The Death Panel know who will govern Gaza.

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PO Box 867
Dingman's Ferry, PA 18328
Groundhog’s day was replaced by Hedgehogs Day in 1993. Every year we put Sonic on the ground and if he goes fast it’s going to be warm.
My wife seeks my validation and approval for every thing she does. Women are kind of childish in a way.
I really think you don’t know the difference between a town like Omaha Nebraska and a town like Memphis Nebraska. Your description of ruralites is basically people from cities that happen to be in farm states.
You say they don’t take a stand on race or faggotry. They do, but cities make the votes in these states. They outnumber the rural. Yes yes, Alex lives in a rural place… On the east coast. They are all still coasties there. It’s almost pointless to distinguish between rural and city on the coasts.
Minor correction Mike. ” Blacks are as American as ….Watermelon. ” “Blacks are American as Apple Pie”. I heard the exact same quote by Constatin von Hoffmeister on the EuroSiberian Podcast(within the first 10 mins thereof). #49 recently. 2 weeks ago. Small world.
I watched a crash analysis on the flight and the air traffic gave multiple warnings to the pilot who claimed to see the plane and requested that he’s allowed to do “visual separation”, meaning eyeballing it. It’s most likely the pilot in fact did not see the plane, but the one that was next in line to land. Night vision goggles are also being blamed for the lack of vision and the helicopter route in question has always been tight and the pilot was flying higher than it allowed.
And the one working the radio with the tower was a man btw.
Good info, I have aviation experience and agree, it was just an altitude fuck up, only one guy running radars for helos and fixed wing and probably a stressed helo pilot doing an important mission, two crew for VIP detail running check lists etc. This happened historically with commercial traffic until TCAS the traffic collision avoidance system was installed in most decent sized aircraft, it tells one aircraft to go up and the other down, instead of pilots guessing which path to take by radar warning alone. As far as I am aware, correct me any Blackhawk crew, their collision… Read more »
BFR can be used supplementally and is especially beneficial in a rehab program.
Good thing Alex was on the show.
I was hoping someone would bring up the total idiocy of plastering the wall after each gassing, when a bullet would be safer, easier, cheaper and a lot simpler to hide after the fact.
To quote the Minstrel TV person Chris Rock, “stabbin is cheap, stabbin don’t cost nothing, the electricity to kill someone in the chair cost $50, give me $50 back from my taxes at McDonald’s I’ll stab em”.
Brown hog gay.
“Craplousy plaster! Get some sonderkommandos in here to fix this!”
Really nice RSS feed you got there. Be a damned shame if anybody got to listen to the show.
They messed up and labeled the date as Jan 3rd.
If ya not careful Big Jersey Mike is gonna have ta rearrange your htmls
on a side note, i saw a clip of that twin-nigger-podcast in which one of them talks about watching Hitler speeches with English subs…
“hE sOuNd LiKe tRuMp!”
“Why’s everyone always saying Dewy Cox sounds like Bob Dylan? Maybe Bob Dylan sounds like Dewy Cox.”
Plastering is like this. You “key in” the first coat. Which was known as the brown coat because it used to have sand in it and for some time used actually horse hair. This was a thick coat. Second coat was a mixture of aggregate and lime plaster this coat is about 1/4 “. And can be recoated in about 24 hrs. The final coat or skim coat was just pure lime plaster or known as the diamond coat. After thus, depending on the humidity and temperature it can be as long as a week or more before it is… Read more »
Mike’s interruptions are Rated E for Everyone
I’ve always heard Jesse is a gentleman, this is proven by the fact that Mike isn’t in studio with him, so when Jesse finally has a stroke he can’t strangle Mike on the way down.
To go along with the first hour and them walking back dei. I like using the term post-european. America is now a thoroughly post-european country. Enough so that they’re completely fine with throwing all the anti-White and dei stuff in the trash. Because like you said it’s already accomplished it’s goals and is now just an inconvenient destabilizing force.
The question still remains how quickly they’ll be able to get dyed in the wool libtards on board though. Especially brown ones.
The south, low performance individuals, why they needed slavery. Nice one.
I’ll whip your ass anywhere anytime. Meet me down at the creek.
eww, it smells like Indians at the creek.
also of course a southerner would want violence. It’s the only language they know.
Is joke.
Yeah didn’t they invade the north to save niggers and.. awwwwwww
Definitely even got my wife to agree that women shouldn’t vote. That being said, I hear the same argument all the time that we’d be better off because men would vote red.
No nigga. We’d be better off because we might not have been in this red blue dichotomy in the first place, because 50 years ago during The times Jews were getting their hooks in, women were marching in protesting for every cause that Jews aimed them at
Adversity, Enmity, and Exclusion.
happy NIGGER month, everyone!
Tom Bombadil’s wife is Goldberry, the “River-woman’s daughter” which suggests she is like a naiad, a water spirit. She’s blonde and definitely white.
Was there a Tom Bombadil reference in this Shoah? I must have totally missed it. What part of the discussion was it in?
“Gay flag”
They call it the Union Jack.
Punxsutawney Phil is like the modern Oracle of Delphi — everyone forgets about all the other oracles.
E Michael Jones is triggered by Groundhog Day since it’s Germans running around the forest chasing Groundhogs
Through a forest no less
Canada has Wiarton Willie as our Groundhog
I feel like we need that in Australia, something to come out of its hole and tell us when summer is over, oh wait that’s me.
Puxatony Phil is the Einstein of groundhogs. Almost always wrong but still gets presented as the expert.
Moike with the esoteric Manly P. Hall references.
All Handicap signs should have a picture of Striker
Hamas takes Israeli rifles as trophies, Meanwhile Israelis take women’s clothes and children’s toys as trophies. It’s clear which side is good and which side is evil.
I have that White college enrollment is up for 2024. Black enrollment cratered and Asian enrollment went up the most. It varies school to school but White enrollment is increasing overall. Not as much as Asian.
Oh brother.
I can’t wait to wear the St. Brigid’s Cross that I’m about to buy.
Crosses that look like Swastikas are TIGHT!!!
The Ark of the Covenant was made from acacia wood. It was covered in gold. So we’re the poles to carry it.
In Minecraft.
I’ve had a lot of arabic muslims living in white countries coming onto my posts talking about how jews are victims of white war-mongering the same way that muslims are, so it’s not always white people acting on behalf of jews, it’s all over that everyone wants to do what jews want all the time. Hell even deepseek and the chinese shit has been promoting the jew shit doesn’t seem like there’s any opposing force anywhere
Donald Trump and Vance reversed the flow on the psyonic orgone accumulators at HAARP to raise the birth rate. All the dykes will be salivating over getting smashed by phalluses and procreating going into spring. Because of DEI trillions will die as dykes divert their planes into the nearest phallic shaped object in their sight field. Be warned the lesbos are itching for a downward pitching. Stay safe out there folks…
Clams In A Bucket — notoriously stepped right over comment
I came here to comment that
I’m just going to hold my tongue over the first hour pilot banter
Roger that.
Sad for any of the good people and the families of any good people who died on that flight.
If there were any Jews, thank you God.
Happy nigger month every one
For any of those who want to know what’s going on currently on the investigation of the 2025 Potomac River mid-air collision. From a surface level, it does look like the helicopter pilot was at fault here from my perspective. I’m no pilot, but I have around five flying single engine aircraft takeoffs from the runway under supervision from my instructor and 3 helicopter rides. As far as I know a heading is given to someone The altitude you will initially climb to after takeoff is typically assigned by air traffic control. Wiki post: The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB),… Read more »
Grok made a Muppet version of George Floyd:
the black box audio has the ATC telling her to look out for the flight, the guy claims she should’ve had plenty of time to do so, which is what he’d say cause he doesn’t want to be the one to take blame. Anyway, I don’t really care either way but it comes off as childish to immediately act as if it’s fact that the opposite of the “rightoid take” is what happened without any real evidence
Could you rewrite your paragraph plz? lol
First Rebecca Black releases Friday, then she kills a bunch of people in a flight collision
check out the Tex Hooper Norm bit
Commented on prep but will copy it over here as I think it’s worth stating – Wasn’t going to comment on the American civil trial system (but Jesse did ask what it was like in other countries…) We also have the same thing, just not quite to the same degree (though it’s getting there). We call them Ambulance chasing lawyers. As usual with these things, it was the Conservatives that introduced them (Thatcher) in an attempt to get the (infinitely smaller) bill off the tax payers back and make it public. So before she left office she had the bill… Read more »
Sven & Alex,
Are you Disturbed & Down with the Sickness?
Do you know just how pedigree Jewish Drainman is? How many rabbis it took to create this guy?
I fucking hate that I actually like most of their music.
Sven & Alex are more like this.
The puns… the puns!!
Gas gas gas
Disappointed Clams in a Bucket got no love
Being Sven on TDS is suffering
Captive Dreamer felt seen by your tweets.
Sucks to be him. I’m nobody
We need Rod Dreher soyfacing over the clams in a bucket
Actually said this out loud to my dog out back having a beer rn
Dammit missed it!
TDS Hour 1 tariff over
Had a great chat with Prime minister Sven, a great chat everyone.
We are so back
we are so black
… african timezone
sorry about the killstream man