Hyperpodcastism returns as Borzoi does a solo show covering the actual culture war in music with The War on Music by John Mauceri and perspectives on Weimar Germany with Weimar Culture: The Outsider as Insider by Peter Gay
Intro Song: The Moldau by Bedřich Smetana
Intermission: XIII. Le cygne (The Swan) by Camille Saint-Saëns
Outro Song: Variation IX (Adagio) "Nimrod" by Edward Elgar
It has been awhile since a hyper podcastism. This made my day. I doubt the week thing you got a kid and a life lol. Take it easy.
I already finished the next episode and it’s four hours long and I’m starting on the next episode today
You sound like the Heath Ledger Joker recording his own hostage video.
Legit lol
“Adorno is arguing for a fiercer attack of society; poetry has become barbaric because the elements that led to Auschwitz have not been dismantled.”
I agree and I vaguely recall Mike concluding similarly on TDS long ago. Mike said something like most people would claim Adorno’s statement is a lamentation, but Mike saw it as a threat and an urging to jews to extend the work they started in Weimar to the rest of the European world lest the cultural seeds of gentile liberation in Germany sprout somewhere else someday.
This was excellent, Boroi.I loved the bit at the end too, it is also how I feel.
Speaking of music, BorzAI, I’m wondering what you know about Carie Brownstein. My wife says that according to her bibliography, she “wasn’t raised Jewish”. This is likely because her parents divorced and the family probably didn’t attend Jewish temple. She says in the book that she “celebrated Christmas”. I tried to explain to my wife that this does not mean shes not Jewish. Please advise?
I mean it sounds like you’re explained it. All you can do is add that if jewish isn’t an ethnicity then why does it have more distinct genetic markers that can be localized than even other different ethnicities and nationalities
Don’t worry about the pronunciations, you do better than most. Its also fine to go with a translation right away. No one expects you to try saying stuff like Rindfleischettikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabengesetz.
There is hope for music, it’s called Maidcore, it’s Russian.
i actually quite liked this stuff myself too, i believe this is because it fullfills zoomer late millenial 2000s nostalgia.
its just that sorta vibe, but done better by russians.
Borzoi I hope you understand what you have done by promising us Nick Mason gontent?
Nick is the one who keeps telling me he wants to do it
That Shermberg (or however it’s spelled) piece an hour in sounds like the eternal neurotic Jewish fear of discovery while plotting subversion and destruction.
apology for poor english
when were you when borzoi return?
i was sat at home eating syrniki when pjotr ring
‘borzoi is return’
Great show!
It’s pronounced “Ent-ART-et-uh” (no secondary stress on the last two syllables)
Ahhhh, thank you
One aspect of Nazi normalcy was classical music.
Borzoi Boskovitch is not your bitch. But George R.R. Martin will prep in the car.
Na pipe smoking is cool AF
No worries about the German translations man
I’ve been learning German for 3 years and sometimes I just go “what the fuck”
Germans love trains so much they take like 8 words and smash them together to form a word train. You’ve heard of word salad but this is more like word wienerschnitzel.
Or how “cartoons” is Zeichentrickfilme
At least we have nouns being capitalized so we can parse through em
The start of this episode is so reminiscent of Spectre’s old show that I reckon it should’ve been called “Moonlight special”
Sheeeiit. This is definitely something I can sink my teeth into.
For a second I thought it was an episode of Hate House. Can you imagine my disappointment?
woop woop
17 minutes in, something I learned a while ago, the CIA funded/promoted Abstract Expressionism during cold war (Pollock, de Kooning)
This is one of the best episodes I have ever listened to in TRS and I have been here since day 1. Please please Borzoi do more. Solo, and at your own pace. One respectful critique though, READ THE HARD PARTS. This tendency we have of cowering from the hard and disgusting parts only helps the enemy. Just like we must force people to understand the Holocaust is fake, we must force people to read and watch the hard parts. Read the hard parts. One last thing, the anecdote of St Athanasius brought me to tears. If I come back… Read more »
I am excited for this unexpected content and my day is improved.
Frontal lobe intensifies
A weekly Melville show
You’re broadly right, but Korngold’s violin concerto and Hindemith’s Symphonic Metamorphosis have absolutely entered the standard repertoire for orchestras. They’re not Beethoven, but they are quite fantastic.
Some Jewish composers wrote some good music. Some White composers were subversive (eg, Richard Strauss).
I just realized I’m well actually-ing, but I stand by it. Mike said ages ago we don’t have to lie, we have the truth.
PS, EMJ is right about Schoenberg. He wrote decent music until his wife cheated on him.
I welcome the critique and correction. I’m not a music guy as I said so I’m not surprised I got a couple things wrong.
Oh nice! Thanks Borz.
You want to reference a movie that uses Wagner well then watch Excalibur 1981
Dad came back from getting cigarettes
Glad to see this back, Borz and thanks for reminding me why I despise Schoenberg with every fiber of my being. Jewish, creating the atonal composition system, and his garish works are disgusting and shouldn’t be celebrated.
Now that’s something I wanted to see come back
Right on my birthday too
Happy birthday Mr P
Best news!!! and the track is one of my favourites. I do not care about your plans, even if it’s just this one, it is great news.
Make this one top autistic intellectualism. Fuck fun. Too many grug shows. God save Hyperpodcastism.
I’m not an intellectual. But you had me at autist.
Somehow hyperpodcastism has returned
Years ago I sent the Death Panel a copy of Peter Gay’s Weimar Culture (as seen on white mail) but they never circled back to talk about it after reading it; glad you could give it some coverage here. One of the themes of the book is conflict between fathers and sons (Frederick the Great and his father), class conflict, etc and how terrible it was (by implication) that the Nazis ended Weimar by acting as the resolvers of conflicts. I remember reading the book as a grad student in the early 1990s and thinking “this Jew is admitting that… Read more »
But why is Peter gay?
My GOAT is back!
I’ve already started to record the next episode.
Will PB come back? Also yes. Want to build a backlog first and then eventually I can start alternating.
Will substack articles come back? Yes. Also will resume once I have a backlog.
Knightriders pozbutton would be the greatest podcast ever made
Holy shit we are so back