Mike and Borz discuss the rise of NRX at MAGA's gatekeepers, talk about the very black origins of St. Moses the Black, and then return Holocaust material in the second hour with Rudolf Hoess's Wolzek Woopsie, and go 1.5x speed on "They Fought Back" a documentary on Jewish resistance.

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I think if you were to produce a holocaust video of some sort, one good format could be cataloguing the progression of the arguments between holocaustians and deniers as they introduce new evidence and testimony about the gassing methods and events at Auschwitz. It may not serve as a perfect overview, but that would actually be an interesting chronology within a larger framework.
That would be great. Critical analysis of the engineering “how”, without even getting into much detail, I’ve found can chip through the wall of belief. When this or that particular “how” comes up, people will fill in the blank for them. I’ll say–“hold on, you’re making that part up, no witness ever described or even mentioned that. You can’t do this (argument) work for them.” Seeing the killing methods “evolve” over time provides an excellent way to lead into “oh, so mainstream historical consensus is no lampshades and soap? That person also said this, this, and this–the witness testimony isn’t… Read more »
Trying to think of a Procedurally-penetrated Moulin Rougelike joke but I’ve got nothing.
Always more Holocaust content please
This is actually a synagoguelite
When cooking your Jews you have to get the oven up to heeb before loading your bodies.
Preheat the oven. Speaking of ovens sexpest Stephen Bonnell belongs in one.
What’s that, Wojak extermination camp? How many Jews died at the Wojak extermination camp?
The conservative will tolerate being a manipulated slave if he’s told he’s a big man for going along with it. It’s a rationalization tailored to rugged individualist who wants to avoid social conflict.
“That’s right, cupflake!
Sent from my Jitterbug
I have no receipts, but I predicted kosher antisemitism lol
I watched a few thunderf00t youtube videos on Elon Musk so now I’m an Elon Musk expert. Elon has a lot of thoughts that make him feel good. He says them out loud, doesn’t put in the work and then moves on to the next nice thought.
Wouldn’t it be cool if Elon would actually do one of his ideas rather than just market it.
Wyatt’s dad.
“He works tirelessly for another’s gain, takes abuse never thinks himself a victim, views nothing as unfair, never complains, takes every insult on the chin, never expresses anger, hate, pain or discontent. The fake rights masculine ideal is the ultimate slave.”
The quintessential American.
The best acting performances in Americana were done by untrained actors.
Examples being R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket and Dwight Yoakam in Sling Blade.
“You tuning son of a bitch.”
Heads up Moike and Borzoi.
Bill Burr is playing Dave Moss (Ed Harris) in the newest Glengarry Glen Ross play on NY.
Ohhhh. I gotta see him do Moss’ rants.
I’m gonna hop a plane.
I think they focus on the gold teeth because they couldn’t possibly imagine killing a bunch of people and not extracting every possible bit of wealth. It’s them projecting as usual. It’s what they would do to you
Mike I would definitely love to have a documentary by you on the Holocaust, as you have a talent for parlaying high level information in such a way that other galaxy brains like us can then dilute it for Midwits. I’ve developed a lot of my own go to arguments over the years. My personal favorite being “if blacks and others claim that being a minority is awful, why would I want to be one? And support a system that aims to make me one”? I usually ask that after I ask who on arguing with if they agree that… Read more »
*cracks whip*
*crack* *crack*
*lively piano accordion*
Deniro/Spacey Lunch Supercut.
Not bad.
Moses the Black just seems like the 4th century General Butt-Naked
General Butt Naked redemption arc
The idea that everywhere outside of the West is incapable of having running water & paved roads is asinine. I don’t think Jews believe this either. Mexico has running water, paved roads and subways. As someone who has been to countries throughout Latin America & Asia. I can say the world is much more functional than Enoch is making out to be. Everyone in the Philippines isn’t living in the slums. Middle class Filipinos exist. They have running water, electricity and I been on the subway in Manila. It is functional. There is a lot more poverty and those without… Read more »
I do think there’s a tendency to project the traits of black people onto all non-whites in American WN circles. It’s something that worries me, actually. I’m sure things will get shittier, but it’s not going to be like South Africa.
Though, in conjunction with social norms that glorify and spread mental illness, as well as this system’s tendency to atomize everything, it might not even be as good as South America.
Not even South Africa is South Africa.
Well my rebuttal would be that all of those modern conveniences that they’ve caught up to are our inventions.
Indians can really poorly build a train, but the English invented them.
And quite confirmation biasingly Japan has a couple IQ points on us and has the fastest trains today.
Australia has one of the best safety records for aircraft and infrastructure, now we’ve got doors falling of planes and power failures.
Since we imported browns.
The only foreign engineer teams that have taught us anything are Nords and Japs.
There were other civilizations besides Northwestern Europe & Japan. Throughout most of history China was more advanced. The Chinese defeated the Dutch in 1662 and expelled from their colony of Formosa. Even colonizing the island themselves. This was centuries prior to the Russo-Japanese war. During the discovery of the New World Khanates were still ruling over parts of Eastern Europe. Crimean Khanate, Nogai Horde, Ottoman Empire, etc. During the height of White supremacy of Northwestern Europe in the 1800s the Ottoman Empire ruled over parts of Eastern Europe. The most powerful of these Northwestern Empires, Britain, lost wars like the… Read more »
Very good points all round. The idea we haven’t lost a war to non whites sounds very MuricaBoomer in my opinion, clearly we have at certain points. Half of the men that ended up marrying my other Scotch ancestors held a clan head’s son (my namesake) hostage on an island for years after he lost a battle for fucks sake. I advocate positive discrimination, faggots don’t want you doing that because it’s actually civil and works. I have a lot of respect for Māoris from New Zealand for example, mountainous sized friendly folks that actually beat the British to a… Read more »
P, B and the J:s – best show on TRS
countdown to mp3 download
i would actually enjoy a big dive into this
The Warsaw ghetto “uprising” was just a chimpout akin to the stuff BLM does. It was not as Borzoi said a truly nationalist uprising.
So I guess you could say this video is Elie Wiesel Tier?
*nasally uptalk with vocal fry* Interesting!
Interesting they talk about humiliation because this seems to be the technique Jews love to do to Palestinian prisoners right down to stripping them naked. It’s almost like this is pure projection.
And then there’s the violin music! Of course!!!
Another thing that’s not talked about often enough is that wasn’t just simply Jews in these stupid concentration camps. Ironically Russian POWs, communists, gypsies, etc are barely mentioned ever for obvious reasons.
Won’t someone think of the Jehovah’s Witnesses!?!.
Gypsies (which are Jeets) are probably the one group more hated than Jews
Gypsies was mentioned in my school, but I never heard of POWs being in the camps. I think the first time I heard of Russian POWs was on TDS.
Ball sack? 😂
The Germans used every part of the Jew
Nose-to-tail human soap shades
Send this nigga to the credibility enhancing chamber
Instructions unclear sent nigger to the retard squisher (from Randbots show)
Is the website being a slow faggot or is it just my third world Australian internet
ǝʇɐɯ ʇᴉɥs sᴉ ʇǝuɹǝʇuᴉ ɹnoʎ
Fark I’d better throw another shrimp on the barbie fire under my steam generator.
The ANC and similar kaffir gangs like the EFF have leeched off the anti-Zionist struggle to cover their black asses for years. The EFF has unironically supported laws against Holocaust denial and has admitted to taking jew money.
Yes Mandela the school bus bomber was trained by Mossad.
Once the kikes were done getting nuclear materials, arms design information and “kaffir killing germs” research from the South Africans, they unleashed the nigger hordes to make sure not only that one more White free state went down but that all their machinations were concealed, and that their Diamond trade was secured.
“What’s not to like?”.
Tyler Perry’s Madea goes to Delphi
Tyler Perry’s Madea remains in Memphis
Hope you guys get into “They Fought Back” since I love when Mike does Redlettermedia style analysis of holocaust stories and boy do the darker and grittier “this ain’t your grandfather’s Holocaust” story needs deconstructing.
No Coke.
Cheebugga cheebugga
Thank God. I was very tired of rightoid Twitter.
Everyone everywhere on the Twitter and in politics is a retarded nigger now. It’s terrible.
It’s like if you trained bots to ape everything we were saying around 2017, but with no real substance
All these Domino’s falling. I’m fuckin starving now.
F5 Reporting
His finger hovered over the keyboard. With a sigh, he hit F5. The page refreshed. Nothing. He checked the clock. 1:01. He hit F5 again. Still no podcast. His impatience grew, but his finger kept tapping. F5, F5, F5.
There could be new gontent he thought, box wine coursing through his veins, with an internet connection you can go anywhere.