You've made an isolated demand for NIGR, and Mike, Louis and DK have heard you. We discuss the military, diplomatic and political implications of Trump's Gaza announcement with Bibi, explain why it's unfeasible and speculate about what could really be going on. Do the Jews have a trick up their sleeves, or are they just flailing in desperation? How does this relate to the other moves by the Trump administration? (Also, I swear, I told the AI to generate a logo for Map Check, not BAP Check, but here we are.)
trying to find where to download the outro song
Comment for support. Great show guys. Love these Map Checks.
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Goddamn right
The show was great
This show fulfills a need I have had for something more serious-minded to replace Strike & Mike. Good job Mike and Louis for doing so. You set high standards in your audience and are fulfilling them. Gondent appreciate.
Call that RW “DO YUO SEE?” parei-coal-ia
(Pareidolia is when you see faces in trees and bunnies in clouds and shit)
Can you imagine getting a personal audience with Yahya Sinwar!? I’d die a happy man if I could have met such a great man as him.
DK writes things? Where can i read it?
I looked at the show art and thought “damn this is GAY” then I looked at the show title
rightoids have a posturing addiction, they look at politician and write posture porn fanfics about them.
for example they conceptualize an officer corps as a social faux masculine drama club standing around a table arguing like that american business man movie did, but as a meme which went above the rightoid head.
they hate one women but i find this exact behavior in women.
Since ISIS is attacking Shia villages in Syria and just over the border in Lebanon (at the same time as it plays dead for the IDF), and since Lebanon’s new PM, president, and a chunk of its population are rooting for Hezbollah’s destruction, I wonder if Lebanon and Syria should just be carved up like Yugoslavia so the Shia can put together a new, contiguous Shia state. Sort of like what the Kurds are trying to do at the intersection of three countries.
This ISIS assault on Beqaa Valley villages is a naked Israeli op against Hezbollah’s base of support.
A separated Hezbollah-ruled state with the backing of a unified population, like Hamas in Gaza, would be way better than the current setup in which it’s constantly getting attacked and subverted by the shitty judaized factions in Lebanon. The adjacent Shia areas in Syria could secede and join the new state.
Unfortunately, any secessions would require muh “multipolar order” to get off its ass and back the Shia up with force and diplomatic power, something I doubt anyone but Iran is willing to do. In comparison, the US is constantly carving out new countries like Somaliland, Kosovo and South Sudan.
I also don’t accept the jews’ baked-in premise that Gazans have to relocate /outside/ Israel. Given how sparsely populated the Negev is right next door, Gazans can set up camp there while Gaza is restored. C’mon jews—you’re always talking about how diverse and integrated Israel is, and your Arab citizens have indeed been completely docile since October 7th. I’m sure after a couple generations in the Negev, Gazans will be just fine.
To this day, there are still abandoned Arab ghost towns inside Israel. Take in Gazan refugees to repopulate those towns, jews, and give your dying economy a boost!
The counterargument to Shia separatism is that it would only distract from the fight against Israel. Every time I get frustrated over Iran sticking with pan-Islamic rhetoric instead of embracing Shia separatism, I realize that they want to keep the focus on Israel.
If Lebanon blew up like it did in the 1980s, that would only be a huge gift to Israel to walk right in like it did in ISIS-run Syria. Any separatism may need to wait until after Israel is destroyed, and even then a superpower would need to step in and enforce peaceful population transfers.
Also as to the Palestinian EOD issue Louis may find this story funny.
I worked with a Vietnamese guy once who was quite old, he said when he was a boy he and his buddies would go find old US bombs in the jungle for a day out.
They would cut the casing open with a greased hacksaw and remove the explosives, to make “firecrackers”.
Other kids would swap them smokes or wine for some of it too.
Am tempted to press X on this, but it is so funny and based I believe it!
I’ve tried 3 different AI image programs since we last spoke
Why does the pic remind of the standard fuck party? With that many guys on the panel, the action should get hot and heavy. It’s should start almost immediately
Netanyahu spent half his childhood in United States. He speaks English fluently
He used to live in the same neighborhood Bill Cosby has his mansion in today. They even have pictures of Bibi at the high school he went to in Cheltenham county.
Man there’s a no good goin on in that neighbourhood.
Whoa I didn’t know that, holy shit just when you think this country is kiked tot he max you find new depths that America has already plumbed
Arnold can’t be president. He’s an immigrant and I don’t believe the USA would have passed an amendment just for him.
That depends if it’s Running man future or demolition man I guess
You have to read ‘The Meditations Of Marcus Aurelius’ in the original Koine Greek.
Tom bombadil too, it loses so much in translation
‘In The original German’ In The Original German.
FAP Check
blek fake history month ft. gay NIGR love
A tad unrelated but it’s funny to me how they recast Superman from Henry Cavill to a rather Jewy Jew who looks especially jewy at some angles. This has led to a lot of normies clowning on him for having a lazy eye in the new Superman trailer which is the most consumer/peasant form of anti semitism I am yet to see since all of us here know that the chosen people are more inclined towards having such “characteristics” 😂😂😂 Would be interesting if the Death Panel touched on the topic or potentially reacted to the trailer soon. Love the… Read more »
I feel like I mentioned at some point, possibly on prep, how jewish the new superman looks.
I recall this
Yoooo the two legends both replied I love you guys so much
I REALLY want to hear that lmao obviously I’ll search for the specific episode but about how recent was that? Within the last few weeks/months or earlier?
Around the time the trailer came out.
what’s sad is that Tankies like Maupin are obsessed with Superman because he is the man of Steel. Comparing Superman to Stalin being the man of Steel.
Ian Carrol’s take and speculation of the whole situation is much more nuanced than you guys are giving it credit for. You didn’t even watch his video.
Seeing you goon for a light-skinned Cuban octoroon on Twitter made me stop hating you. You’re a fascinatingly bizarre person
The borzoi redemption arc is long, but it bends towards radical inscrutability
I felt like repeating a joke, I try to refrain from gooning as it’s not good for you ☹️
Oh good I’m glad it was a joke phew
Wait what?
I know you are trolling, which is why I’m just laughing.
You’re laughing? I’m shilling for a Tik tok analyst and you’re laughing?
I was one of the few shitting on datarepublican when it was first shown for the exact reason of rightoids lying about Hanania and his funding. He is most definitely getting federally funded through the most obscure methods just not through the USAID program. I can give it one thing though and that is it’s indexing of Jewish orgs and how much money they get for free being publicly shown, even if that is a side effect.
I had to delete the tweets. It is impossible to understand the info that site spits out.
It’s alright Mike, screenshots are very alluring but when you look in to these things you immediately find out that these people lie with a massive agenda.
Strategic disinformation is definitely pushed out there in situations like this one. Muddying the waters and discrediting the accusers with debunkable claims
Yes, and my bad for contributing to the propagation of it before understanding it.
Wow, Hyperpodcastism returns AND there’s a pre-recorded NIGR already uploaded featuring Moike? Randbot’s lucky day!
Narrator: but it was NOT randbot’s lucky day…
Trump said he will cleanse Gaza to inspire violence against him and the chosen so they can justify anti semitism laws and enforcement
Gonna crack open a six pack of Schmitt’s Gay
AI is very unpredictable.
Real BAP check hours are happening right this instant.