The Death Panel tap the sign at Auschwitz again.

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Oh god Heartbreak Ridge must be Eastwood’s worst film – based around the invasion of Grenada – the US actually won that one as it was just niggers who didn’t much care either way. Funnily enough I watched The Boys of Company C the other day that was a late 70’s at-home version of Full Metal Jacket which had the same Drill Serjeant in it.
Regarding the Blackhawk crash…this kinda was a wamyn driver incident and not a controller problem. The aircraft commander was a female captain getting a check ride. She was off altitude and told the controller that she had the CRJ in sight which was why she was allowed to proceed. She was a very low time pilot (500 hours) who had spent the last several years working as White House Aid. That helicopter squadron’s normal duties involved transporting VIPs and usually the pilots selected for them have thousands of hours and every qualification in the book. She had very little experience… Read more »
If you go to cambodia and look at the killing fields, you will see what real mass grave looks like. The ground is completely uneven, because of the decomposition of all those dead bodies and there’s huge pyramids of human skulls, so big that they can fill entire towers with it.
Auschwitz is literally one of the first examples of microwaves being used to cook things.
How did they manage that without niggers to teach them?
Jews won’t understand this analogy since they don’t go outside, but if you’ve ever had trouble getting a campfire burning, it’s usually either because the surface area of wood exposed to oxygen is too low, or because the wood you’re using is too wet. Neither of which are resolved by tossing a big wet log on top of it. You’re far more likely to smother the fire than help it. You need small, dry kindling instead of logs. This is why you don’t throw women and fat dudes into the crematory to get the fire going. You have to use… Read more »
It was actually the helicopter’s fault. The ATC had nothing to do with it. The Helicopter ascended as the plane was descending. The co-pilot of the helicopter mistakenly said that they visually confirmed that the plane they ended up hitting had passed them, when in reality, they saw a completely different plane pass over head instead of the one that they ended up hitting.
The white people you’re looking for are no opinion on purpose. They have their shit together and purposely have no opinion because they know when you pick a team you will eventually have to cope and lie.
DUI hires lmao
Am still going with trumps fault.
They’ve had White Legos for two decades now
I don’t know guys; I’m starting to suspect that this Wyatt fellow is something of a retard.
Wyatt Twerp.
The Nazis wrapped my grandfather up in aluminum foil, and cooked him like a baked potato, butter and all. RIP peepaw
Now I’m starving
The nazis had a giant microwave oven. They cooked my brother on the popcorn setting.
Any Bryce Mitchell talk this episode?
*THE DREADED DOWN-VOTES, lmao. At the very least there’s a clear split in the mma space on “Hitler was a good guy” after this incident. Lots of “what did he say that was wrong?” and other comments pointing out that the UFC is literally owned by Jews. Mitchell is an idiot on most things, but he has a big fanbase, albeit mostly the MAGAtards. Just wanted to hear the panel’s take on the fact that a mainstream athlete has directly opened the conversation up a little more, will check again after Monday show uploads.
Sven, I just wanted to say yesterday’s Just Jesse was some of your best shit. “I want to live in a society where a pregnant man would be treated as a Monty Python sketch. In fact no one would ever even think about a pregnant man unless they were schizophrenic.”
And the reason we have pregnant men is because the slightly less retarded half of the country would rather have no vaccines than no Jews running their government.
Sven I’m interested in your favorite Faith No More songs
I celebrate their first four albums. We care a lot thru Angel dust. Plz go to YouTube and listen to my cover of “R’n’R”
I knew Alex was a fellow Lego space nigga
The licensed stuff is garbage, but Lego city still makes some good sets. Technic are still great. And some of the expert sets are a lot of fun to do with your kids.
The worst are the weird Lego flower sets that every woman ever buys.
Growing up I used to see R. Lee Ermey all the time at the grocery store with his Filipino wife.
Sven and Mike touched on red vs. blue after Trump. Tsk tsk you haven’t been reading your Brad Griffin. Population shifts to the sunbelt and Florida favor a continuation of the current “realignment”.
max power is some simpsons thing lol
“He’s the man whose name you’d love to touch…but you mustn’t touch.”
No that’s Hank Scorpio.
Steven Bannans looking like Coach Redpill. When does Steve get whacked by Zelensky in a Ukrainian gulag
To review Wyatt who?
Pete Hegseth would be the drunk guy goofing off that the Clint Eastwood Boomer hardass type would beat into shape.
Pajeet Truck drivers in Canada are absolutely terrifying. On Tuesday night one of them almost swerved into my when I was in the left lane (Semi trucks are forbidden from entering that lane)
I take issue with the conventional wisdom that flying is inherently safer than driving. This whole conceit hinges on the assumption that your safety as a motorist is representative of the AVERAGE driver. Keep in mind, that average includes drunk drivers, inexperienced drivers, elderly drivers, reckless drivers, drivers who travel in unsafe weather conditions, drivers without a license etc. I don’t have to look at data to know that the probability of a lethal car crash is massively skewed by this overly accident prone contingent. Unlike the passengers of an airplane, who all share the same risk in the event… Read more »
No, because drunk drivers and the other assorted retards can cross the median/centerline and hit you head on.
Does driving to the airport sober lower your odds of dying in a crash or not?
I never understood how people can’t drunk drive. Shit is easy af.
I can barely drunk walk plus I like having excuse not to drive. I hate driving, it’s too nerve-wracking these days, too many retards on the roads who don’t pay attention.
Fine, we can have a large White managerial class, but absolutely no women in it. Nothing but horrible experiences working under such volatile and unpredictable people incapable of decisive decision making.
This post smells of incel women-hate.
Not really, women make shitty leaders/managers. It’s just true.
No. I hate working directly under women. I do not hate women. I don’t even mind working with women. Women make SHIT managers and the higher up they are the more their innate weaknesses show.
People can cry incel all they want I don’t give a fuck.
Ask a woman how she likes working under a female boss.
The thing that sucks about women managers is when higher ups give them tasks or missions they will always say yes. Male mangers will pushback if a request or assignment is stupid.
Same deal with Pajeets they are yesmen
My worst experience is that they’re just bipolar. I’ve worked under extremely volatile women before and they’re very two-faced and cowardly about things. It gets me so fucking mad. I think things are all good but nope, angry phone call few hours later about some shit I was never even informed about.
Glad I don’t work for that place anymore
But it’s not their fault that they are being artificially elevated beyond their capabilities while being propagandized to view a man’s occupational achievement striving as a form of female empowerment that should be aspired to. An ideal society should always make room for the the Leni Riefenstahls of the world.
They should be paid to be stay-at-home moms anyways
Having a complaint about women isn’t incel shit. The man is just right.
Women these days are overall fairly crappy, they deserve having their jimmies rustled, I guess guys are shit too, but I ain’t trying to marry on.
Heartbreak Ridge is a ground version of Top Gun with FALs instead of M-16s. I don’t remember if the hostages were in Latin America or the Middle East.
Heartbreak Ridge is a fighter pilot war movie?
Heartbreak Ridge was set in the Grenada invasion. So they would have been using whatever version of the M16 was in use back then. Also probably the first appearance of the Kevlar helmet in cinema.
The movie has nothing to do with the actual Heartbreak Ridge in the Korean War, except the Clint Eastwood character fought there.
I’m digging the new fashy 7th grade English teacher Mike LOL
He truly is turning into his father. Peinovich Senior
”Are male African-Americans homosexual?”
This is the funniest show title ever!!!!
listen you must first be aggressively persecuted and suffer a thousand lashes, and then after having turned the cheek, maybe your christian god given first amendment will save you, maybe.
White Americans don’t use guns to revolt against ZOG because we’re masochistic Christians. We don’t revolt because we have no community or leadership.
And if we had either of those things an armed revolt wouldn’t be necessary anyway.
Turning the other cheek isn’t about letting other people walk all over you. It’s about curing yourself of narcissism by putting the suffering of others above your own selfishness. Yeah, it sucks getting slapped in the face, but as bad as that may feel you should not let allow it to elevate your own selfishness above the needs of people who are really suffering.
Why did it have to be White figure skaters? Why couldn’t it have been a planefull of Chabad Guys on their way to Poland?
Because it left from Wichita, not Lawrence or KC or Topeka.
turns out it’s easy to keep the weight off when you have AIDS
The Hind Rajab Foundation
Hey… at least you’re hated by one of the best.
Could be worse.
All this Trump activity makes perfect sense to me as an effort to boost White morale and economically re-stabilize ahead of finally doing whatever action will happen against Iran. Getting anti-Zionism from lefty college students is needed to make sure the Iran effort continues after they put Dems back in offices in midterms, but Trump needs to carry a recruitment surge and get committed to the war before then.
Jews conspiring against the civil rights of everyone else by using the civil rights act to charge people with a “conspiracy against civil rights” for condemning their genocide is so fucking Jewish.
You’re gonna get your Noachide laws and you are going to like it goy
Alex is a star trek Violacean – ah, I miss the days of when you trolled the audience by talking about star trek 👍👍
Well now I have to listen to the show. Hoping for some good Zadok Allen gontent
For unrelated personal reasons I wish I’d thought of this pun in 1998.
I have the White Paul Walker Lego w the R34
Bryce Mitchell is Hitler’s top guy
Why are the Simpsons yellow?
It’s set in the Jaundiceverse
You fellas just barely missed the mark the other day with the “deepkike” bit. “Heebseek” was right there.
The eternal rent seeker pajeets are now saying they are going to make their own version of DeepSeek to compete with China. I’m voting on ShowVagene.AI as the name
Even just “Sar” would be pretty funny
Ndeep Seikh
Alex looks like the guy that got dyed in blue in Big Fat Liar, except Alex is purple.
He looks like violet beauregard
BorzAI, tell me about jewish power without using the words, aspect, collapse, or simulacra.
“This site is unavailable”
The spending cut shit is just an excuse to install a middle man parasite somewhere in the system. It’s sold to retards as saving tax dollars because people are retards.
The star wars lego sets, and lord of the rings lego sets had white people features, Harry Potter too
But weren’t the clones Samoans?
Just a reminder that two weeks from today is the debate where they will try to retard-jacket support for Palestine by associating it with flaterfer Austin witsit, opposing Zionist shemale Brianna wu I REQUESTING TRS COVERAGE SARS
sar pls allow to complete tanks u
Why does Sbenpai, with his tied back hair, remind me of Terry Silver from Karate Kid 3?
I commented on this lol
Im glad Im not the first to notice, LOL!
There’s some coded maybe antisemitism in their depiction of silver in Kobra Kai; There’s an episode where some Jew comes into his dojo and makes some remark about when they were at the synagogue or something…I don’t remember the context but I think Silver is somehow jewing his fellow jew in some way and the whole thing seemed like an unnecessary calling attention to the character’s Jewishness (which I enjoyed)
Then later our friendly guinea wop Daniel san kicks his jew ass through a glass case
Stalin from Better Off Dead was more of a Chad.
He’s the best