temperature rise is happening objectively and we are in roman temp period now and going beyond it(unprecedented), and its presumed to be due to gasses but methane is probs just as big of an issue as co2.
what’s more however there’s also no discussion ever that i see (could be my fault) of any equilibrium effects the earth has beyond the basics such as the radiation stuff for example.
January 24, 2025 12:18 pm
Netherlands (27.5 hr/wk), Germany (27.75 hr/wk), and Norway (28 hr/wk) have the lowest work hours in the world, how’s that for protestant work ethic? Since they’re all prot countries, I think it’s just an anglo thing.
you do know that labour hours are not the only thing to look at though right.
in the continent protestantism has malformed to a all work feminism culture.
southerners whine about us supposedly working less quite often, but we have more working people in total, i live in a area with 2.5 percent joblessness for work able people.
whist the negrified west still has only 4.5 percent joblessness.
greece averages 15 percent.
this isnt me rooting for total labour economy btw.
yeah but chinese slaves work more so we need to work even more than 40 a week maybe like 90 a week and also for less
January 24, 2025 12:13 pm
Home Improvement wasnt a woman knows best show. Tim is depicted as highly capable he just sometimes gets in over his head but he figures it out and fixes it himself. Jill was pursuing higher education but she also fucked up. She often learns empathy for her husband as part of the moral lesson
N-Word James Almost
January 24, 2025 12:07 pm
Ahh comfypoasting. I miss Home Improvement
January 24, 2025 12:01 pm
Watching Hamas destroy IDF infantrymen and tanks in the “Meet Hamas” segment of Mike Check was invigorating. I was in my car going ALAHU AKBAR along with Hamas I will never not get joy from watching those warriors at work
Brain Salad Surgery ain’t too bad after you get past Jerusalem.
Wtf they talked about other stuff then music? Or are you guys just commenting from the last episodes as i did?
My god they talked about all kinds of things.
temperature rise is happening objectively and we are in roman temp period now and going beyond it(unprecedented), and its presumed to be due to gasses but methane is probs just as big of an issue as co2.
what’s more however there’s also no discussion ever that i see (could be my fault) of any equilibrium effects the earth has beyond the basics such as the radiation stuff for example.
Netherlands (27.5 hr/wk), Germany (27.75 hr/wk), and Norway (28 hr/wk) have the lowest work hours in the world, how’s that for protestant work ethic? Since they’re all prot countries, I think it’s just an anglo thing.
It’s 100% an Anglo thing. Anglo capitalism sucks
Truth. Crapitalism ripped the Anglosphere to shreds.
you do know that labour hours are not the only thing to look at though right.
in the continent protestantism has malformed to a all work feminism culture.
southerners whine about us supposedly working less quite often, but we have more working people in total, i live in a area with 2.5 percent joblessness for work able people.
whist the negrified west still has only 4.5 percent joblessness.
greece averages 15 percent.
this isnt me rooting for total labour economy btw.
yeah but chinese slaves work more so we need to work even more than 40 a week maybe like 90 a week and also for less
Home Improvement wasnt a woman knows best show. Tim is depicted as highly capable he just sometimes gets in over his head but he figures it out and fixes it himself. Jill was pursuing higher education but she also fucked up. She often learns empathy for her husband as part of the moral lesson
Ahh comfypoasting. I miss Home Improvement
Watching Hamas destroy IDF infantrymen and tanks in the “Meet Hamas” segment of Mike Check was invigorating. I was in my car going ALAHU AKBAR along with Hamas I will never not get joy from watching those warriors at work
“Hello, fellow Hamas enjoyers.”
I like 櫻坂46…
I hope Palestine have started collecting shoes. After all this is over i want to see a gigantic pile of shoes.