Anti Science is TIGHT
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
by Seventh Son
Anti Science is TIGHT
GET THE ALBUM OF COLOR ON CD NOW. (Or look it up on streaming services whatever)
I think the issue that I had with the whole NJP collapse, and I think I might’ve mentioned this to you a year ago was that I felt like; because of the lack of transparency on things especially for supporters who were doing activism thinking they were contributing to TRS and the NJP it came as such a shock just to hear you and Alex start to shit talk all of it.
I know there were probably some bad actors on some level, but after doing protests and trying to spread the word of the NJP also thinking it would bring in subs to TRS it felt like one big personal attack and it was really hard not to take it that way, because it had been my identity for a while. Getting told everything you did was totally worthless. Maybe if it has come out differently at the time I would’ve taken it better, but even now listening to this it’s hard not to just think about how I was feeling… Read more »
I was so relieved when NJP went down and we were treated to Sven’s incisive rants about it. That shit had gotten old a d annoying. Frankly the NJP is what kept me from subscribing for years.
Sven, if you get a good idea you want to talk about on a podcast you need to write it down
Great episode. Glad TRS is going strong.
No joke, I took this amazing episode, edited out the NJP stuff and plan to give it to a waman I know as an intro into better takes and enlightened ideas. It’s important to point out how fake and gay someone like RFK is. The alt-health scene is toxic and dangerous.
I’m with Borzoi on this, my Pajeet hate can’t be turned off.
I still have games, not AAA, but I never cared for that slop anyways. The video industry has enough smaller creators you can easily avoid mind poison shit.
Spleen status: absolutely svented
I can’t stand Charls Carroll and I’m bummed that Sam and Charls made up. Charles ruins every PGL episode he’s on because he ONLY does right wing retard shit. He constantly tries to shoehorn in Pizzagate shit.
If you can’t stand Charls, just wait till they do even MORE content with Jay Dyer, who also literally believes in demons and said so himself on PGL.
Seems like Sam may be looking to cynically go along with the schizo shit because it brings an audience, while he personally finds it cringe.
Just call yourself a Progressive. That’s what the Nazis were, they were beyond simply being WNs.
JJ is a great show because of the meta introspection of TRS. So much has changed in 10 years when I think about our collective journey together. It’s not TRS that is sun-setting. It’s the entire WN movement itself and we can FEEL it. Your best memes from last year (aside from the pitch-meeting guy) was adding “-oid” to these groups that had finally caved to/shrugged off Zionism. You could always rely on Christoids & Rightoids to de-radicalize & turn gay. Never did i expect “Whitoids” to dare make me choose between my race and anti-semitism. As moike explained the… Read more »
Definitely the best Just Jesse episode. Top ten episode of any TRS show.
I’m going to well actually the indian thing at least insofar as all the indian hate is a psyop to cover for vivek/elon, it was going on before they said anything. I know someone who is a weird rightoid type schizo and he was talking about people doing anti-indian stuff were russian agents trying to poison the well against trump. I guess I can also do a small well actually on the tranny thing on the left side has “nothing to do with science” they have a bunch of fake science about “male/female brain” and that it is a physical… Read more »
I think I fully understand why Sven did the NJP steam on randbots show now, I thought I did before but not entirely.
Mike is no doubt the best we have, But it is still disappointing how much of a colossal failure NJP was. Fake it until you make it turned out to be an absolutely devastating strategy.
Ok I just finished listening to this earlier today, and I have a few things to say. I admit it was irresponsible just throwing that shit out there on BANG, so I apologize for dragging this stuff back into the light again. I was not trying to be accusatory or antagonistic it was just me honestly questioning it because I don’t follow all the nitty gritty shitty stuff and I figured we were far enough past it all that I could just ask questions. In hindsight I realize that it came off as a bit disrespectful or like I was… Read more »
I think people’s sensitivity to others is generally real. It’s just npcs reacting to their programming. I’ve known so many shitlibs who are honesty nice people and very easy and pleasant to get along with, but their firmware is completely polluted with dogshit. If an average person is propagandized from childhood that X is a victim category and you should feel bad for them, then 99% of people will. That’s the major struggle of our thing. I don’t WANT to lose the white impulse to be generally understanding and empathetic to our fellow man. I don’t even want to be… Read more »
it is truly a third position.
I meet a White person. They are pleased to meet me. We exchange niceties and perhaps feel a flicker of an esoteric kinship. This happens many times over. Eventually, one of us mentions something political. “I hate Jews, too!” We both say at the same time. And we buy each other sodas.
I still hold the belief that the only way whites will be able to exist going forward is if we become more barbaric and nepotistic.
oh dont worry sben i already 1.25 speed you, like i do with everyone.
2x speed Sven,
We must go faster.
Does anyone know Sven’s reddit account, I’m 90% sure I found Borzoi’s already
I don’t have a reddit account
Damn, found a guy on the anti-science post Sven mentioned that matched the digital footprint almost perfectly
This episode will put a major crimp in Jesse’s irl friendship with judicial noticer
Won’t just be noticed, it will be notificed
If it makes you feel any better, Sven, I’ve been a paying TRS listener for years now and I initially came to the site because I’d come across a podcast episode with those fat faggot fucks from I Don’t Speak German alogging the NJP 25-point plan.
RFK is at an interesting intersection of post-leftoid and rightoid. The argument that the medical establishment lies because profit motive is classic left liberal stuff.
RFK is just pure Retard like Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand
Ryan Faulk is a respectable and nuanced science disrespector. Doesn’t have much in common with tye people Sven is talking about, but the peer review study comment reminded me of his peer review critique.
Did he stop being a Trump glazer?
Well more or less I think.
He’s a lesser of two evils guy still, but I don’t see him going out of the way to shill Trump or lie about him. His takes on science are pretty good in some ways, but his libertarian nature leads him to deconstruct the idea of epistemic authorities in themselves, which will always exist. One area where I think Christian reactionaries are probably right is that it was better to have priests who also did science, rather than scientists who serve the role of priests. The latter has led, at least in part, to a world where you get tech… Read more »
While I hoped for the NJP’s success, I never attempted to become a member. Still, I’m a little irked by a lot of the information “leaked” about it by drama faggots post-mortem. The gist was that the people running the pool parties were put into the unfortunate position of manipulating and bilking pool party attendees into a pyramid scheme. It’s the least charitable position you could possibly take on it. My experience with the pool party during the NJP period was 100% the opposite: got to experience nothing fellowship with some of the wisest and most charitable people in my… Read more »
I’ll say 6 good things about Indians.
Nigga are you retarded?
I’ll be honest, before the recent meteoric rise in online pajeet hate, I was mostly indifferent towards Indians. My town has a not insignificant Indian population, big enough for there to be a few Indian grocery stores and restaurants, and the local movie theater shows recent Bollywood movies once or twice a month. But they mostly just stayed out of the way.
Seeing the recent issues in Canada with Subcontinentals, I’m convinced that my town somehow managed to only import higher functioning Indians.
And yes, Indian food is good, I’m sick of pretending it’s not.
I could list the bad things about Indians too to be fair.
The only indian food that is good is the Indian food that the British created.
Arab food is legit delicious though. Love me a good Shawarma
All these things are lies
I know you’re just troll-posting but I’ll respond anyways.
Now this is some good bait
1. White people can create highly spiced slop that’s better than “authentic” highly spiced slop.
2. If you are comparing them to negresses, maybe. They’re intolerable harpies, though.
3. Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
4. Get your own groceries
5. Lucky you.
6. Well, Jews aren’t a religion. And I don’t see what makes Hinduism better than Christianity. If the OG Hindus were Aryan Gigachads, it clearly didn’t serve them well, since their descendants are smelly, effeminate Jeets.
what a great show!
I tried hanging out in some tech focused reddit. Someone asked a retarded question and I told them to delete system 32, which got me a permanent ban.
Small forums being killed by reddits was the death-nail of the internet.
A bigger death knell of the internet in my opinion was algorithms and engagement farming. No such thing as finding Ryan Faulk or Gary Mosher anymore.
Here’s some gay ass Lex Fridman for you instead.
It is quite something how the jews destroyed and subverted the internet, almost down to the atomic level.
The internet could have been a wonder of the world, but instead we got this jewish dystopia and abomination.
Every time i see someone sitting and tinkering with their “smart” phones am struck by existential horror. They take something so full of promise with endless possibility’s and makes a drug out of it.
Gonna go bang a cute Indian girl to own the whiteoids.
Check and mate.
This show should really be called Dunstan checks in. Like the beloved Canadian comedy movie from the 90’s.
“Why is he talking to his crotch?”
One of the greatest monkey/ape movies ever made
Interesting episode with good insights on NJP. I feel like no Sven no TRS.
If I could pardon one person it would absolutely be Derek Chauvin to destroy the myth of George Floyd. Chauvin was literally just doing his job.
Also the McMichaels.
I understand and I wish I could exonerate them as well. They were totally justified in their actions. However, I said if I could pardon one person.
Derek Chauvin did nothing wrong and should be freed today and compensated with millions of dollars for defamation of character.
Nah McMichaels seem like better guys than Chauvin. Didn’t Chauvin have a gook wife?
Chauvin responded to a call. McMichaels initiated contact. I’ve already explained this but if you want to split hairs fair enough. I would absolutely love to see the Mcmichaels exonerated.
Pardoning James Fields would help destroy the myth that Unite the Right marchers were violent.
apparently people like to use the pregnant man emoji to mean they’re full after a meal
It’s hard not to just see it is a man with a belly full of pasta.
“Apparently” yeah me to the entire family group chat after a pidzer
Some subreddits you need a certain amount of karma or be a member for a certain amount of time before they let you post. The site is insufferable
I’ve been banned from subs in the past for just attempting to post
Post? What is it you think we do here?
Hydrogen Peroxide, not recommended for open wounds
1:23:22 You’re welcome, Spectre. Hopefully this one makes the intro cut.
I can’t imagine ice fishing and not drinking
After all, hunting sober is like fishing… sober.
Just in time to be played on Randbot’s show
that just means Sven has to go on Rand’s show to prevent him from replaying the stream
hell yea
Shitlib anti-science aka maggots and race has a bigger body count than rightoid anti-science
AEW is just a poor man’s WCW.
So are you a NAZI or a FAGGOT??
I feel like I don’t need any scientific evidence to prove that highly processed and super-heated seed oils are not as good for you as natural animal fats our ancestors consumed for thousands of years. There is evidence, though, and the chemical they use (hexane) to extract something like Canola oil from rape seed is toxic, and they can’t remove all of it. With that being said, I never want to be lumped in with the anti-science crowd. I believe science should be continuously questioned in favor of the scientific method. “The science is never settled.”
Sorry Svenpai but my hatred of Indians will always be constant and fierce so if rightoids temporarily step into my jet stream because they got permission, whatever. My eyes stay on Israel and the subcontinent
based and sarrrpilled
All the priests near me are Indian now. Every church on Beech-Daly in fact.
Pajeets are scum of the earth and the fact that they are able to breathe the same air as me is a crime. They are the biggest reason I believe that this realm we live in is hell.
Idi Amin should’ve just said “Lol sorry Jeets, Uganda will be your eternal tomb.” And destroyed them instead of letting them flee to spread their racial disease
Turbo-death to all Jeets
Just Jesse is my favorite podcast now
Always has been
If you use AI to mute Mike and Alex’s audio, every show is Just Jesse.
WTF I’ve been doing this by hand; I could have been using AI this entire time??