Mike and Borz discuss the particularly Jewish perversions of Neil Gaiman, his connections to Scientology, Scientology's relationship to Jews, the case of Maxwell Frost and why brown and black poliicians will always stab Palestinians in the back, how the Tunnel Jews and Hilltop Youth have triumphed with Trump, and give a preview of future discussion of Theranos and the intersection of Indians, feminism, Jews and Silicon Valley vaporware.

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I suspect that authors like Sarah J. Maas (jewess) uses AI to write some of her novels. Why wouldnt a jew use their access to AI to make money without having to do any real work? Just feed the model the best selling books and have it do 90% of the leg work.
I don’t think Jews entering groups and especially fringe groups is always/solely/necessarily driven by an idea that a Jew should be involved (for the collective benefit of Jews). Rather, I think they want, more than most, to be a big fish in a small pond. They see some small hierarchical structure and desire to dominate it. I don’t think they look at it as “how can I utilize this for the benefit of Jews” primarily, but rather “I’m a Jew and I should be in some position of power or influence.” They of course are always orientated racially, but I… Read more »
We have plenty of source material for our ancestral religious practices. Since the source came from the indo-European root, our mythology is as old as any other religious path.
It’s still a reconstruction. Reconstruction doesn’t mean it’s just made up. It means an approximation based on what evidence we do have and we know from the history of pagan religions that their traditions are more of a system of beliefs that evolved over time as cults are born and die and get incorporated, practices change base on individual interpretations, etc. There’s no pure orthodoxy in this. That doesn’t delegitimize it in any way, your reconstruction is perfectly valid, but it is still a reconstruction. How for example do you prove your reconstruction is the most correct one vs someone… Read more »
Y’all are lacking an understanding of our ancestral mythology that can be overcome.
This has been a passion of mine for the past decade and well worth the effort.
So uhhhhh
early in my awakening I saw “yaboizack” or however he spells it and I noticed very quickly that almost any time race came up his takes were like “libruls hate blacks” and “only retards care about race swaps” so yeah there’s something going on there
Neil Druckman is a prime example of Jewish nepo baby mediocrity. I have such an unhealthy hatred of him.
From Neil Gaiman to the IDF, so many of these jews turn out to be sick twisted sadistic fucks. Gaiman also sucks as a writer.
I started watching the miniseries about Theranos Borz was referring to. It’s called the Dropout and the actress who plays Holmes is really creeping me out.
Do you remember when Trump said he was going to build a wall and deport them all”
Do you remember when Biden said he would ban AR-15s if elected?
Did either of those things happen?
Wait, a Jew named Dagon? Does he have the Innsmouth look?
And yes, Stan Lee’s Thor and norse mythology stuff from the 1960s is much more wholesome than any garbage Neail Gaiman would have put out.
Remember, Neil Gaiman wanted to put masturbation references in DC Comics and was told no by them in the 1980s. He has been a degenerate for a long time.
I thought of you when I read this article today, saar:
“In Hollywoodified America, Batman is a hero while real-life heroes in Gaza are villains”
good read!
I always hated Neil Gaiman even as a normie comic book fan, now as an NS, I hate him even more.
Neil Gaiman = Portnoy’s Complaint
Did they come up with Dresden Dolls to glorify Dresden? I’m curious about how she actually found out about it.
“At some point, the name became The Dresden Dolls. The name, according to Palmer, was “inspired by a combination of things”, including the firebombing of Dresden, Germany, and the porcelain dolls that were a hallmark of pre-war Dresden industry; an early song of the same name by The Fall; and a reference to the V. C. Andrews novel Flowers in the Attic, where the classically blond-haired and blue-eyed protagonists are called “the Dresden dolls”. The name also evokes Weimar Germany and its cabaret culture. Additionally, Palmer “liked the parallel between Dresden (destruction) and Dolls (innocence, delicacy), because it is very… Read more »
“2025 is the year of ‘TRS told you so’.” -Morrakiu, on Telegram
I’m just hoping I live to see Joe Rogan hosts David Lee Roth doing brain surgery with ai goggles telling him where to poke and cut.
Roth: “Watch this Joe, I’ll poke here and his dick will get hard”
Rogan: “I can’t believe they’ve been hiding this from us, making us take drugs, when just pressure can cure ED, BROOOOO WHOAAAA”
(Ad for battery stimulating erection helmet from India with Sebastian Gorka talking about his newfound hardness)
Is it all jews ? Yes.
The Hill Tops Has Eyes LOL!! That’s a good show title.
Frost talking about his “dreams” like he’s MLK or James Baldwin (a gay nigger by the way) is the classic example of blacks flapping their lips with cliches.
Gaza before this war was able to exist in a rather civilized state despite all of the restrictions the Israelis put on them. Meanwhile despite all of the aid, Haiti and other sub-Saharan settlements are complete shit holes.
Funny thing about Facebook. I recently tried to make a new account for just family and friends. I haven’t been on that site since like 2011. They forced me to open my camera so they could mugshot me and still denied my account.
There is a fuckin scam bot using my old account with an email I haven’t used in a long time. Markypoo is talking about wanting more scams on his site, but I’m not allowed to have a personal account for family and friends. Great site, bud.
“Why are you on facebook?” – Van Morrison
I’m also expecting on the Left, they’ll use classic tactic of intersectionality to destroy any sympathy for the Palestinians and Arabs in general. I’ve seeing the creeping of rightoid counter-jihad talking points like “muh women rights” or “muh Arab slave trade”.
A lot of left-wing Palestine supporters are so degenerate,Yahya Sinwar, if he was still alive, would have them shot. I hate that support for Palestine is coded as left-wing.
Ironically he and Che Guevara would be similar. Che seeing homosexuality as decadent and degenerate as well as viewing African blacks to have no revolutionary potential and extremely mercenary in ideology if they even have one.
Where does the “kinda crazy, right?” come from? I’ve heard that so many times but I’ve no idea where that comes from
It was a video of Jussie Smollett saying he was black, jewish, and gay, and then caps it by saying “kinda crazy, right?”
I remember seeing that, but I didn’t realize it was him
Do you have that clip? I was looking and I’m not sure where to find it
I spent 30 minutes looking but if it’s still out there it’s completely buried unless anyone remembers the precise video
My BorzAI has failed me : (
That’s so weird I just coined this exact same term in one of my group chats, BorzAI. Great minds pun alike
It’s pretty ironic that the jews fled the holocaust to go to the palisades, which also just experienced a cleansing fire
Mike were there any Abu Nidal fans?
After Mike said “Nabka” 8 times I just had to give up screaming at my phone
“this nigger is black” – mike peinovich 2025
Those were my very words when I saw some random pajeet at the grocery store one time. Fucker was so black, he looked purple
my go-to general store is now run by pajeets. i drove an extra 20 minutes to get smokes from a general store that i’d never been to, four towns over. I knew before he emerged from behind the counter. “Hello, saar.”
Maxwell Frost is a synthesis of every black nerd at my high school
Jazz band. Yugi-oh. Probably wanted to be a city planner when he was 16.
What’s with blacks and Yugioh? 😂
It’s the Egyptian stuff that’s in it. It scratches their “we wuz kangz” itch. Putting on my anthropology hat on, blacks seem to love anime like Naruto and DBZ because they like to imagine the brawls and fights they get into as looking like what they see in their anime. Blacks have a difficult time of separating television from reality even more so than your average White couch potato.
Fixed it.
There’s a ceasefire in place with borzoi’s audio
Borzoi is muted
Watch the 1968 movie “Wild in the Streets” the main character is Max Frost and he’s elected President when the voting age in the US is lowered to 12.
In the battlefield earth book the bad aliens are called “Psyclos” because psychiatry bad, they also breathe “breathe-gas”
Stunning literary strength from Hubbard
homosexuality is the result of sexual trauma. sexual trauma is the result of jewish power, directly or indirectly. this endless cycle of violence can always be traced back to jewish influence.
Gaiman’s wife sounds like a Ghislaine Maxwell archetype.
I was raped by captain janeway at a conference
Ensign Ro raped me at Comic-Con. I swear, I put up a big struggle and asked her to stop and everything.
Katie Sackhoff raped me behind the dumpster of the Arby’s near my local convention in 2010
I keep replaying what happened in my mind over and over again.
Died: October 30, 2022
Born: January 2, 2024
Welcome back Poz Button!
Twas not dead but sleeping
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aspects death may die.
It’s pronounced dun SAY nee (don’t blame me)
Edgar Rice Burroughs is another writer who heavily influenced science fiction and adventure superhero stories.
Was about to say this
When I was a teenager, long before I was J-woke, I read probably two dozens of the Sandman books and I remember liking them.
But then again I listened to a lot of The Smiths, Christian Death and Bauhaus, so I guess it tracks.
Gaiman was always viscerally repulsive to me, however.
Neil Gaiman would criticize Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s version of Thor and Asgard as being not “true to the actual mythology” . Thus he’s even more subversive since he would claim that that his versions are closer to the source material especially since he would claim to be knowledgeable of old Norse. Of course Professor Jackson Crawford who’s an actual Norse scholar would call him out on this.
Diversity and Comics would always say he had a black daughter, a Muslim daughter, and a Jewish daughter. Kinda crazy right.
Please tell me Alan Moore, Art Spiegelman, and other comic-oids are the next to get dragged through the ringer.
We’ve done Moore before
Art Spiegelman got some heat for criticizing Elie Wiesel for mythologizing the Holocaust and is also getting in the forefront for talking about Gaza with him teaming up with Joe Sacco to write their own graphic novel about Gaza.
Of course Spiegelman and Sacco are using this as an excuse to criticize “the values of western civilization”.
I’ve dragged them before. I will drag them again.
Borz is the co-host with the mo-host
I’m ready for the Neil Gaiman alogging!!
(((Someone))) really thought it’d be a good idea to name their son, “Kneel, gay man!”
I scrolled through all of the comments just to look for this one. 🤣🤣. Also, the other guy’s name is “Morecock??!!!” Herr durr. 🤣🤣
I’ve had to start rejecting watching the stream live, otherwise I have nothing to listen to on my walks. Sorry, guys.
just listen twice
Aspect ratio time
Peinovich, Boskovich, and…Molyneux?
And JF Gariepy
The Truth about Star Trek