The Death Panel are just 200 episodes away...

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To answer your question Sven about that lead singer of Deicide it’s Glen Benton and he is a total dimwit!!! All about railing against Christianity and religion but never points out bagelville or the nose tribe. He would probably be a right toid. I mean they’re awesome musically one of my favorite bands but yeah as a person he’s kind of a simpleton to put it mildly.
I enjoyed a shriveled black gas station hot dog while listening to the Cerno bits. Thanks Death Panel for “improving” my lunch on the road
Yeah, I’m going to countersignal the “I don’t find nonwhite women attractive”. It’s hard to take that kind of claim seriously. I’ve seen attractive women of all races, with the exception of Australian Aboriginals *. I just don’t think it’s a good argument against racemixing as it’s obviously untrue. Avoiding cultural confusion, having kids that look like you, the fact that white women are better looking on average, that a lot of brown women are a bit smelly and that chinks find us smelly, hell even the fact that you would want to be able to donate organs to your… Read more »
Using lithium batteries to regulate electricity demand is retarded, pumped storage hydropower is much better.
Achtually,overproducing thermal power in high temperature nuclear plants is an uncontroversial good thing. Because if you have extra heat, you can use that heat to run carbon and water vapor capture, synthetize methanol in industrial quantities, and store the methanol. Methanol isn’t as good as gasoline as far as power density goes, but it’s a very clean fuel, and existing gasoline infrastructure (including vehicles) can cheaply be adapted to methanol. So your nuke plant fills methanol storage tanks, if there is a power spike of death, you spin up a methanol turbine power generator in the same plant and cover… Read more »
200 episodes away yet the summer of 14/88 seems so long ago.
Or 88/14 I guess it was.
Is the cutting off of Philistine foreskins really that much more barbaric than what the Assyrians did to their enemies or what the Egyptians were doing? I’ve always felt that looking at the OT outside of the broader context of how the world functioned at that time just doesn’t get at the whole picture here. I mean I get what is trying to be done when commenting on this but I do feel like trying to paint the Hebrews as the only group ever in the history of the planet that engaged in barbarism is just not accurate.
fair point but they are still cutting off foreskins in modern day and still practice the barbarism
Yeah and I think that is a very valid criticism that I would agree with.
The Conservative commentator/Matt Walsh part reminded me of a ‘bit’ a year or so ago you guys did on ‘Quiet quitting’ and it was one of the funniest things i’ve ever heard Mike say. Jesse was talking about guys working less and less, and it basically being the same as getting themselves a pay rise as they’re getting the same money for less work. He asked “What’s the problem?” Mike said “No, there’s no problem. Work’s bullshit, this company’s gay, I’m just here to collect a check and fuck you” I LOL’d, hard, for a long time. Wish I could… Read more »
The American dream is to leave America.
Wait, you guys have Richard Spencer fights on video?!?!?! What the fuck! I want to see them!
Dyatlov: Cernovich, are you stupid?
Cernovich: No sir
Dyatlov: then tell me how a woman has a cock
Cernovich: I saw it
I’m an expert on niggers.
How does a woman just step over her husband’s article about SUCKING PROSTITUTE TRANNY DICK and marry him????
What is the origin of the “Fuckin’ faggot!” drop?
gotta be the Nazi in “Falling Down”
I, for one, love the smell of my salty ball juice. Idk what cernovich is on about
You didn’t need to post that dot gif
If you want a picture of the future, imagine an increasingly sundowning death panel recycling /rediscovering the same degenerate gontent again and again forever (black micropenis, pinworms, pool party, primitive root wiener) while borzoi tears out his hair in the background
Whatever happened to Hayden at the SPLC? becomes whatever happened to the flat earthers, James Lindsey and Zelensky?
The alt(zheimer)-right
“Remember when bulbasaur C-logged that Professor Dan fella? Bbbased”
Jamie have you been sneaking off with some Mike Enoch character?
Its called Operation Broken Heart. And it started under Obama administration
Cannibal Corpse did a song about the proper way jews should be circumcised:
Carl: ya gotta accept yuh penis beforah ya chop it off
Master Shake: You are the gayest philosopher since gay came to gay town.
I was trying to eat breakfast, dont start with disgusting stuff. D:
Always happens to me as well. I put on the shoah And bite into a sammich….
Look at the Roman Aqueducts and imagine where we should be you nuclear deniers.
Reactor operator here, operating temperature for plants is fairly consistent whether nuclear or coal, it’s about the steam temperature and pressure needed to make the turbine spin and provide usable power. Also, the way power demand works is that when load on the turbines goes up from higher usage, that slows the turbines down which in turn causes frequency regulating valves called governor valves to throttle open, drawing off more steam from the steam system or top of core if it’s a boiling water reactor, which in turn lowers coolant temperatures for the core. This causes you to just have… Read more »
I did NOT know that Homer Simpson was a subscriber.
There were photos of James Gunn at pedophile themed parties with convicted pedophiles that seem to have been wiped off the internet.
He allegedly has a lot more smoke than his “jokes.”
edit heres at least one
nah man everyone in hollywood is an upstanding citizen and probably not even jewish
I don’t believe Gunn is a pedo. He was doing Xer humor. People talk about his pedo jokes, but also forget the holocaust jokes, Anne Frank jokes, and Helen Keller jokes he made too. Gunn is not jewish, he came from an irish family and went to a jesuit school. When he got “canceled” and started making his redemption arc and debuted his new white hair, he cleaned up his image. Supposedly even claimed he was partially jewish in an interview one on his climb back into the good graces of Hollywood, although there is zero evidence of this, and… Read more »