fact that God is recorded in the Old Testament giving regulations for how to… Read more »
The justification that “bride kidnapping was extremely common in antiquity” therefore God created some rules around it suggests this particular God is very much of the world and responds to the moral norms of various historical periods instead of instituting moral norms of his own.
Apparently this God can’t rock the boat too hard on getting these primitive savages to behave like human beings.
“God doesn’t handle people the way I would handle them, therefore it’s a bunch of bullshit” is an irrational position. And, yes, I actually agree with your notion that God couldn’t rock the boat too hard with these people on the condition that He is choosing to operate without violation of their free will. You’re looking at the starting point of the institution of God’s moral norms. God wasn’t working on an infallible people, but on the contrary, He began the work on the most fallible people in history. It could easily be that if He went too hard on… Read more »
Also, the anachronism of your comment is quite striking. “God can’t get these people to behave like human beings,” but what were human beings all up to at the time? Again, this is why I point out the vikings kidnapping women to sell them as concubines to the moors and the sultan only a thousand, not three thousand, years ago. Premodern “human beings” almost universally engaged in what you call barbarism. The people you’re talking about behaved themselves more or less like everyone else in the ancient near east, if not the world more broadly. The whole reason you have… Read more »
Just grow some balls and call them retards for being adults in 2025 that believe in magic and move on. I know all 3 of you loathe christianity just fucking say it.
Why should any White person care about shit made up by Jews?
Moses was a Judahite, the author of the first 5, sure. So if you called him a “Yehud” or whatever in Hebrew he might not be confused, but if you called the other non-Judahites “Jews” or “Yehuds” you would get a confounded look in response, because they don’t think of themselves as “Jews.”
If you don’t believe this has any historicity, then it won’t matter to you. But, calling Israelites “Jews” in the way we use that term now and what it denotes is incoherent. Both religiously and even racially for the most part.
This is such a pathetic cope anti-semetic, Christian WNs deploy to reconcile the fact that the same Jews they oppose are also the same Jews whose actions they defend in the Old Testament.
It’s not a cope. The way you deploy that term is incoherent, just like when every calls Israelites “the Jewish people.” Israelites didn’t have the Talmud, they didn’t have the Zohar, they weren’t Ashkenazim, etc. Modern Jews, whatever racial connection they truly have to Judea of Christ’s time, includes Idumeans who were not even Israelites.
Judea at the time of Christ went through a process of integrating the Idumeans as part of the country and religion beforehand.
If only the Ashkenazi are the Modern jews then what are the Mizrahi?
I refer to Ashkenazi because they’re the largest Jewish ethnicity. Mizrahi, Sephardic and Ashkenazim have genetic ties to Judea I believe, but to what extent it’s Israelite or Idumean or otherwise is not discernible at this time. We need more ancient genetic data. But, also, we already have very credible theories with genetic and linguistic evidence about the origins of Ashkenazim specifically,
Check this out for instance:
I’m not looking at your links until you learn how to actually summarize your arguments and explain your evidence as you always misrepresent what you’re linking.
It just seems like you have no actual argument and I suspect you’re dancing around wanting to say Khazar theory, which even if it were true doesn’t explain any of the other jewish ethnicities or that White people are the real jews (whjch is something you believe and is not irrelevant to your arguments)
JN is Christian Identity for anyone who is confused by what he’s saying here
Jeez I gotta put down the scotch and have a coffee to read all the shit that nigga wrote
i literally was like oh god is this some CI shit halfway reading the first cope.
Because when he was young he was taught that this book was true. He found contradictory things to be true as he grew older and instead of throwing out the useless non predictive he just tried to make this square peg smash into that round hole. Thats it. That’s why he cares about jewish shit because when he was young his parents and community did. And to let it go would be complete mental breakdown and a trip to the insane asylum (probably already needs that). I’ve read his substack and it’s just a joke. Geology of Greek gods as… Read more »
Fucking for real? Descended from Abraham? We have the geneaologies of the Greek Gods, they were descended from the Greek Titans who were descended from Gaea and Uranus, the third group of their offsprings, that ones that weren’t gross weirdos with 50 heads and a hundred arms or one big eye. I mean, honestly, I don’t really blame Uranus for locking those first two groups away in the basement, that’s embarrassing.
Go read his substack. I took the time to refute literally every sentence of one of his articles from a physicalist (see: true) perspective. He’s insane.
You worship a jew hippie, lol
Who let this nigga back on here, I want my shekels back for having to read anything defending christianity
Bro you think we WUZ and rely on god of the gaps for every argument. When the Chinese finally close that gap what will you do? When every “quality” is quantified? What will you do I wonder.
“Out of context”
“That’s not my super special interpretation.”
And that’s how you know you’ve beaten a christcope in debate. Dude a source on your substack is literally a webpage where it shows Greek gods being real people with genealogy. I read through all your shit and you’re a moron. Whatever personality type your brain emerged with makes you cope instead of face harsh truths. It’s how you end up with schizophrenia.
Kanye says “Hitler was soooo fresh”
I mean yeah, a child can tell you that
We nuked Japan to force an unconditional surrender
Because Jews wanted to get rid of them having an emperor. They won’t allow a country to have one person with the power to wake up and say, “You know what? Fuck the Jews.”
Probably to flex on the Soviets and just the rest of the world, too.
Lol Darryl is Darryl Cooper, MartyrMade. The guy Tucker had on to discuss how WWII was Churchill’s fault. You guys covered him before
Bronson Pinchot is a mischling. Balki is Greek-coded
Listening to P&B Young Earth Cremationist. On the “8-10 burn pits but only actively used one at a time guy.” Another point is, why was the same pit burning in all 4 photos? What are the odds of that if his version was true?
We also owe Europe reparations.
The reparations can be the natural resources of Canada by allowing Canada to join the EU.
True, Americans owe the White world a lot
Not related to anything but an update on the rapidly expanding anti semitic trailer in Australia. Just some shitty mining power gel sticks left out bush, feds interview 3 “individuals of interest” associated with the explosives, no names when if it was Mohamed at the moment it would be broadcast. The prime minister was kept out of the loop and it was all supposed to be secret, says it’s “the work of paid criminals”, ie bikers, with the silent public implication Iranians or something. Judging by the Jew burning his hands lighting up the synagogue, and all the poorly hortlered… Read more »
Oh yeah, and Heiling Uncle is 1yr federal too, I am beyond livid.
I only care about how this affects Randbot
Well he is a National retarded treasure, probably gonna cop it.
The feds have gone even more super Jew, just saw a YouTube Aus commercial where a jacked white guy is lecturing about being in charge of your woman and a minority kid upvotes him.. “do you know what your children are watching” etc.
Literally on me way to the state polling station today, gun party again it is then.
Fuckin dog just knocked fettuccine on the carpet, I’m gonna fed post
That’s the only reason that I care about anything that happens in ‘straya
That’s the kind of contempt we expect and probably deserve as an Australian
I mean, if I were Australian I’d just start blowing up synagogues now because, already getting the punishment, might as well get the fun, too.
Haven’t listened to shoah yet but in case you missed it prof dave calls schmuley a “shitstain zionist rabbi” lol
Based Professor Dave. We need him to guest on the Shoah
Just fyi: the Witsit – Brianna Wu debate appears to be still on (now a week from tomorrow), but apparently the announced Palestine topic has been yeeted in favor of lower-hanging rightoid bait : “DEBATE: Should Trans Children Be Able to Transition?” Wonder who said what to whom
It doesn’t appear Bianca Censori, Kanye’s hoe, is Jewish.
She also looks Italian, what she’s purported to be.
Always nice to see an Italian couple
I almost coughed my drink up man damn…
Borzoi and JN saying the same thing, cats and dogs living together, pandemonium
Bianca Censori isn’t jewish. The Kino Casino crowd made that up. Their only source was a fake news article that claimed her family said it on Facebook with no sources whatsoever.
Had to look her up and she is lesbian race.
Well Kanye beating her will contribute to lesbian domestic stats.
And now the Groypers are spreading the lie that Zoomer Historian is Jewish. He’s a retarded British whiteoid that intermittently counter signals Palestine, but I highly doubt the guy that spent hundreds of hours producing Third Reich apologia is Jewish.
It really does cheapen antisemitism to just call everything you don’t like Jewish with zero objective evidence. I do think Fuentes and the Groypers are allowed to fester because they make calling out Jewish power look gay and retarded. Why the fuck should Fuentes be allowed a platform on X, and not Dr. Kevin MacDonald?
Nick calls people Jewish as if he can’t be owned by a retort like calling him a mongrel (which he actually is). Plus, he’s still shilling for a race mixing retarded nigger.
I watched Nick regularly from 2017-2020, he eventually devolved into a cult of personality and continues to be such.
I watched him regularly during the same time frame, peaced out in late 2019. It was interesting to see how he devolved into being connected to the worst people, Milo, the CatBoy etc, and then jumped on board the Trump train only to be standing with literal rent boys.
Calling people bots or feds or whatever cope is just that. There’s lots of people who are wrong about things and have internet access
felted sources there, buddie
someone needs to do an edit of the ending with “stop the hate, separate.”
Happy Friday fellas!